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General Discussions

The Executioner's Cages of Atonement, And What He COULD Do To Everyone's Perks

Member Posts: 13,616
edited May 2020 in General Discussions

The basis of this post is to imagine matches in which The Executioner always either leaves Survivors in the Dying Health State or sends Dying Survivors to a Cage of Atonement, meaning they'll NEVER pick them up from the Dying Health State & NEVER hook them on a Hook.

Then, from that basis, i went to find out what Perks change, become bad/weak, become useless or even become detrimental if that's the gameplay the Killer decides to use.

Here are the results i found...


Aftercare - Can't obtain Auras by unhooking or being unhooked, but the Auras you gained on Aftercare in other ways cannot be removed.

Babysitter - Useless.

Boil Over - Useless.

Borrowed Time - Useless.

Breakdown - Useless.

Breakout - Useless.

Camaraderie - Useless.

Decisive Strike - Useless.

Deliverance - Useless.

Flip-Flop - Useless.

Kindred - Useless.

Leader - Other Survivors cannot unhook faster, as there won't be any hooked Survivors.

No One Left Behind - You cannot unhook faster, as there won't be any hooked Survivors.

Off The Record - Useless.

Resilience - You cannot unhook faster, as there won't be any hooked Survivors.

Saboteur - Becomes only good for getting Bloodpoints & making noise, since they won't hook them & there also won't be any Auras since they won't pick them up.

Second Wind - Useless.

Slippery Meat - No more extra self-unhook attempts.

Spine Chill - You cannot unhook faster, as there won't be any hooked Survivors.

Up The Ante - Useless.

We'll Make It - Useless.

We're Gonna Live Forever - Can't gain Tokens by doing Safe Hook Rescues anymore.


Agitation - Useless.

Barbecue & Chili - Useless.

Blood Echo - Useless.

Blood Warden - Can't block the Exits anymore, can still reveal Auras.

Dead Man's Switch - Useless.

Dying Light - Useless, and is actually detrimental as you still give the Obsession a 33% bonus.

Fire Up - The Picking-up & Dropping speeds are useless.

Furtive Chase - Useless.

Hangman's Trick - You can still gain notifications, but no more Auras.

Hex: Devour Hope - Useless, unless you consider them cleansing the Hex Totem for a few seconds a use.

Hex: Huntress Lullaby - Will only apply the extra regression.

Iron Grasp - Useless.

Mad Grit - Useless.

Make Your Choice - Useless.

Monstrous Shrine - Useless.

Pop Goes The Weasel - Useless.

I hope you can make some use out of this information. 😋

If i missed any or made mistakes, let me know.

Discussion patch 1.0.1

  • Removed Thanatophobia
  • Changed Hex: Huntress Lullaby

Discussion patch 1.0.2

  • Added Up The Ante
  • Added Monstrous Shrine
Post edited by Boss on

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