Afk bannable for killer? Devs please answer after reading carefully

MamaEagle Member Posts: 115
edited May 2020 in General Discussions

I'm sure this is a discussion that comes up from time to time in the forums, And I'm hopeful that we can get a developer to give us a clear answer rather than just a link to the rules as I had read the rules and it doesn't even state going afk is a bannable offense. Now is it bannable for a survivor? Most certainly and it should if it's being abused as it ruins the chances of survivors being able to escape because they are down an active survivor. But a killer? What if that killer is like a Nurse and has to deal with some really sweaty survivor swf's who just taunt and teabag and harass you in game (not saying they harass you in the chat, that's a different story.) Just being an all around mockery of your lack of skill or patience and you as a killer decide to take a bow in the corner? You stare at it so they can no longer get points for running in front of you and leaving your sight, blinding you wish a flashlight and of course you don't have to watch them point and laugh...

If a killer does this then is that a bannable offense? If it's deemed as one can we get an answer as to why? It doesn't hinder the survivors from being able to play the game (especially since their objectives are to do generators and escape.) It doesn't slow the game down (if anything it would speed it up and help them move onto a new game quickly. Finally it would make the killer be able to walk away and take a much needed breather. If you do this and survivors don't know you can do totems and gens (doubtful) and de-pip really that shouldn't be the killer's fault as the killer didn't do anything to hinder that (not to mention, it's 2020... Who still cries about being in red and purple rank? I find the game much more enjoyable around green and yellow rank because people mess around and have fun with goofy builds more often.) Thank you for reading and if your a developer I hope you can give me/us (anyone really who reads this and wonders the same thing) the answer we're all looking for!

One final note, I've noticed that when you play the game regardless of what you do; staring at a corner, chasing and downing survivors as well as hooking them etc etc... You get the same xp regardless as it's based on game length. The only thing affected by not doing as much is bloodpoints if I'm not mistaken



  • Galklife
    Galklife Member Posts: 726

    " Finally it would make the killer be able to walk away and take a much needed breather."

    Did you think about break from the game? Thats the true breather.

    Or just you should stop caring about outcome of the game?

    Survs get crap for depiping but killers can do what they want?

    And quote about XP is just sad, you know doing gens isnt fun? Funniest part of the game is interaction with killer and youre taking that away!

    If i feel like deranking on killer im using my special wraith build (3 perks and 2 add ons are working against me + BBQ) so i will depip(most likely, but got quite a lot of 4k's too) and get almost guaranteed at least 20k bp + BBQ

  • MamaEagle
    MamaEagle Member Posts: 115

    So what your saying is the biggest reason you want killers to be banned for going afk is because it affects your rank? "YOUR" rank being affected is the only real issue you have? Because I saw you put that the survivors wouldn't be able to interact with said killer, however that doesn't keep the game from going on nor should that even matter as it seems the community is full of people hating the other for their side of "killer" and "survivor." Going as far as making really nasty builds to troll the other with and then teasing them and trash talking them for an easy win when half of your team was red ranks while the killer was a poor rank 16? I find that ludacris to even think your rank would be anything worthy of reporting a killer who gave up honestly. However your answer doesn't answer the question at hand because it's not a final answer from someone who helps create the rules

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    I'm pretty sure going afk is not a bannable offense for survivor nor killer

    There no way of knowing wether the afk was a ragequit or a real life emergency

  • Galklife
    Galklife Member Posts: 726

    wait? where i wrote i care about caring about my survivor rank??? are you sure youre talking to me? you didnt read what i wrote or didnt understand it at all xd

    1st where i wrote i care about rank on survs?

    2nd i wrote i care about interaction with killer (real gameplay not m1 simulator) when you want to serve me m1 simulator with afk killer

    3rd where i wrote im bulling baby killers?

    4th i wrote about troll build on killer so i wont rank up, where i wrote about trash talking??? or bulling other killers by being killer with troll build??

    5th " however that doesn't keep the game from going on" but afk in game as wraith does?? or my for fun wraith build that lets survivors PLAY NORMAL GAME but most likely without dying(because i dont kill before 6th hook)

    6th community is divided i agree, but i play both and hate when ppl are trash talking 1 side for doing X but they are fine with X on the other side


  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,068

    If the Killer goes afk after like 4 Gens get done, at least there was somewhat like a game. But some Killers are simply afk from the start, most of them are Wraiths.

    Sure, there are some Killers who are just afk, because they forgot to queue up. Happens. At least the Survivors can run in front of the Killer to get some points, even tho, I dont think that this should be really an option.

    But most of the AFK-Killers are Wraith - going into the game with the intention of being afk and doing nothing. This is not ok.

    It is not about the free escape or anything, but if I queue up for a game, I expect to get to play it. And not figure out that its an AFK-Wraith, I can press M1 for a few minutes and hopefully get a Blackpip.

    Killers would also not like if all 4 Survivors are AFK right from the start - but at least they would be able to get more BPs during that period of time, but I highly doubt it would be enjoyable and they would feel robbed as well.

  • ABannedCat
    ABannedCat Member Posts: 2,529

    There are some fun AFK killers as well. Like Basement-Chest-Bubba. I see them way more often than the infamous AFK Wraith to be honest.

  • DrDeepwound
    DrDeepwound Member Posts: 2,557
    edited May 2020

    I had an instance once where my daughter fell off her bike while playing in the backyard one time and I had to go afk as killer, it sucks if something like that happens and we get banned for it.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    In this case you should disconnect, this is a real life situation, i think the biggest issue is people AFKing from the start of the match, and I don't think people are looking for one afk = ban, it's obviously if you're boosting your shards or deranking and being afk over several matches.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,068

    I mean, I respect every Chest Protector and congratulate them for a successful Chest Protection. Of course it is the same issue like with AFK-Wraiths and while it has a more comedic nature, still the same problem. People queue up to play a game and dont get a game.

    ^ this.

    Also, if someone goes in as Wraith and is afk, it is safe to assume that the plan is to be afk right from the start and did not happen because of some RL-Issue.

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    This, I always say this. If a survivor gets into a game and doesn’t want to donut because X killer isn’t fun, X addon is OP, my teammates are potatoes, I got caught first, etc they just die in first hook.

    If a killer instantly sees he’s against a well coordinated team far superior in skill he should be allowed to leave, but he can’t so the next closets thing is stand by the door and as doin as the last gen pops open the door.

    Honestly unless it’s afk invisible wraith you can generally still at least black pip just by doing gens/totems and running near the killer for chase points.

  • seki23
    seki23 Member Posts: 833
    edited May 2020

    lots of people do this as Wraith without perks to de rank, is completely fine if u do gens and go into the bassement for quite time you wont get -1 u may get a 0.

    i understand why killers do that, im not gonna blame them by any mean. survivors can decide when to leave a match and killers cant im not gonna blame them for going AFK is the only way they have to give up and is completely ok, i only hate when from the very start they had the intention to go AFK with wraith. becauyse killers can find a match in 10 seconds survivors dont.

    and yes killers should have a button to press after certain amount of gens to say i dont want to play this anymore and give up as survivors can give up when they please by letting the killer grab them and suicide on hook there is no reason to not allow the killers to leave the game aswell if they are not having fun as survivors leave immediately when they see a killer they dont like to go against and that happens constantly to me when i play Freddy, they just YEET from the game because is freddy

    so yeah AFK is fine, is not fine when from THE VERY BEGGINING u go with WRAITH afk in purpose because survivors cant even farm chase points and then leave, with that farm u wont de pip and u wont need to waste 5 minutes on bassement to not de rank. anyway is how it is, and the reason i say is fine de ranking because there is no fun at playing in rank 1 agaisnt sweaty try hards 4 man, u will have way more fun at purple ranks and above with green ranks, even when i win in red ranks (most time) i didnt have fun i sweated hard to win because i dont play nurse or spirit in order to get my 4ks.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    ok but nobody is trying to get anyone banned for afking halfway or towards the end of a match, only people that are afking during and entire match.

  • a_good_player
    a_good_player Member Posts: 194

    its not bannable, and i do it too. i wont play a match that has turned into bullying simulator. and i find ridicoulus that the killer doesnt have a surrender options. survivor can just kill themselves on hook(and i think it should stay this way until broken things in the game are fixed), but the killer has to "enjoy" the entire match.

  • Huff
    Huff Member Posts: 1,480

    I'm hesitant to say it's bannable, because there's some cases where I'm playing killer and end up dominating a team of survivors, but I don't exactly care about the extra bit of bloodpoints so I'll just signal them to finish the last generator and open the door for them so they can just leave, and I'll go face a wall or something.

    There's already been a comment bringing up that it depends on if the killer is doing it from the start, or if it's midway/the end of the match. I can kind of understand people that are against people AFKing from the start like a farming Wraith, but even then sometimes people just have an emergency/forgot they queued and end up being AFK from the start. Same thing with AFKing midway through: some people could just have an emergency they need to go attend to, and I personally wouldn't want to 1. take extra time in an emergency to close out of my game or 2. disconnect and just lose the bloodpoints/xp I had already accumulated during the match.

  • Seiji212
    Seiji212 Member Posts: 183

    I imagine that if it's 'bannable' it has something to do with that whole 'funness' aspect, which for some bizarre reason only ever applies to the killer. There's a long list of soft rules that I'm constantly being harassed with through PMs from survivors who insist that I play their way to make it fun for them. Yet, I've never received a message from a killer expecting me to do something to enhance their enjoyment of the game, nor do I recall reading rant posts on the matter. Just an observation.

  • toxcitynacl
    toxcitynacl Member Posts: 464

    And if you are a Wraith and go AFK the whole game? Everyone would probably de-pip and then had one who not only was AFK for almost the entire game then trapped a survivor on the front porch at Badham...refused to hit the person and forced them to remain on the porch until the EGC killed them off. That is the type person you wish something very very very bad happens to them.

  • Mikeasaurus
    Mikeasaurus Member Posts: 2,327

    Pretty much what I do. When the Gen count hits around 1-2 and I've making very little progress, I call it a day and let them get on with it. I'll smack them and let them heal, and they generally get the idea I'm done trying to win a losing battle. I won't DC or anything, because there's really no point. Survivors can just do their gens, and stand in the gates for 3 minutes for all I care. I'll happily watch some YT or do some housework until the match ends.

  • MamaEagle
    MamaEagle Member Posts: 115

    All because you didn't pip? It's honestly hilarious to me that the only reasons anyone bitches about afk wraiths or afk killers in general is because "I don't get to pip" "I have to race around doing things to safety pip" "it's not fun" did you all ever think maybe it's more than what YOU want the game to be? Maybe a killer is tired of the whining survivor mains constantly berating them for playing the game in ways that irritate the survivors? Maybe the killer is busy with something and decides that they prefer the lower ranks and could use some xp along the way for staying in one spot? Again maybe it's just me, but the only people who seem to get pissed off about it are survivor players at higher ranks who can't "safety pip" or "pip" off a game... Ranks in this game are like crack, you all need to stop worrying about that crap and go outside or something honestly

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    Forgetting has happened to me, especially when killers have 6-10 minute queue time. I tab out to start checking forums, watching Twitch, grab a coffee etc and by the time I remember there is like 1 gen left or we are in the chat screen already oops

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,068

    This is probably one of the most pathetic posts I have seen so far.

    If someone does not want to play the game and decides to go for AFK-Wraith instead, then this person should not queue up. Simple as that. Dont want to play the game? Fine, then dont start a Match.

  • MamaEagle
    MamaEagle Member Posts: 115

    Another point being made without anything behind it. I play survivor, I wait maybe a minute or two for a game. I play it on Xbox as well, almost instantly get out in a game (sometimes I have to wait.) But hey, what do I know? I'm just a killer main and survivors are always in the right lol. No one can ever win in this game because everyone wants to fight each other over stupid stuff. Imagine, just imagine people getting mad over a killer not wanting to chase after people?? Imagine that for a minute... Now imagine all the people who get mad because maybe that same killer has grown tired of trying because everyone in this game sweats it like this was some league of legends stream for a thousand dollar prize... It's honestly sad that the killer is constantly being berated over what survivors want and then get called PATHETIC by some random person who literally only has one complaint which would fit along the category of "fun" for the survivors.

    Honestly I wish every single killer did this, I would love if for one day every single killer sat in a corner and refused to do anything. This game would die off like a disease, why? Because then it wouldn't be fun for anyone. Maybe this post isn't about being adk but more about some of us looking to get our xp while punishing those sweaty ass survivors who will do literally whatever it takes to "pip" even if that means they have to degrade the other side in the end game chat and what not. This game will never be fun if everyone is constantly trying to screw over the other side but again... What do I know? Just a "pathetic" killer main who doesn't want to play this game like you put it lol

  • BlueFirebilly
    BlueFirebilly Member Posts: 257

    If I have had a horrible game and towards the end survivors have been complete twats I’m going to go and, why would I wanna play in an unfun toxic, hostile environment, I don’t have a problem with it as surv as well, I play killer and I get the struggles and I get it, I also take the free bp and run, I don’t care about rank, I’m glad its being abolished soon as well

  • emptyCups
    emptyCups Member Posts: 1,262

    Afk is kinda the least of my worries

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    But yet the survivor's right to suicide on first hook is protected because???

    Just had a game as rank 12 killer, from the get go I could tell the survivors were red rank and whether SWF it was gonna be an unfun game because of the clicky clicks. I went to a corner to let them do gens and afterwards they didn't open the gates for 10 minutes... that's right they ran around the map for 10 minutes, they found me like 2 minutes after gens done. Obviously they were mad I wouldn't turn around and let them get their clicks and teabags in, then watch them leave because survivors need that satisfaction.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,068

    If 1 Survivor suicides, there are still 4 other players left in the Trial to play the game. If the Killer is an AFK-Wraith, there is no game.

    This has nothing to do with Killer or Survivor. My point stands - if someone does not want to play the game, they should not queue up. If someone is doing that repeatedly, they should be banned. If they want Shards for Rift Progression, they should play.

  • SaltedSnow
    SaltedSnow Member Posts: 309

    People go afk wraith in order to derank, the matchmaking is trash so people will do anything to get an actual balanced game out.

    From your previous post. You can't depip with an afk wraith unless you solo every gen. You're garunteed at least an iri escape and 2 silvers.

  • ayaya
    ayaya Member Posts: 163
    edited May 2020

    I really hope it is bannable and I report all of them. I don't mind an AFK survivor as much because I can still play the match normally. But AFK killer means I need to hold M1 for my pity points and no pip at all. Maybe play a chest guardian Bubba at least? Technically you're still AFK for the whole match but at least there might be some interesting plot twists

  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    Would that have made a difference?

    If the killer disconnected the survivors would lose the items they had and all BP they may have gained. If the killer just goes AFK the survivors can still get points and keep items.

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    I had a game like that yesterday, I could tell after one chase that I would be lucky to get a hook let alone a kill so I went to the corner and stared at a wall... after the gates were powered the survivors found me and didn’t leave for 10 minutes... think about that, they were so in need to prove their superiority, to be able to teabag me, to force me to watch them leave, that they basically wasted a whole game’s worth of play time standing behind me because I refused to turn around and kept tabbing out to organize files for something else.

    And no I don’t need to play against these people to get better, I could turn around and make the argument they need to play against better killers to stay sharp.

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    I agree, even before penalties I never DC I just stand by the door and let the survivors get whatever points they can. This also gives them a chance to loot chests for items and do rift challenges that are possible and even easier against an AFK killer.

    Generally doing gens/totems, running near me to get chase points, and escaping is enough to keep them from depipping and depending on rank they may even pip

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    Why does it matter AFK/DC if there is a serious matter you attend it really does not matter - no one is against that, this whole thread is about people wanting killers who are intentionally AFKing from the beginning of the game.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,068

    This will be my last post in this Thread. It is kinda sad to see how vehemently people defend someone who just queues up, goes into a game as AFK-Wraith without the intention to ever play this match...


    In my opinion, the unfun stuff should be removed. Like, I cannot blame anyone for killing on first Hook vs Iri Head Huntress. Or when they get camped by an Insidious Bubba (even tho, it would be nice if they would just struggle, but if they are Solo, I fully understand that they dont want to hang around for 2 minutes). If stuff like that gets removed, sure. Same for Killers btw., if the first thing they see is an Object who burned Ormond, I can understand that they dont like it.

    What I dont like are people who suicide on first Hook, just because they are bad and went down first. Like, there is this Clown, doing nothing wrong, and they Suicide. Great.

    But at least I get to play a game. Sure, a 3v1 sucks and it is most likely not winnable. But I get to play. And maybe get a decent amount of points, if the Killer is playing chill from this point on (not in a meaning to let everyone escape, but just not sweating that much) so that everyone gets a decent amount of points. Or they just slug everyone and want it over fast, cannot blame them for that tbh, even tho I always prefer the chill version, even as Killer.

    But I cannot play a game when the Killer decides right from the start to be AFK as Wraith to get some Iridescent Shards. And this is my point.


    But at least you queued up with the intention to play that game. This is the difference from what I am talking about.

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    I agree if someone starts the game planning to AFK that’s wrong 100% sorry didn’t mean to imply I thought that was ok.

    In regards to the killer leaving, you just requeue, now if your queues are longer as survivor that kind of opens up that whole other topic of why there aren’t enough killers

  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    That was my point...I was responding to your post which was not about AFKing at the start of a match.

    I'm guessing there was a miscommunication there.

  • MamaEagle
    MamaEagle Member Posts: 115

    If "unfun" stuff should be removed then they would have already removed half the killers and half the survivor perks because it's "unfun" for the other side to deal with... Example, the entire survivor Meta perk build that every red rank runs because they can't really outplay the killer any other way. Or the basement Bubba who has insidious and face camps, or a good killer perk example being Franklin's and how evil it is. The devs work to fix whatever the majority vote is for or whatever hurts their business more. And frankly "unfun" isn't at the top of your list. I get you want to have fun but first of all... This game isn't anywhere near the term "fun" when half the time your put against people who are far too better or far too lacking in skill. The matchmaking is an absolute mess, has been, and always will be because people keep playing the game and the devs want to bring in a new audience.

    In fact, with all things to consider in this game "broken" "glitched" "bugged" "not fair" and "unfun" you would think a killer just wanting to do their own thing would be at the bottom of your list. But hey, if pissing off the other side and forcing them to play to your own rules is what gets you going, start a petition called the "I'm always whining about dumb #########" and Hell I'll cast a vote for you... Because so far there is a lot more things going on in this game to make it "unfun" that are ruining the experience for everyone else

  • RavCav_
    RavCav_ Member Posts: 59

    Some people view DCing as rage quitting, and some people view AFKing as denying others a full game experience. I understand where people are coming from when they voice those opinions. I think all that is missing is a surrender vote or some other type of concede option for players who don't want to be toxic but just want to admit defeat and move on to another match. However, I have learned that it is possible to have amazing luck in this game if you play your best at all times and never give up. Yesterday, I succeeded on a 4% chance self-unhook and found hatch against a rank 2 killer. As killer, I have faced a team of strong loopers that I struggled against but two of them made mistakes that I was able to take advantage of as killer and get them sacrificed by being patient. If I gave up and went AFK, I would have never saw those windows of opportunity (just realized that is a Kate Denson perk ha). Another thing you can do if you are being looped hard as killer and losing a game is just keep chasing and watch the paths that the survivors are taking to learn how to loop better yourself. I have found that there are looping paths in the game that I was not aware of until I learned about them by losing chases. In the long run, I think it pays in knowledge to never give up or go AFK or DC unless you have a real life situation that needs your attention.

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    I agree that you should take the chance to get better, and yes just watching how a better player played teaches some things. The problem is sometimes these players drag the game out longer. Survivors for example if they feel no fear will not finish the last gen until they find the killer and abuse him for a bit. Killers have watched entire teams bleed out slugged instead of hooking them for some reason.

    And sometimes the other side is really that much better and you’d prefer a new attempt. The worst is when I use a bad killer or meme build AND get matched against all rank 1s... whelp there goes that fun idea

  • TheAngryPickle
    TheAngryPickle Member Posts: 73
    edited June 2020

    I remember one guy getting banned for playing basement defender Bubba. I guess if you don't play "the right way" (chase the survivors around "BOOGA BOOGA" and then letting them escape) you can and will be punished for it. Also using bugged killer addons (Legion blades) will get you a ban, but abusing Wake Up when it was bugged (+15% to all action speeds) BHVR will overlook it.

  • GRT_Alkaline
    GRT_Alkaline Member Posts: 226

    I dont think it is banable nor should it be.

    The only reason i can say on my experience of going afk as killer is and i've only ever gone afk 2 or 3 times and that was because while the match was happening. The little one started screaming the house down, and well dealing with that is more important than a video game.. i go afk that way the survivors are able to get bp,exp and the escape.

    I don't think me going to calm down the little one deserves a ban.

  • Tiersis
    Tiersis Member Posts: 259

    OP: "I had read the rules and it doesn't even state going afk is a bannable offense."

    I think you answered your own question here.

  • Dolls
    Dolls Member Posts: 395

    But ragequit or emergency is all the same. A DC get punished even if it was the games error that caused it. So why make different rules for AFK? Away is away... DC is DC....

  • Tiersis
    Tiersis Member Posts: 259

    Maybe I'm just using insidious but I forgot to take Insidious, and I'm waiting for the right moment to strike, but it never comes, and all 4 escape. Drat.

    I joke of course. Being AFK isn't against the rules.

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    Not entirely a joke, I’ve done insidious/ noed/blood warden Bubba or rancor Wraith... watch the survivors all game or just stand in a good spot and after they start swarming around, teabagging, pointing you figure out the right time to strike.

    Is it fun, not always, but doing it once in a while makes me laugh and I would say 9/10 times the survivors even laugh end game. I had a 4-man SWF I didn’t know but endgame chat they all laughed at their friend for dying, they swore they would never let him live it down and thanked me.

    Again, if this happened every game it would be boring and killer and annoying/boring for Survuvors but if you’re playing 10-20 games or more a day something like this can break up the monotony of loop, gen, escape or kill, slug, hook

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    AFK is not the same as a DC

    Before the punishments you could go into another match after leaving so people did it more

    AFKing doesn't give you anything unless you actually had a reason to go afk in the first place

  • Dolls
    Dolls Member Posts: 395

    Sure it does. People being toxic can afk.

    Why would a survivoir sandbag their own team? What are they gaining? Toxic is toxic. So may as well assume everyone afk is toxic..if DC is assumed to always be on purpose...

  • SquirrelKnight
    SquirrelKnight Member Posts: 951

    So it is fine if the survivors ruin a killers gameplay and points by, say, 4 blendettes or forcekilling on hook, but killers have to respect survivors want for fun and play a losing game because ItS nOt FaIr?!?!!??';$