Thoughts on Pyramid Head after 10 games against and 2 as.

Avarice Member Posts: 65


Now to the serious, review:

In general-

I think he's a balanced killer whose power requires tweaks and fine tuning rather than a buff or a nerf.

The good-

He has definitely been designed to have a skill cap in mind. The ranged attack that he performs has a short period between activation and attack and an aiming mechanic similar to how the Oni slams in demon mode. His dragging trenching ability requires some thought of when to use it as well as where to place it, so there is also a level of skil required to use it well, but I definitely do not think that ability will be the decider between a 4k and a 0k.

The Bad-

Of all my games playing against him he managed to kill 17/40 Survivors and of my games as him I was able to kill 3/8. The initial numbers are low, but as I said I think that he will score more kills as his player increases in skill level. One thing I did find very worrying in my games was that he is a very powerful EGC killer as well as a very powerful Camper. In one of the games I played as survivor he was able to hook a girl in the basement of the shack and proceeded to trench the basement, the basement steps, and the entire perimeter of the shack. In another game on autohaven wreckers the same thing happened, but instead the killer trenched the basement, the steps, and the interior of the gas station. Making matters worse is the fact that the trench can last longer than an entire hook stage. In addition to this I was able to play against one with NOED, who marked us all during the trial, and Once the generators were completed was able to quickly down and hook/Kill survivors in extremely quick succession.

The Annoying-

The VFX for being afflicted with the tormented status effect is not exactly up to par with other parts of the game in terms of design quality and is obtrusive for something that survivors cannot get rid of unless someone goes down. Additionally, his kill ability is really fast. Really fast. if all survivors were downed in the same spot, he could probably kill all four within the span of 6 seconds. I don't think this is over powered per se, but in the match I played where the person playing him had NOED, and would one-shot survivors and then Immediately murder them and chase the next surivor in no time at all it felt a bit unfair. Oh I should mention when the survivor was killed in the livestream, that wasn't his killing ability, that was his mori. His killing ability takes a much shorter amount of time to perform.

Closing statements-

At this point, after limited exposure to this killer in game I think he's decent, and requires fine tuning as well as some QOL changes to make him more fun to play as as well as play against. These are just my opinions, I'm not claiming to be an expert, and I could entirely change my mind tomorrow.