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Hook Gymnastics consensus

madradfox Member Posts: 190

Today I stumbled upon this tidbit in the DBD wiki:

  • Early on in the Game's life, hooked Survivors established a way to communicate a Killer's proximity to the other Survivors:
    • Hanging still from the Hook means something along the lines of: "The Killer is far enough away or preoccupied with something else, you can come and rescue me!"
    • Spamming the self-unhook animation means something along the lines of: "The Killer is near-by and patrolling the Hook. It is not safe to attempt a rescue, stay away and let me hang!"
  • This is also jokingly referred to as "Hook Gymnastics".

Many newer Survivors believe that the Hook Gymnastics work the other way round and signal a camping Killer by hanging still and struggle once the Killer is away.

  • This may lead to other Survivors leaving them to hang and not bothering with a rescue attempt. It is a good idea to point this out to them in the post-game chat.

Is this correct, or a mistake? I tend to find survivors waving their arms in order to give others the "all clear" message. I always run with Kindred, so I am not typically affected by this particular mechanic, but in the instances of going up against a Ghostface etc. the difference can mean life or death.

Best Answers

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188
    Answer ✓

    Usually, I use the former system since it is what I understood was the correct system.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342
    Answer ✓

    As someone who has been around since mid-2016, the wiki has it spot-on. There is no real consensus anymore - many old players, and new players who have been educated by older ones, use the "old" interpretation, while at the same time many newer players, and old players who have changed tactics in order to better communicate with newer ones use the "new" interpretation, with the result being that no one really knows for sure what "Hook Gymnastics" are supposed to indicate anymore.