Why do people play killer?

The matchmaking is busted and after about 3 games in a row as a rank 12 killer getting paired with red ranks I decided that playing killer isnt worth it. I'm not learning anything by losing within the first 5 minutes of the game. I'm not improving. If anything this busted system is making me dislike the game. Less and less people want to play killer because they get stomped over and over meaning survivors cant find lobbies for their ranks so they get cranked with whoever is open. This is a self perpetuating problem. Honestly this is just to vent, but I don't see why anyone would play killer unless you are already top tier. It's a bad experience that ruins my enjoyment of the game as a whole. So I'll just stick to surv and stomp the baby killers until the game dies out



  • asimplelegion
    asimplelegion Member Posts: 66

    Honestly I play because there is something more calming about being the chaser than the chased but I play survivor with my friends just so we can talk and I could be one heck of a blendette if I didn’t play Dwight because I can complete 2+ gens on a good game and the killer won’t see me till exit gates are powered

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    I stay at Rank 16, I choose to stay at Rank 16.

    I put Archer on my second screen and have fun with survivors.

  • malatruse
    malatruse Member Posts: 784

    It's a fun break from the stress of playing survivor. I simply try not to take my killer rank too seriously and have fun. Yeah matchmaking is busted but what can you do.

  • Dead_by_Gadfly
    Dead_by_Gadfly Member Posts: 3,772

    It takes a long time, but when youre finally good, its very satisfying to win. WAY more satisfying than escaping as a survivor in solo que. At least for me. Youll go through ALOT of hair pulling getting there though

  • WeenieDog
    WeenieDog Member Posts: 2,184

    Honestly, I just don't really care that much anymore about 4ks. When I used to only play survivor, I felt kind of bad for the killer if they did so well through out the match and still "lost" anyway. But when I switched to killer I did have moments where I felt cheated. I saw 4ks as a sign that I was improving. But after a while, you start to see how random the matches can be and how meaningless 4ks/4 escapes are.

    As much as people hate Deathslinger, I just have so much fun with him that I don't care about "winning". Hitting long range shots with him are so neat even if they don't have any value to them beyond the bloodpoints. I genuinely giggle when survivors turn around and tea bag or point when I miss. I see it more like playful teasing.

    I'm having more fun walking around and shooting people than sitting around guarding hooks, preserving 3 gens, or the mass slugging like I would normally consider. That and even though I think he's pretty mid tier, parts of his kit (his ads) are a bit obnoxious to go against.

    Pig is probably the only other character that gives me that "win or lose, I still had fun". I know it's easier said than done, but you'll get used to it. Somethings that survivors do that people think is toxic, is just harmless fun, but playing a lot of survivor before hand made that easier for me to see.

  • Dead_by_Gadfly
    Dead_by_Gadfly Member Posts: 3,772

    You have to play around the meta and slug more. My biggest hurdle in getting out of purple was tossing the survivor rulebook in the trash. And Ill give you an example from tonight. I was playing pig, i downed a claud and put a trap on her, hooked her starting chasing someone else, while chasing that person i heard claud trying to get the trap off. I walked over downed her and resumed chase. Hooked that person snd went back over and hooked claud. Start chasing someone else, see Claud take her mask off so i down her again and start back in my chase. I remember that shes on death hook so i break chase and hook her after im sure ds is gone.

    She was PISSED, but thats the game. Youll never be good until you toss that rule book out and do what you need to do to win. These folks dont care about you and will do what they need to to win too, I promise.

  • Hippie
    Hippie Member Posts: 1,003

    I play about 20% Killer, always against red ranks and it's really not too bad. I win, I lose, I have fun and I try out different perks + addons (and I do the archives)! But, most importantly, I don't stress out and take the game too seriously. I actually feel better playing Killer sometimes because having bad teammates as Survivor gives me conniptions. When you get sandbagged and farmed, game after game, it gets very aggravating. Not to mention the Blendettes -- I hate having them on my team (they're always selfish and bad, just had one crouch around and watch me go down, get hooked, unhook me and then hide when the Killer started chasing me again.... on my last hook, while I was injured and she wasn't), and I take in a mori just for them when I see them as Killer.

  • P1S4G0R
    P1S4G0R Member Posts: 17
  • Huff
    Huff Member Posts: 1,480

    I play it because I don't only focus on the shiny number next to my screen name.

    Hope you have fun "stomping baby killers" though. If that's your preferred method of playing, then it explains a lot why the killer role isn't suited for you.

  • NursesBootie
    NursesBootie Member Posts: 2,159

    I play killer, because i like the chase. It deeply satisfies me to kill (in a video game)(don't get me wrong here).

  • DWolfAlpha
    DWolfAlpha Member Posts: 927

    Because I get tired of camping and tunneling killers, so I switch over to prove I can 4k with Legion while not doing either.

  • Dwinchester
    Dwinchester Member Posts: 961

    Because when that rare occasion comes around and you get a match that has survivors at your own skill level, it's the most fun game I've ever played.

    That's what frustrates me so much about this team, they have an excellent game that's ruined by an uncaring staff.

  • Arctic_Krampus
    Arctic_Krampus Member Posts: 61
    edited May 2020

    Here's why I play killer: Blood Points and Shorter Queue Times. I'm a rank 13 and have been stomped by high rank survivors many times. Despite all of the survivors escaping, I'll still walk away with at least 15k blood points while getting 15k blood points from survivor is how much I make from a good game against on par killers. Queue Times when playing killer are on average about 1 minute with more than 3 minutes being a rarity. Survivor queues both solo and with my friends takes anywhere from 5-15 minutes. In addition having the party glitch out where 1 person in the party doesn't make it into the game or is invisible to everyone else can extend the time to find a game to 30 minutes. Getting stomped over and over isn't fun at all, but sometimes I'll do it so I can actually play a game and get some blood points.

  • TheRockstarKnight
    TheRockstarKnight Member Posts: 2,171

    I can't testify for anyone else, but I have fun.

    Throwing Hatchets, listening to Bayu Bayushki Bayu, playing as Michael Myers, vaulting over pallets and going AH UH OOO, and menacing Survivors with vomit are all fun at times.

    I enjoy just playing Killer. Win or lose, trash talk or kind words, tons of BP or next to none, it's fun for me.

  • GetDedicated
    GetDedicated Member Posts: 64

    Blame BVHR for making killer boring and with that stupid ridiculous Rift killer challenges (like the Huntress one, hitting a surv with a hatch with a distance of 15 meters). I mean, it's dumb af that devs expect us to be experts playing with her just to make a stupid challenge. It should be a reasonable and good one. Not a try hard one. That confirmed me even more that devs hasn't idea of what they do to their game because they don't play it. Playing Killer it's masoquism imo.

  • Todgeweiht
    Todgeweiht Member Posts: 3,666

    Because its fun and I am not an insufferable twat incapable of enjoying the game.

  • Hag.is.Dtier
    Hag.is.Dtier Member Posts: 1,398

    Killer is more interesting than survivor. All the killers have different abilities where as survivors are just skins. If the survivor perks were unique traits like the Identity V survivors then survivor would be interesting since they would play different roles to play on the team.

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    Well I dont play to appease a meaningless tally system that feeds an algorithm for matchmaking that doesnt work, and a rank that doesnt reward, so really it comes down to fun. Who do I want to play. Survivor or killer. Am I feeling like phasing as spirit or stalking as Meyers?

    The entire reason I even EVER played this was because you get to play as or hide from horror characters in a semi horror movie setting. Killee is hunting and the survivors are trying to escape frantically.

    So yeah. I dont get why people take this ######### so seriously and worry about easy or tough games. And hell, the ones I DO get that are super tough, can almost always teach you something or help you improve.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    Because once you stop taking it seriously it's a ton of fun

  • Dead_by_Gadfly
    Dead_by_Gadfly Member Posts: 3,772

    Well he was on stream, its like the manager at wal mart politely smiling at the Karen screaming about her coupons. On the inside she wants to shake someone.

    How does one go about watching a dev play killer, that sounds cathartic...

  • GetDedicated
    GetDedicated Member Posts: 64
    edited May 2020

    They just ignore facts. They think in their tiny little brain that everything in this game it's fine, there are no bugs, ded servers are working fine and not laggy af, people plays Huntress like Umbra and DBD being the best game in history. Devs does it all the time. They ignore everything. They don't care. They ignore that there's a lot of people Hacking (I opened a ticket for a surv Hacking 5 days ago and still none response) Spirit's power it's still a problem, Huntress' hatchets and Myers are broken in ded servers, grabbing animation still bugged, killer still spawning so close to survivors at the beginning of the match... But hey, who wants some ######### cosmetics released every single Wednesday people?

  • Demogordon_Ramsay
    Demogordon_Ramsay Member Posts: 1,503

    Because most Survivors suck absolute pee pee and this grants me permission to play the video game.

  • GetDedicated
    GetDedicated Member Posts: 64
    edited May 2020

    I think I know who he is. That guy looks like he got a brainwash to think Dbd it's perfect and fine and fun af.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814
    edited May 2020

    At this point, I play killer to keep perspective. I've been going through a patch where killer is just not fun, either I'm playing Spirit/Freddy/Hag and winning because people aren't trying to actually play and I get #########-talked in the post game, I'm getting my arse handed to me as that middle-class of killers that's good enough to scare survivors into doing gens but not strong enough to stop them, or I'm getting hardcore bullied as killers I'm trying to get better as/weak killers in general. And yes, I mean bullied, there's a difference between doing gens and leaving, and actively coming at me because I suck and they know it and want points.

    Then I go play survivor and it's just way nicer. Its so easy and chill, you just pull your weight and suddenly it's not really your fault if the team loses because you put in your 1/4 of the effort. Plus you pip like crazy, so you always have a definable, achievable goal.

  • JoeyBob
    JoeyBob Member Posts: 477

    Because their masochists.

  • OniKobayashi
    OniKobayashi Member Posts: 274

    Killer doesn't have to rely on others to complete their objective, Killer can't be sandbagged by others, Killer gets paid more, Killers don't need friends, and Killer is more challenging. And I have a slight blood lust that needs to be sated sometimes.

  • MrCookie
    MrCookie Member Posts: 121

    There are more fun things about killers despite how stressful it can be to play them. You have different playstyles and different gameplay with killers. You know that you don't need to rely on anyone and every mistake is your own.

    When I play survivor I sometimes get really frustrated with my teammates and then just want to play killer instead. Survivor is fun when you have a good team and when you verse a good killer so it's not boring. And chases. Chases are the most fun. But you still have to rely on onthers to win and you don't always get good teammates.

    And also queue time. Killer queue time in the evenings are instant.

  • dangitben
    dangitben Member Posts: 58
  • Akito
    Akito Member Posts: 673

    I switch the roles whenever the other side is super annoying to play. So when I play killer i am tored of max range pro docs or pro deathslingers and super bad "team"""mates""".

    I prefer playing Oni bc he's super fun and fair to play and also fun and fair to play against. And if I have a bad day Im trying to play the best addons or just quit for a while.

    And tbh if I get dicked on by survivors especially as a killer like oni I know that I messed up and couldve played better. And you always can improve yourself.

    Ohtofu explains how to play the different roles on YT so maybe you find some helpful tipps how to make better decisions. People often don't know what they were doing wrong and tofu helps there alot.

  • MamaEagle
    MamaEagle Member Posts: 115

    Yeah but even at rank 16 you still get paired with sweaty ranks at 1-5, sadly I hopped on the game to check out Pyramid head before he dropped on all systems and lucky me... A rank 20 (first time playing on there so don't think I have any perks or anything) against ENDLESS red ranks ranging from 1-3 haven't seen a rank 4 yet. How did I get placed with people like that? Hell if I know, but after 3 games of being teabagged in the face by meta perk survivors (whole lotta skill goes in that, remember that😉😉😉) I just gave up and went on to play something else. The game is tedious and honestly you can't ever have fun in a game where people being dickheads to others is allowed because where there is PvP and anything to give an advantage over the other side, people will abuse the crap out of that stuff to "troll" and "tease" the other side and then run their faces in it

  • amaranth
    amaranth Member Posts: 8

    There’s just something so satisfying about a good kill. Whether it’s out mindgaming them, or hearing that wonderful scream and snap of a trap. It’s just FUN. And I actually mostly play survivor, so knowing their panic as they try to free themselves as I strut closer, just makes me gleeful.

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    I don't, actually.

    I get 1 Rank 4, then a Rank 19, a Rank 13 and a Rank 16.

  • Respectfulnancymain
    Respectfulnancymain Member Posts: 1,816

    Because its fun

  • Gorgamungus
    Gorgamungus Member Posts: 36

    Because more bloodpoints on average, faster que times, and murdering teenagers is fun.

  • TatsuyaSuo
    TatsuyaSuo Member Posts: 24
    edited May 2020

    Because it's fun and also challenging and requires more strategy and fast thinking, also in my region playing solo survivor sucks because the community sucks just as much, players are just overall terrible, survivors die within seconds, have no awareness of what happens in front of them whatsoever, in every match there is always one survivor that as soon as the third gen gets done they go into blendette mode and hide in a corner of the map expecting others to either die so they can go (or at least try to) get the hatch or repair the last two gens and book it to an exit gate, pre-open it as soon as somebody gets downed and take the chance to instantly leave. 1 out of 3 games you get the typical ebony mori off 1st hook kinda guy, and they don't do it to de rank or whatever, over here they do it just for the sake of being toxic, and they let you know that very clearly in post game chat or bragging about being toxic in their steam profiles. And since people over here suck at the game, 4 man swf are easy af when i play killer, very rarely do i need to sweat to get a 3k or 4k, but ever since tool boxes and skill checks got nerfed i've been on an undefeated 4k streak every match for the past month, plus you get more bloodpoints and devotion experience as killer. TL;DR Survivor would be more fun if the community didn't suck, killer is fun because you can't just go on autopilot and expect to win.

  • EmpireWinner
    EmpireWinner Member Posts: 1,054

    Bc it's fun

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    Guess i'm top tier then.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    I play killer because teammates are always potatoes and its more fun to stab survivors a lot of times.

  • Orionbash
    Orionbash Member Posts: 765

    I play killer because it's easy and fun. I played all day yesterday and only lost two games because I played as Wraith and he's kinda...off at the moment.

    But OP: If you're having trouble with killer but want to play it do what I did: Get creative.

    When I first started to play killer I got steamrolled quite a bit. But it didn't take me long to start trying new things. Like...when I'd play Trapper I'd notice that survivors would always pop my traps because I was placing them in obvious locations. So I started to place them in spots they wouldn't even think of looking such as right in front of a dull totem. Easy down. I also watched a lot of Tru3ta1ent and saw how he played certain killers. When I would play Wraith and Ghostface I would just hit and run to keep them healing and down them out of position with Nurse's calling.

    As I got up in ranks I realized gen rush was a thing and started to focus less on survivors I would find off of gens. They're doing nothing so there's no reason to chase them unless I know I can get a hit in quickly and hop over to a survivor that's doing objectives. I also learned not to over commit to chases. If I chase for longer than 10 seconds without a hit I'm just gonna get them to drop whatever pallet they're looping me on and I'm back to patrolling gens. Also working towards a 3 gen scenario, or 4 gen scenario if you're lucky, is what you want. Don't spend as much time in areas where the gens are all spread apart. And play killers that complement your weaknesses. And use perks that do as well.

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    I find it a lot of fun, and way more relaxing than survivor (unpopular opinion, I know) cause as survivor, I'm very tough on myself if I mess up (which I do a lot now after my break) and as killer, I pretty much play only the viable killers that can snowball. (cause all the snowballing killers are good, Billy, Oni, Myers, Hag, Spirit and etc...)

    So killer is more relaxing for me tbh. Survivor, however, I get really stressed from bad teammates, me messing up when I shouldn't have, and my greed at pallets.

  • Orionbash
    Orionbash Member Posts: 765

    I totally resonate with this comment. Lol. Killer mains that think that survivor is not as stressful as killer confuse me greatly.

  • LaUry
    LaUry Member Posts: 100

    you typical whining kid just saying.. devs are working a LOT if you didn't realize.. bugs are in every game.. in this game they are not game breaking at all.. and sometimes i can laugh a lot on them.. servers lagging? yeah.. before they didn't lag if you had like 150-200 ping.. now i never get 80+ ping servers.. hackers? i saw 3-4 hackers (cheaters btw just sayin') since i'm playing.. compare it to other games.. Spirit.. leave her alone finally and l2p.. huntress is a top tier killer since a long time.. myers broken? learn to loop him (and stop feeding him like baby survivors do).. and what if killer spawn close to survivors? just hide until he is gone.. really.. you are like this in real life too i guess.. sad..

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    Honestly. Solo survivor literally gives me a mental breakdown to the point where my mother is just like '######### is wrong with you'. (Dw, I'm not actually having a mental breakdown, just getting super stressed). Whereas killer is just me having fun, and relying on only myself, so if I lose, it doesn't matter to me.

  • Orionbash
    Orionbash Member Posts: 765

    Solo queue is the worst. Shoutout to the Claudettes that like to self-care with Sloppy applied in a corner of the map while the rest of the team is busy doing work, even while injured....you da real MVP...for giving me so many migraines.