Thx for making Sheril's face look good

That's because it's based off of a fictional video game character and not an actor.
When they got the rights to use Halloween's, Nightmare on Elm Street's, and Saw's killers it did not include the actor's likeness, so they had to use a different face for the main protagonist (Survivor).
That's why Nancy and Steve look so spot on; the devs were allowed to use the actor's likeness.
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It's not about that. People from DBD dev team who design character faces make them look as inhuman as possible most of the time. Recent Zarina's face looks like she's both at her 20s when you pull her from a locker and at her 40s when you just look at her from afar.
Laurie's, Quentin's, Tapp's faces are a whole new story. I think they made them ugly on purpose, I have no other explanation here.
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It is rather strange that if they cant get the likeness, they just make them look absolutely atrocious.
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She is really pretty, though I've heard some people disagree. One person told me she looked like Laurie and Quentin had a baby. 😅
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She looks remastered and AWESOME.
Silent Hill 3:
Dead By Daylight:
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Tapp I think is fine, ignoring the fact that he doesn't look anything like the actor who played him. Laurie ain't great, though, and once glance at Quentin the Hobgoblin says it all.
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I think Laurie can be forgiven since that was the... 2nd ever dlc? I'm pretty sure? Plus, we can look at Bill for what they can do now vs back then.
Quentin though? Inexcusable.
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I think Quentin is hot. Especially prestiged.
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I agree none of them are as bad as Quentin (everybody talks about Quentin's face but I think it's the super stringy looking hair [especially on the forehead] that bugs me the most), but to be fair he's not wrong, a lot of the faces in DBD could use some touching up. I think this image explains it all:
Even a really small touch up like they did for Bill's beard, something that nobody asked for or knew they wanted, but made a HUGE difference after it was done.
Plus the devs did say during the 4th anniversary livestream that we can expect a massive graphic update / overhaul for the 4th year, to help DBD keep pace with all the new next gen. stuff that will be coming out soon. Hopefully this also means not only just updating the maps, special effects for killer powers, and animations, but also character models as well.
It might be really weird to have a full graphical shift in DBD and then the character models stay the same. So here's hoping
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I can't be the only one who thinks the Tapp we have now look way more like the actual character then this rendition.
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I miss old Bill though... I liked that longer beard...
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I actually do not mind Laurie or Tapp as they are now. However, Quinten really needs the attention.