For the People + Soul Guard + Dead Hard + SWF

Sprinkle another second chance perk over it and it hurts my soul.
Edit: since y'all don't realize, wiping animation lasts long enough to come out of corner and use FtP.
tank Survivors
Can't wait to see the video of them taking 5 clean hits in less then a minute and then tbagging at the gate
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So what? May works exactly once. Against a skilled killer it surely wont work. With dedicated already never.
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Do I need to go against strong SWF to understand how it'll work? It may be incredibly strong and you can't deny it.
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I had the same exact combination a few minutes ago
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Come healed, use FtP, use Dead Head, let your teammate get a hit with Endurance. You probably forget that unless you have STBFTL, your attack recovery will give enough time to pull this all if the team is coordinated.
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3 perk combo to get 8 second endurance by grouping up. Definitely broken...
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So you haven't even seen this incredibly situational combo happen and you're still gonna complain...aight.
What about For the people + Mettle of man + styptic agent + dead hard + DS? This is arguably even worse to deal with. You've been able to do this for a good 3 months now but have you seen someone, even a SWF, pull it off, let alone attempt it in the first place?
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I think we really should wait and see how strong this new perk really is.
It's not as unfair as old MoM was and probably won't even be that strong anyway.
Remember how many people said that the new sabo is OP?
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Breakout could be powerful in hands of SWF, BUT as a team you would need to leave all your gens, come around a killer, bodyblock and become injured and that's if the hook wasn't near. It costs too much for each member of your party (4 injured survivors who aren't fixing gens). People were just saying it could potentially be very strong.
The combo I named requires only 2 people around, it may be still expensive to pull off (1 injured and 1 deep wounded but 2 survivors who are fixing gens) during an early game but it's definitely worth it during the rest of a trial if you know how to position yourself and how to play generally.
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These aren't even bad perks with FtP being the only exception. As if DH wasn't meta anyways.
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People tend to say that Sabotage was overpowered but it faced the same issue and Breakout did. Hook distances.
How do you suggest countering it, you down a survivor and while you wipe your weapon another survivor picks them up and dead hards away so it's only a picked up survivor near you. How do you counter it without specific perks, mister with connected braincells?
You don't need HEX for endurance to be triggered.
Get that pallet they've reached instead of hooking someone. As if you have whole time in the world before gens are done against SWF.
Again, wiping animation lasts long enough to use FtP, I know it because I used it like that, you don't even slug.
Ugh, you know what? DH + BT + DS + Adrenaline is far better for you, I guess, continue enjoying it.
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Optimal SWF strategy already involves playing as if the killer isn't hurting you. It's not like it's going to be any different, no matter what new perks there are.
I guess we REALLY needed a counter to NOED on top of it, though.
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a skilled killer can counter all of those perks, your just making an excuse because you cant hit someone more then 2 times
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A skilled survivor can counter all killer counters.💥 Don't pull that card on me, how do YOU suggest countering it without specific perks?
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i quit
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I used FtP right away like this and it 90% of a time a killer just hit the downed survivor again because during the falling animation the survivor couldn't move. With the new perk, however, it is highly possible to pull such a trick without any effort.
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And still it relies on the killer allowing it or not.
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Add either a Decisive Strike or some Borrowed Time and cook until well done.
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So here's the counters I could think of in about 2 minutes whilst writing this:
Soul guard gives 8 seconds of endurance. If you're fine waiting 15 seconds for borrowed time, 8 seconds is .5 second over half of that.
Play plague. FTP doesn't work if they're injured.
Say they go for this combo, then the broken one dead hards away. They've used their exhaustion perk and are probably in a bad position if the first guy was downed there. Chase them.
Use STBFL (a perk that helps all killers bar the Nurse). This lets you recover 40% faster at max stacks, meaning you can hit them again.
Alternatively, use perks like sloppy and thana- they must be healed to use FTP and if you're slowing their healing as much as possible (without that clown perk because it's awful) then they aren't doing gens for a long time to pull off a combo that should, at most, waste about 10 seconds of time (think- if they werent there waiting, that would be 3 gens popping not 2).
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Apparently every killer game is against a Swat swf now.
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Did I say that? Did I complain about the AMOUNT of SWF? I just pointed out probably a really powerful build, that's it.
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"Say they go for this combo, then the broken one dead hards away. They've used their exhaustion perk and are probably in a bad position if the first guy was downed there. Chase them". I guess if the position IS bad for them, this solution is the best one.
"Alternatively, use perks like sloppy and thana- they must be healed to use FTP and if you're slowing their healing as much as possible (without that clown perk because it's awful) then they aren't doing gens for a long time to pull off a combo that should, at most, waste about 10 seconds of time (think- if they werent there waiting, that would be 3 gens popping not 2)". Yeah, I like it as well. It's not like counter-counter but still makes it more time worth to pull off.
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If you're that worried about the combo, anti-heal killers/perks are your best bet simply because they have to be fully healed.
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Your saying this build is going to be incredibly powerful in SWF which in turn means your saying alot of killer games will be against SWF that make this build so powerful when there is a higher chance that you will be placed with solo queue as devs have confirmed