The chat in the live stream irritated me

It just goes to show you what kind of people this community has in it. Imagine having a dedicated dev team that does live streams from home, planning it out, and showing future content for us that they dont even have to do, all just to get "skip" spammed in the chat when they were showing off their mobile program. Do you ever stop to think that that woman might go back and watch chat later on to see what they thought of her presentation? Just to see impatient people being Aholes? Do you know how many developers there are that don't talk to their community? The majority of them, so stop being disrespectful children and enjoy the game.


  • BattleCast
    BattleCast Member Posts: 698

    I hope they don't take that stuff to heart, and twitch chat tends to be pretty atrocious.

  • PigNRun
    PigNRun Member Posts: 2,428

    Which is exactly why I have it minimsed.

  • MamaEagle
    MamaEagle Member Posts: 115

    I wasn't there but I would have certainly asked when our matchmaking issue would be resolved. I heard the changes would be dramatic in terms of look and design which is cool, but frankly not cool for my PC as it's pretty much as basic as it gets. And for the matchmaking thing I'm sure other will nitpick at... It's a serious issue that requires some attention. Design and look should be next to gameplay in terms of game logic. A game can look ok or even bad but if it's very easy and fun to play then it's worth the price of admission (can't tell you how many games I see that look amazing only fall on Steam because of lack of gameplay; perhaps the servers don't work well or the frames are horrible regardless of your PC spec ((Ark on release)) I'm hopeful these changes will be as cool as they look, run well and that other major issues get worked on as well 😊

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    I had it full screen, so chat was automatically ignored.

  • Dr_Loomis
    Dr_Loomis Member Posts: 3,703

    Live chats on the whole are usually crapfests.

    I think a lot of people just wanted to hear the chapter announcement.

    Many viewers, myself included, couldn't care less about DBD mobile. So if that was covered after the Silent Hill reveal, the watch count for the stream would of nosedived.

  • Pega6
    Pega6 Member Posts: 53

    Can you really be suprised that a lot of people spammed "skip" when you hint a new killer then start streaming and then show (in comparison to a new chapter) boring content?

    Some people were only there to watch the new killer info, you can't blame them.

  • DelsKibara
    DelsKibara Member Posts: 3,127

    It was the 4TH YEAR ANNIVERSARY.

    Not a Killer Reveal Stream.

    They should've known better.

    I was honestly there because I was excited to see what other stuff they have to announce other than the Killer, like the Graphical Overhaul and Crossplay.

  • Huff
    Huff Member Posts: 1,480

    Ya, that's kind of the emotion you're likely going to feel when viewing a box full of random peoples' thoughts from all over the internet.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    Surprised? No

    Dissapointed in how childish and disrespectfull this community can be? Yes

    Can you imagen going to a boxing match and yelling skip to the top of your lungs at the prefights because you just want to see the main event

    You'd be escorted out in no time. I don't see why online that has to be any different

  • Mason_Cheryl
    Mason_Cheryl Member Posts: 16

    And this is why I really do hope The dev don't read the chat, you people are so impatient that you had to be disrespect toward the developer who willing to try to communicate with you through live stream while some dev just avoid it at all cost. Some community really want to have their developer to communicate with their player so badly that after reading comment like yours, i rather them not to. Will it kill you to just enjoy the stream? It's not like you gonna miss anything if you don't watch. If you think it's boring, then stop watching and just rewatch the whole stream when it's finish, then skip to the part you want to watch.

    Easy guide right?

  • Vox_Nocturne
    Vox_Nocturne Member Posts: 545

    I watched the latter part, and yeah the chat was just full of entitled morons, so I switched off.

    BHVR have made it to 4 years, and deserved to have a recap, considering it's a 4 year anniversary. And I don't recall so many "skip" comments in other sections, compared to mobile, but overall the general consensus was a load of @#$$£@//$ were watching it, which this community could easily do without.

  • Akhaten
    Akhaten Member Posts: 125

    Most were there for the killer reveal, myself included. I for one hoped they would show a trailer video at the start so we know who is comming to dbd and show the perks and power at the end, but they didn't reveal it until the end. Also when you hype the stream with the killer reveal more than with their anniversary, then expect people to not care about the rest.

    As number goes then yeah, they achieved the goal of having a lot of people on the stream, but i wonder how many payed attention to it. I muted the stream and once in a while i checked the second monitor to see if they started to show the new content.

  • VolantConch1719
    VolantConch1719 Member Posts: 1,216

    I remember the chat from the 3rd Anniversary. It was the last time I was really on Twitch to watch a livestream. It was so bad, ESPECIALLY when some of the devs were speaking French. All you could see was "ENGLISH ONLY!!!"

    I knew better this time and fullscreened it. Looks like that was a smart decision.

  • Pega6
    Pega6 Member Posts: 53

    "then stop watching and just rewatch" People want the news they came for sooner rather than later. The problem is bundling that info in with all the rest.

  • Mason_Cheryl
    Mason_Cheryl Member Posts: 16

    Believe me, I want to see it badly too because Silent Hill is one of my fav game and I was so dam excited to see it in this game, but it's not going to kill me to wait for the reveal. I rather feel happy to see DBD dev giving the effort to stream it rather than just upload a finish video onto youtube. It shows they trully care for their community and we should appreciate that.

  • Akito
    Akito Member Posts: 673

    Your opinions about the mobile chapter can be whatever you want. But disrespecting a hard working developer just bc it doesn't fits your interests is not okay. To be fair the mods also couldve blacklist words and ban every kid. But theyre probably too kind. The point is theres no reason to be that unfriendly just bc you dont like the theme. If you dont like it go afk for a while, mute the stream but making an effort saying "skip" "boring"to someone who worked very hard for developing a good game and making/holding a presentation for 50 thousand viewers is just an unnessesary and ######### move.

    Hopefully they add some more moderations and mods who just spam out the bans.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,064

    If someone only wanted to watch the Trailer, they should do it on Youtube two hours later. This was not a Livestream to promote the new Killer, this was the Anniversary Livestream, meaning, there will be a lot of other stuff besides the new Killer.

  • TatsuyaSuo
    TatsuyaSuo Member Posts: 24

    I feel dbd is at it's worst community-wise, both in and out of the game, while balance-wise the game is actually getting really good, not perfect but they're really doing a lot to balance the game, they've also been releasing updates much more often than before. But we all know the real problem in dbd has always been the sucky entitled community.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    From the sounds of it, the mods were very much doing their jobs. It's the fact that this stuff was there in the first place that's cause for concern.

  • Dr_Loomis
    Dr_Loomis Member Posts: 3,703

    Not only did I have the chat off, I had the stream on mute for the majority until the chapter trailer started. I sat and watched a film instead.

    The new reveal was all I wanted to see, and I knew it would be on last. That's business.

    I honestly could not sit through and take an active interest in DBD Mobile or 'fog whispers'.

    YouTube stream chat is the worst.

    I was happy to get all the main subjects covered in a summary later.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    Just because grown adults can handle their own problems doesn't mean that care and support don't make a difference. Calling out juvenile and demeaning behaviour and being vocally supportive of those on the receiving end of it is not the same thing as implying that they can't defend themselves.

  • Akito
    Akito Member Posts: 673

    Yea they did something but theres also sth called modview. You can add a 2-6 sec timer before non-mod messages gets released. Add some words temporary to the blacklist. Theres also a bttv option where you can right click on a name an choose between some minutes, weeks or a permanent ban.

    Some people act this way when they do giveaways. Once they closed it the blacklist the codeword and the chat becomes instand clean.

    I never said that the mods did nothing. I said they didnt used their full potential.

  • megdonalds
    megdonalds Member Posts: 742

    Sadly it happens in every dev stream but this time it was definitly the worst spamming event ever. It's really a shame that those pathetic and immature "individuals" even exist on this planet.

  • MongolPSR
    MongolPSR Member Posts: 1,032

    @Fibijean sure I absolutely agree, as long as that's actually what's being attempted.

    However when the post ends with "Do you ever stop to think that that woman might go back and watch chat later on to see what they thought of her presentation? Just to see impatient people being Aholes? Do you know how many developers there are that don't talk to their community? The majority of them, so stop being disrespectful children and enjoy the game." You know that's not the true base intent.

    Instead its a poor attempt at earning brownie points on the internet for being a morally upstanding player. I could make the joke that this is the most prime example of being a simp on a forum board but overall it just hits all the right notes of the typical fanboy who cant handle the thought of others viewing or treating one of their hobbies in a different way than them.

  • emptyCups
    emptyCups Member Posts: 1,262
    edited May 2020


    To be honest as much as I love this game

    Every single game dev needs to know how much real supporters and gamers hate mobile gaming.

    Just like diabo immortals

    Mobile is paypig trash trying to milk cash cows in search of wallet whales.

    Pump up numbers for investors and bs that dbd has a million players is straight up lies. You got maybe 60k on steam at peaks

    Everyone else is a download for 5mintrs and delete.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    We might just need to agree to disgree on the intent of the OP, then, because that's not how I read it. To me, that seems like a rather cynical and uncharitable interpretation - but then, I'm the type of person who likes to give everyone the benefit of the doubt, so maybe I'm just being too charitable.

  • Bovinity
    Bovinity Member Posts: 1,522

    No, that's not a "problem".

    They presented what they wanted to present. Your impatience isn't their fault.

  • a_good_player
    a_good_player Member Posts: 194

    thats without any doubt a childish behaviour, but devs managed to lose the community's respect. they keep ignoring balance requests, like removing keys and moris. there are so many problems in this game, problems that could be easily avoidable if devs listened to pro gamers, yet they dont. I'm not justifying those idiots who did that, but devs proved over and over their incompetence, so its kinda comprehensible.

    and to clarify, i appreciate all the new contents devs gave us this year, but broken things are an enormous problem, and untill they fix them the game will not be at its full potential

  • finitethrills
    finitethrills Member Posts: 617

    It's been years since you could leave chat up on any sort of dev stream, not just dbd. Just pretend it's post game chat and x it out, it has about the same level of salt and rationality.

  • OutcastEric
    OutcastEric Member Posts: 495

    whatever you say buddy, Idk what youre tryig to get at with the brownie points comment but i actually have sympathy for others in real life too, not just on the internet. I wouldnt want that to happen to me during a presentation so idk if you werent raised with compassion for others or what....

  • MongolPSR
    MongolPSR Member Posts: 1,032

    @OutcastEric If you didn't want it to happen to you during a presentation then you would fight to not go on before the thing that everyone wants to see and hear about. you would fight for your presentation to not have this looming monolith behind you that everyone will tear each other apart to see. Don't mistake understanding and realism for a lack of empathy and compassion. The ad hominem serves nobody.