so.. myers nerf?

are we just skipping over the fact that myers is getting an addon nerf?
Its not gone unnoticed. They claim its a bug fix.
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Where can I find this? They havent uploaded the patch notes yet
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The Shape: Fixed an issue that caused the Shape's Evil Within extending add-ons to only increase the required stalking amount on the first activation of Evil Within III.
it's in the PTB Patch Notes. not sure how to navigate you there im sorry
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it's literally in his description, so it's not a bug lol. they're just straight up nerfing his add ons and passing it off as a bug
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It does suck for the people who used the duration add-ons. Imo I thought they weren't great, but the one thing I thought was cool about then was only need the default amount of stalk to get to tier 3 after it ran out, a "FEATURE" that I thought made those add-ons good for some players. But apparently it was a bug all this
By the way how long has this actually been a thing for? I swear it's been like this for ages and they've just decided to fix this now?
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it's been a feature for at least 2 years now lol. I actually use these add-ons everytime at red ranks because it actually let's me get another down on someone right before evil within 3 is about to go out. but now these add-ons are going to be pretty much useless as you'll only be able to tier up twice in one match where as now you can get it at least 3 times
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How is it a BUG when there's text explaining that's what its supposed to do?
What did the bug appear and they're like eyyy we'll add text for it till it's fixed.