Locking Dwight's Last Memories Behind A Paywall... Nice...

DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632
edited June 2020 in General Discussions

Parts of a free character are locked behind another character who is locked behind a paywall... What's up with that? Why would you lock the last 2 pieces of Dwight's memories, and therefore his cutscene behind a paywall?

Dwight is the survivor mascot of the game and is of the free survivors. His lore shouldn't be locked behind 2 Kate challenges, and one difficult one at that.

The first challenge requires you to escape on death hook, but not as Dwight...as Kate...

The second challenge requires you to escape a trial while using Boil Over.

What if Kate happened to be licensed? Then what?

All this makes me think is that Nurse lore will be locked behind Clown challenges, or something of the sort.

I know everyone is going to point out that Kate can simply be earned through account progression, but I have no intentions on buying her. I have the survivors that I want to play. Not to mention she has one of the worst perk loadouts in the game, only just beating Ace, Ash, and Quentin.

So it seems about 60% of people don't understand the point of this post. My question is intended to ask why a free character's lore is locked behind a not free character's lore.

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