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Question about Obsessions

IMhereRUN Member Posts: 606

So I been playing for 3-4 months now after a long hiatus, last time I played we were advertising for Stranger Things DLC, which was in PTB and not available on console. So maybe there has been a change to obsessions since then? Here’s why I ask:

I’m playing a Nurse game, with no obsession perks (Nurse’s, Pop, BBQ, M&A). Here are my (unnamed) survivors’ perks:

Player 1: Borrowed/Bond/Sprint/Urban

Player 2: Sprint/ProveThyself/Borrowed/Spine

Player 3: Botany/DS/Borrowed/Deadhard

Player 4: Sprint/SelfCare/Spine/QnQ

In games during my last run with DBD before Stranger Things, my obsession would be Player 3...the only player with an obsession perk. In this game my obsession was actually Player 4, using no obsession perks. So does using an obsession perk not automatically trigger a survivor as the obsession any longer? Because although I don’t get surprised in DBD anymore, this one did in fact baffle me.


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