Casual and Ranked mode should be added

The devs should add a casual mode to where survivors and killers can use keys or mori. It can also be a place where maps that are clearly not balanced can be located to make the game more fair. This is mainly so that killers or survivors don’t feel frustrated when knowing that they would have won the game had the other side not used a strong offering or item.
It also helps with killers or survivors that are red rank not wanting to lose their rank because the map wasn’t in their favour, the survivor or killer brought a mori/key and so that they can enjoy the game by using blood points add ons or perks.
In an addition to that, the devs should use maps that are balanced to the ranked game mode such as having a map close to 50% 2 escape and 2 hooks for both side. The rest of the maps should be in casual that are far above or below 50%. This will allow the game to become more balanced and fair because there wasn’t any unfair offerings or maps. Furthermore, the new mmr system with this addition feature would allow the result to be more reliable in what placement a player should be. You can’t compare a Huntress who has a mori with a map at her advantage, to whereas the survivors doesn’t have a key or a map at their favour. Their skill rating would be unfairly done and should be something that is added with the new mmr system or later on as the game develops.
They have this, it's custom game mode.
Splitting the queue would make it worse than it already is. Cross-play should help! Who knows, maybe this could be a realistic idea after cross-play happens.
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There are some issues with this too:
- there will be people who will tryhard in casual because they know people try playing casual there, increasing basic toxicity.
- having a certain sided map is sometimes necessary. Basically, a balanced map is 45-55% winrate, whatever a win is established as, anything below 45% would be killer sided and anything above 55% would be survivor sided. There is not a single map where the rates go higher or lower than 60 and 40 respectively, meaning there never is a guarantee of escape, nor is there ever a guarantee on a kill.
I think what kept the dbd toxicity relatively low, is exactly because ranked and casual are in the same kind of matchmaking. Just look at Overwatch for example: extremely popular game with casual and ranked seperated. You have people who are extremely high ranked simply create a new account to massacre in casual games, just for the lolz. That turned Overwatch in probably the most toxic community with the most salt in the entire gaming industry.
The mmr being added, based on events that happened in game(I do hope they somehow calculate latency to the mix, because that ######### over many games), at least will even out the odds again. However, the downside to that being: if I play with a noob friend, I tend to play uber casual because the killer will most likely be a baby killer. Meaning I would likely give the killer a kill when I otherwise would not. Which now would heavily impact my MMR, because losing against a killer that is of a much lower MMR will impact your MMR a lot, while also giving the killer a massive MMR boost when he or she shouldnt get one yet. Which would be something that people now would have to consider.
Personally, I think the MMR system should be togglable. To only find players that are within your MMR range or simply find players in general. Because playing against high skilled players when you're a noob ends up giving you a bigger skill boost, and personally I enjoy facing noob killers as a survivor aswell. Because funnily enough, because they have no idea what they are doing, they end up catching me off guard a lot and getting a hit where a killer that's at my skill level would not.
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I'd love to see a casual side of the game. I've even recommended making the Custom Game option to where you have to unlock the perks and earn BP, but can't use those characters in normal gameplay. Unfortunately, one truth remains, the population is not big enough to support multiple game modes. Though, I would argue that a casual game mode where hardcore camping/tunneling (camping the first hook, intentionally chasing down unhooked survivors to get them out of the game asap from the start, etc) is removed/punished, keys are limited heavily/removed, and a few other tweaks are added in would actually increase the game's population.
A casual mode would require rules of behavior and gameplay that would have to be enforced though. Not so easily done.
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Well, if it happens, would swf only be allowed in casual? It should be, since your focus seems to be on balance.