The new Dight challenge can't be completed while being useful to your teammates

What were the devs thinking? Until now, with every challenge you could at least be playing semi-seriously, you could still distract the killer even if you didn't have an optimal build. But with this challenge you aren't allowed to be detected by the killer, so your best play is just running behind him and hope he doesn't turn around, the game essentially loses 1 survivor if he is trying to do this challenge.
idek, I had to throw like five games in a row before I managed to complete it and I only did so because I got mismatched against a baby nurse who had no idea what she was doing and didn't look behind her. makes me wonder if the devs actually playtest before releasing these challenges.
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Personally, I prefer variety even if it is somewhat counterproductive.
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If the killer is looking for you then you are buying your team time to do gens that sounds useful.
the one I find less useful to the team is having to touch five gens in one match, I’ve had games where I do 3-4 gens but rarely touch a fifth.
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I've only ever been in the situation where this challenge could have finished naturally with this range limit was when I pissed off a spirit so much she checked all 8 lockers in a room on hawkens trying to find me despite me not being in a locker at all. Perhaps that time I fixated around shack looping the killer outside of a chase. I think the only chance you really have to pull this off outside of a one in a million game is on the game map by following the killer from a different floor or the previously mentioned complete baby killer.
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Happened to luck out and get this one with a a killer having lag issues. It seems very situationally useful; like if your teammates are healing up on the other side of the map but the killer's got whispers so you're hanging around trying to distract them.