Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

Soul Guard is NOT OP/Broken!

CraftingSoup Member Posts: 69
edited May 2020 in General Discussions

First of all, those only 4 seconds are very situational, because it would mean that the killer would have to be slugging, a teammate gets you up RIGHT IN FRONT of the killer, and he doesn't wait 8 seconds, then it's usable.

Second of all, once a survivor see a totem that he knows isn't Haunted Grounds, he will cleanse it IMMEDIATELY without hesitation, leaving the perk useless. And if it WAS Haunted Grounds, it would never be activated, meaning you won't be cursed. Also, again, the killer would have to leave you on the ground, which is very unlikely. And even with SWF, if your team decides NOT to cleanse a totem, you would have to deal with the Hex the WHOLE ROUND, which gets even worse with perks like NOED and Lullaby with 5 stacks.

The point is, Soul Guard is NOT broken, due to it being VERY situational, and people should stop complaining about it. >_>

Sorry if I sound rude, i'm tired.

Edit: I am not saying this perk is useless. This is just a little rant because people think this is broken. Please take this with a grain of salt.

Post edited by CraftingSoup on


  • Spirez
    Spirez Member Posts: 674

    I can only really see this being useful in a SWF and some planning to make it work. As FYI though the maxed out version of this grants 8 seconds not 4

  • LivUndead
    LivUndead Member Posts: 69

    If anyone is complaining they know nothing

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    You're absolutely correct, this perk is highly situational.

    It doesn't shake the meta.

  • Pizza_Dweet
    Pizza_Dweet Member Posts: 68

    It's not op but it'd be annoying with Ds and unbreakable not meta but it has a lot of potential to be annoying

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    It's not quite as useless as you seem to be implying, and the SWF argument does hold some water, but overall I agree, people aren't giving it enough credit for how situational it is. Of course a powerful but highly situational perk or any other mechanic is going to seem overpowered if you only imagine it in ideal circumstances and don't take into account how often those circumstances actually occur.

  • Cancan71
    Cancan71 Member Posts: 709

    The perk works well against killers that like to slug a lot like Hillbilly and Oni but otherwise it can be counter by just picking up the survivor, and a lot of games the killer doesn't even slug so it's useless during some matches.

    I tend to notice that people tend to overreact when new changes come to the game, whether they called OP or say that it's useless. Remember when the doctor rework was a nerf? Remember when sabo was OP because of one video of a good SWF playing against people trying to learn the new killer? It's better to wait when it's live for a few weeks before making any conclusions as people play differently between live and PTB.

  • NursesBootie
    NursesBootie Member Posts: 2,159

    OMG no mither builds are soooo broken now.

    Seriously, it's good with unbreakable when timed right. Not op, just another protection layer on top of Deliverance, DS and UB. That combination of perks is obviously op, but soul guard as a perk not.

  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    I think/feel they might be doing this on purpose now. Perhaps to make perks more situational as to avoid getting into another permanent meta like we have now. Maybe down the line all the overused perks will see a rework into something along these lines.

    Just food for thought.

  • Cancan71
    Cancan71 Member Posts: 709

    Doesn't that assume that the killer will be waiting out the 60 second timer right next to the downed survivor? If someone deliverances in front of me and I assumed they had DS I would either pick them up to waste DS or go and pressure someone else. Either way Soul Guard would be useless so I think you would want something else instead like an exhaustion perk.

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873
  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    I still think No Mither should start you off healthy but not allow you to be healed in any means (work as it does now), this way you have at least a chance to get yourself up without the huge " I'M RUNNING NO MITHER" icon above your head right off the start.

    I fell the same way with Huntress Lullaby that basically screams "I HAVE LULLABY HEX" before the perk has even gotten a single token.

  • NursesBootie
    NursesBootie Member Posts: 2,159

    Endgame. Killer slugs you after deliverance. You get up with UB and tank a hit with soul guard. He picks you up you use DS.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    Pretty much. Not everything that looks broken on paper is broken in practice, and vice versa. That's why live testing and live balancing is a thing.

  • Dzeikor
    Dzeikor Member Posts: 704

    the fact it also affect hexes makes it kinda op idk,guess all we can do is wait and see how its gonna be when the official version will be released,but as it look,it seems pretty op

  • bingbongboi90
    bingbongboi90 Member Posts: 577

    This perk isnt Op i think mainly annoying when used in a swf. Because with this perk it is ideal to pick yourself up in front of the killer. So they either wait 8 seconds but in that time the survivor is already at a loop, or they hit the person which is basically just as annoying to deal with.

    But i agree what everyone is saying it is far from OP.

  • Marcus
    Marcus Member Posts: 2,047

    It's not OP, but it's still the best perk of this chapter.

  • Cancan71
    Cancan71 Member Posts: 709

    True that would make soul guard work well but it's a very specific build that only works in a specific scenario, plus you might not have deliverance active or you might be on your second hook. If I was trying this build I would use Sprint Burst or Dead Hard as they would accomplish the same thing as Soul Guard while also benefiting me during the game. But I do admit that if you get it to work it would be pretty satisfying.

  • Exerlin
    Exerlin Member Posts: 1,352

    I think it's a good perk. I'm excited to see how it's utilized in my matches

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295

    It could be a survivor's version of NOED. You go 3 perks for most of the match and if the killer doesn't bring a hex, you never get to use it. Much like if they cleanse da bonez you never get to use noed :P

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671
    edited May 2020

    First of all, it's just 8 seconds, not 4-8. Grading based on low tiers is disingenuous.

    Next, you act like leaving a hex up all game is insanely punishing, it's generally not. The only hex generally that would be more important might be devour and even then the game has to go on long enough and the killer play well enough for it to even start to matter enough to cleanse it.

    At high ranks you win with slugging. It's the only way you are outputting enough pressure to slow down good survivors. It is not worth losing your ability to slug to have a totem up all game. Slugging is essential. I'm assuming based on your thoughts that you aren't playing at high ranks, but at low ranks yeah, slugging doesn't really matter as the survivors are playing badly and don't know what they're doing. At high ranks though you cannot give up slugging.

    A ruin or lullaby (lol) all game isn't really a big deal.

    It's a poorly designed perk to me because it's quite weaker in solo queue, but god tier meta in a SWF. This is the exact design the devs said they don't want to do. They stated that they do not want to make perks that are specifically stronger for SWF as they are already an issue.

    You can say it's situational, but here's the thing, just like all the other second chance perks, if the situation didn't arise, you won anyway because those situations are how killers win high rank games against "good" survivors. If you lost without those situations arising yall played badly. It also forces him to play inefficiently around the perk because he has to assume you could be running it, meaning you are getting it's value even when it doesn't activate.

  • MadArtillery
    MadArtillery Member Posts: 826

    It's an absolute nightmare for the one hooked one slugged killer strategy. I've won a lot and I do mean a lot of games by keeping control of both a slug and a hook simultaneously. Often the slugged person gets slammed back down repeatedly. It'll absolutely be meta as much as borrowed time is.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    OP actually acknowledged the point about Haunted Ground not activating Soul Guard in their post. The reason they brought it up was precisely to illustrate the point that the only hex which survivors will typically avoid cleansing is Haunted Ground, which is the only one that won't activate Soul Guard, and any other hex perk that will activate it is likely to be cleansed very quickly, meaning that the perk won't be active for very long anyway (if at all). In both cases, the recovery ability on Soul Guard is extremely limited in its usefulness.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,741
    edited May 2020

    It's limited, which is why I dont think its OP or anything...just think its odd that they tied it to Hex perks to begin with. I dont think a survivor perk should be directly tied to a killer's loadout. If you want a survivor perk to counter various status effects or something...sure. This though treats 3rd seal the same as it would treat ruin. I feel like the effect should rather be tied to a survivor action rather than a killer's loadout. That's why I drew my parallel to saying a killer perk that only gives a really strong effect if a survivor is equiped with an "eye perk".

    Also, correct me if I'm wrong...but I dont believe devour hope gives the hex status effect either

  • NursesBootie
    NursesBootie Member Posts: 2,159

    You know what the problem of SB or DH is? DH gives you literally no distance and SB can be denied by good reactions. Nobody would pretict freaking soulguard. xD

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    It's very unlikely it'll be meta, for the people and breakout were complained about too and you rarely see those. You can even go to the ptb archives and see some of the old perks people were worrying about.

  • xCarrie
    xCarrie Member Posts: 982

    The thing that makes me hate this perk is the fact I get punished for running a hex perk. They’re already a risk running but now I can’t slug if other people are near because how dare I run a hex? I don’t use them a lot mostly Devour Hope, but it’s a hex that requires work and luck to be strong and now once I earn the ability to one shot survivors, they can just pick themselves up and now I lost pressure. I’m not sure if it does cancel out DH because I haven’t tested it but it’s called “hex” so I’d assume.

    Its just one of those perks that are weak for solo but strong in swf.

  • Demogordon_Ramsay
    Demogordon_Ramsay Member Posts: 1,503
    1. Has a specific special interaction with other Perks which the devs have said they don’t want to be a thing
    2. Punishes the Killer for merely equipping already-weak, high-risk Perks
    3. Two second chance Perks in one when the meta is already running three or four second chance Perks

    I don’t care if it’s “situational” or not. Putting this Perk in the game is a terrible, terrible idea.

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342

    I think it might once someone gets hit by it at three stacks, but I wouldn't know for sure.

  • MrPeterPFL
    MrPeterPFL Member Posts: 636

    People overreacting, just like when they announce Inner Strength, Second Wind, For the People and Breakout for being “broken and op”. Don’t get me started on Any Means Necessary

  • LetsPlayTogether
    LetsPlayTogether Member Posts: 2,117

    Thats probably a dumb ritual of twisted killer mains esp on these forums. Last times it was inner strenght, i hardly see at all. After that it was any means necessary, i just saw once or twice at all since then. Also new sabotage was marked OP and broken, you hardly see that too. Most recent was for the people. Also just a once in a while thing. But killers cried about them being OP or broken. Just shows that those twisted people lack game sense. Now its Soul guard. Same Story.

  • Scal3r
    Scal3r Member Posts: 188

    I literally haven't heard a single person say this perk was op

  • TheAngryPickle
    TheAngryPickle Member Posts: 73
    edited May 2020

    Cool, can't camp because of BT, can't tunnel because of DS, can't slug because of Unbreakable/SG, I can't wait for the perk that prevents the killer from hooking or killing me. OOOHH! I know! Give us a perk that makes us immune to Moris! INSTANT META BREAKER!!!!1111

  • TheAngryPickle
    TheAngryPickle Member Posts: 73

    The killer equivalent to Soul Guard would be a perk that allows the killer to instantly down the survivor who pallet stunned them, AND mori them after being hit with DS. The survivor tears would be a tsunami.

  • konchok
    konchok Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,719

    I think no mither should start you off as healthy, you become broken after the first hook, and you lose the broken status affect after the last generator is powered.

  • konchok
    konchok Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 1,719

    And it will, after you've been hooked once. This would make it an even better anti-slugging perk because if you only slug and never hook, then you won't know if they have no mither.

  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321

    Agreed. I suppose people that really hate the perk are those that try to "noed-4k-slug" every game. Personally I think Cheryl's perks are decent but nothing that will straight up change the meta.

  • Withered
    Withered Member Posts: 71

    Yeah, and on the opposite end of the spectrum, if you touch a hexed totem, you should immediately get the cursed status. It's obvious you know it's there, so even if it doesn't tell you what hex it is you should still know. And lastly you shouldn't get alerted on thrill of the hunt ever, to buff it a little, either make it stay hidden to be a decent perk, or apply cursed and make the survivor oblivious as long as they are on the totem, just ideas tho

  • Withered
    Withered Member Posts: 71
    edited June 2020

    It's affect on hexes is a negative to a survivor as A) there may or may not be a hex, and B) it incentives survivors to keep hexes which will only be an upside on the two trap hex perks. Imo it's weak and too situational

    It would be like saying small game it broken because it helps you find totems

  • Withered
    Withered Member Posts: 71

    Devour gives cursed once the first person is insta-downed

  • Withered
    Withered Member Posts: 71

    Devour hope wouldn't trigger it until you get your first insta-down at 3 tokens

  • Withered
    Withered Member Posts: 71

    Everytime someone says OP I get confused cause half the time it means overpowered and the other half is original poster

  • xCarrie
    xCarrie Member Posts: 982

    I know, that’s whenever it gets strong and can cause massive snowball. But now it doesn’t matter because if you slug then they can pick themselves up whenever

  • Customapple0
    Customapple0 Member Posts: 629

    Nerfing Soul Guard won’t change anything. It doesn’t make a dent in the current meta perks as it is now.

  • DingDongs
    DingDongs Member Posts: 684
    edited June 2020

    Or just give start as healthy AND permanent exposed debuff

    With this change the killer know you're not suppose to slug after m1 and they don't hear the moaning sound

    Also you don't get permanent slow from thana, sickness from plague are useless and you still don't need any heal perk/item

    Not to mention, no more injured music

  • GreenPufferFish
    GreenPufferFish Member Posts: 498

    i think the on where u block gens could be ok and that healling perk 4 pyramid head is op

  • Withered
    Withered Member Posts: 71

    But when it gets strong, atleast in my experience, all of the survivors leave the insta-downed person and start sprinting to find the hex