Adding the Bloody/Prestige Texture to Additional Cosmetics

APoipleTurtle Member Posts: 1,274
edited May 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

Just wanted to share the idea for a potential rank reward that I've been mulling over for a while:

It's about adding the ability for players to apply the "Prestige" (bloody) texture to additional cosmetics.

My though is that players who are within the red ranks for either (or both) role(s) when a rank reset hits would be rewarded with a 'Bloody Token'. This token could be redeemed on any one non-default cosmetic that the player already owned to unlock a "bloody" version of that particular item. These tokens would be role specific, and players could earn up to two per-season, per-role (or four total). One for making red ranks with one or both roles, a second for either role if it was rank one when the season ended. Tokens could only be redeemed for items within the relevant role.

If players didn't want to spend these tokens on cosmetics, they could be traded in for 250,000 Bloodpoints each or some fair value in Iridescent Shards. (Would be nifty if Auric Cells could be on the table for this too, but I understand why that might not be an option).

I would also suggest that these "bloody tokens" only exist for one month following their acquisition. Players need to use them or lose them each season.

Basically, this would effectively double the amount of cosmetics available for EVERY character in the game, and might also function as an additional incentive for some players to acquire more cosmetics from the store if they did particularly well in a season (or didn't want to feel that their tokens were going to waste).

I know reaching the higher ranks is more a matter of time playing rather than pure player skill and easier with subsequent seasons, but why not reward those who've persisted long enough to reach it?