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Is no one gonna talk about the new early game mechanic here?

Fiv55 Member Posts: 350
edited May 2020 in General Discussions

Seeing a lot of post about the new killer, perks etc, one of the things I was genuinly interested in, but isnt really a hot topic on here, was the mechanic for the early game. Statement from the dev stream:

  • They'll look into a mechanic similar to the Endgame Collapse, but focused on the early game

Scott Jund already made a video about it 3 months ago, explaining his own idea for an early game slow down:

Are you excited for this new feature? I think early game is pretty crucial for most killers, especially those with no mobility and/or time to setup (like hag or trapper).

My personal thought about the implementation: a timer just like EGC, but this time it goes 2x speed if a survivor is hooked/downed. While the timer is active, there will be some sort of slow down effect on gens.

What do you think? Your idea on how to implement this feature?

Post edited by Fiv55 on


  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    As long as it isn't abusable. The thing about Scott's idea that I felt wasn't great was the fact initiating a chase was what started it.

    A smart swf team will send a strong looping survivor to find the killer then it would cancel the gen slowdown. It will only make the gap between swf and normal teams stronger imo. It wouldn't help people like trapper or hag unless it's a solo team.

    If anything I feel it would encourage people to run object of obsession more.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675
    edited May 2020

    I'd need to know how the feature would actually work to have an opinion. The concept is good, but implementation is everything.

    Blocking generators for a certain amount of time seems like the most likely way to implement it. It's already in the game and therefore requires minimal effort.

  • TheLastGreatStar
    TheLastGreatStar Member Posts: 1,002

    Corrupt Intervention shouldn’t have been a perk, it should have just been implemented into the game. It’s not overpowered as gens can and will still get done. It just gives the killer more time to set up certain scenarios as there’s less gens for the survivors to fix.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,060

    If I remember correctly they did not even talk about Slowdown, just something which will ensure that the start of the game is fun.

    It depends what it exactly is, to give an opinion.

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,709

    Yeah hopefully when that timer ends, every survivor not on hook or in a chase will instantly get scarified like in EGC. Maybe then this game will finally be balanced!

    (sorry I had to..)

    seriously though: there is not much we can base our speculation on. I just hope this one will also take killer-sided early games into account. EGC was pretty much only survivor-nerf (partly really needed), but yeah. Early game snowball should also be looked into. Even if only potato survivors are affected, they are the biggest part of the player base and if they are such potatoes, surely the killer will win anyways.

    we can be sure that early genrush will be the main point of this though! (Which is totally fine)

  • terumisan
    terumisan Member Posts: 1,293

    They could just put dying light in reverse at the start of the game and make it not stack with anything

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,060

    I would not call EGC a Survivor-Nerf. The primary goal is that the game comes to an end, this is the main reason why Endgame Collapse was introduced. It is without a doubt killer-sided, but there needs to be one winner when the Match comes to an end. And it makes more sense that the Entity kills all Survivors instead of letting them all escape.

    But other than that, it really depends what the change for the beginning of the game is. Most of the games I play as Killer, I lose 2 Gens quite early and win afterwards. Like, I just now got a Blackpip with a 1K as Doctor, because I was too stubborn to chase a Claudette at the start. I split them with my Shock, so 3 Gens got done (chased Claudette because I am running STBFL and would not lose any Stacks when I get my first hook from her).

    The other 3 were far easier to get, in the end, everyone was on Death Hook and one of them died. But whos fault is it that they got 3 Gens done? Only mine.

    And it would be really sad if I would have had a hand-holding mechanic which would prevent them from escaping and neutralized my mistake at the start.

  • StutteringSpartan
    StutteringSpartan Member Posts: 254

    It couldn’t be anything gen blocking related, survivors would just wait out the timer.

    Same as anything slow down related, again just encourages the survivors to wait it out.

    An idea would be that survivors have to escape some form of building the killer/entity imprisoned them in. It’d work in with the theme of the game opposed to four survivors via telekinesis magically appear on the map....

    To prevent the killer camping the building exit, you would perhaps implement multiple exits with a exclusion zone so traps etc can’t be placed straight in front of the exits

  • Fiv55
    Fiv55 Member Posts: 350
    edited May 2020

    The slow down part was just my input, the "original input" from the dev stream is stated above: They'll look into a mechanic similar to the Endgame Collapse, but focused on the early game.

    Just wanted to add my own input rather than just pointing out the new feature. I'll edit my post accordingly in a bit, to make this more obvious.

    //Edit: my title was misleading as well. Thanks for your input.

    Any speculation is fine imo. Just wanted to know whats the general opinion on that change and maybe get some fresh input on how people would implement such feature. Just curious about the community opinion about it.

    Post edited by Fiv55 on
  • Bovinity
    Bovinity Member Posts: 1,522

    I dunno...on one hand it does feel silly that the start of any game is a bit of a crapshoot with regards to whether or not survivors get free generators based solely on spawning literally the furthest from the killer that they possibly can. Bonus randomness points for which gen it is and other factors.

    It leads killers to using certain traits for literally no other reason than to not feel like they're on the road to a loss before the game has begun.

    On the other hand, one or two gens being done is really still just the early game. Hell, a lot of the time I don't even get the ball rolling until there's three or four gens done.

    Soo....not sure if a change is needed, or what that change would even be.

  • coppersly
    coppersly Member Posts: 2,318

    Game desperately needs it. Tired of not playing perfectly and watching a SWF get all gens done in less time than it took to find the lobby. What was fun about holding m1 for 3 minutes then bming as you leave? I don't get it.

    I hope they make the early game actually fun instead of "oh god I hope I find and down someone within 30 seconds or I pretty much lose!"

    There are games where I literally find someone in 10 seconds and down them in about 20 and I will still have 3 gens pop in a minute. It's insanely stupid.

  • Bovinity
    Bovinity Member Posts: 1,522

    Sure, but then zero killers would choose the SWF queue.

    While that might finally send a message to the devs about the nature of SWF, it wouldn't be healthy for the game.

  • Fiv55
    Fiv55 Member Posts: 350

    What if they change corrupt to smth different? They could make corrupt base kit and change it in some way like extended time, instead of 3 gens blocked its 4, etc. Depending on how it works ofc (we dont know yet).

    I'd rather work slower on a gen than doing nothing for the first minutes of the game. I'd probably look for a totem first (I'm using inner strenght most of the time) or search a chest.

    Thats true. Some games 3 gens just fly by, meanwhile it takes 5-10+ minutes to finish the remaining 2.

    Thank you all for your input, I appreciate it :)