Challenge: Dwight the Brave is activly destroying the game

maeru Member Posts: 7

Im currently at the Challenge Dwight the Brave (hide within 10m of the killer for 60 seconds as dwight WITHOUT getting caught) and its not possible to achieve this challenge without ruining the game. Why?

  • When you are doing a generator and try to hide when the killer is coming you maybe get like 4seconds before either the killer leaves or caught you
  • You have to run behind the killer all the time at best directly behind him and hopefully the system doesnt let this count as ''caught''
  • You also have the possbility to camp a hooked killer when he killer is running arround unhooking him and then watch how your teammate gets sacrificed.
  • its not possible to do this challenge with certain killers ua. Wraith, Hag because they are too fast or it doesnt really count.

Im currently at my 11th attempt without success and will propably spend A LOT of bloodpoints till i get iron will because its annother perk besides spinechill to actually help get it.

I would rather have the timer to 30 seconds so its much easier and healthier for the game otherwise we will have a lot of dwight to the end of the current trial who are propably just hiding and trying to not get caught by the killer which leads to 0 gens, a lot of ingame boldness actions which would also lead to no gen progression.

What is your opinion about it currently?



  • ayaya
    ayaya Member Posts: 163
    edited May 2020

    I thought that it's like the previous challenge where all you had to do be was being in terror radius. No hiding needed. Maybe put offering for The Game?

  • NursesBootie
    NursesBootie Member Posts: 2,159

    I'll never do that challenge. xD

  • cheetocultleader
    cheetocultleader Member Posts: 1,259

    Yeah this. I used Tapp's perk Stakeout which helped with knowing when it counted.

  • Dr_Loomis
    Dr_Loomis Member Posts: 3,703
    edited May 2020

    Sounds a bit of a trash challenge. Could be a bit tricky.

    I haven't had access to my PS4 for 3 weeks, thus haven't had the opportunity to try the part 2 & 3 challenges (hopefully should be home tomorrow though 😊).

    Anyway, I'm not sure if they would be the best layout but maybe.

    -Spine Chill

    -Quick & Quiet



    And get a good dark/dull attire to help camouflage when close to the killer.

    Good luck!

  • ShErMaDeRmA
    ShErMaDeRmA Member Posts: 338

    um, i got it by accident

  • maeru
    maeru Member Posts: 7

    Thats actually a good idea i will try getting this perk thank you and hopefully i can do this challenge soon :p

  • Veen
    Veen Member Posts: 706
    edited May 2020

    Did it on the first attempt, but I really felt dirty about it, I mean I never play as a blendette and I wonder how people have fun by acting as a bush and doing nothing but avoiding the killer 🙄

    I'll suggest to anyone those perks , Stake Out since it helps with the timing , Bond and Empathy to locate your fellow teammates who get chased and maybe even alert if it can help locate the killer. And The game offering, just follow the killer from the different level of where he is and it's real free estate.

  • Kira15233
    Kira15233 Member Posts: 473
    edited May 2020

    I legit got it first or second try, it was easy, just get a 4-man group, wait until someone is downed then hide close to the killer...easy, now I'm working on the Kate Denson challenge, the one I have to escape whilst death hook, this is a more difficult challenge imo

  • PrettyFaceKate
    PrettyFaceKate Member Posts: 1,776

    You have to be within 10m of the killer to count for the challenge. Stake out doesn't make any difference in tracking that.

  • MojoTheFabulous
    MojoTheFabulous Member Posts: 2,015

    I got lucky when a Hillbilly got stuck in place. Felt bad sitting near him for an entire minute but I got him to chainsaw me after and pick me up to free him.

  • JHondo
    JHondo Member Posts: 1,174

    It took me five attempts of being an absolute potato to finally get it. Some of the killer ones I've been farming just because of RNG BS like grab Survivors off of gens with Discordance or grab from a locker while using Iron Maiden (these especially since dedicated servers make interrupting even more difficult)

  • cheetocultleader
    cheetocultleader Member Posts: 1,259

    Ya for the record I was referring to ayaya's comment, and that's how I handled the other tome's terror radius challenge. I still think it could help, but I'll try to pull it off first before saying I'm positive.

  • Seiko300
    Seiko300 Member Posts: 1,862
    edited May 2020

    This looks a lot more like a "stealthy while on the move / running" build but not exactly something that would be truly very helpful if you were trying to stealth within 10 meters of a killer. I would suggest a different build:

    -Iron Will

    -Urban Evasion


    -Calm Spirit

    Fixated and Calm Spirit are the closest things to "optional" in that build because Fixated walking speed boost doesn't activate while injured (but the iron will and urban evasion will cover for you in those moments) and a lot of times calm spirit really doesn't make a huge difference. You could switch either of these perks out for Quick & Quiet or Spine Chill if you wanted, hell if you're into meme builds you could even go for Diversion and try to make use of The Pebble.

    But those perks do have their uses and there's a reason why I included them in the build, all of them help you out in the moment when you're trying to stealth within 10 meters of a killer.

    Iron Will is iron will. You want it in your build for this kind of challenge, otherwise stealthing within 10 meters of a killer while injured is going to be much more difficult dare I say impossible if the killer you're up against is attentive and has ears at all. I would not switch this out for anything

    Fixated increases your walking speed so you can walk more quickly from cover to cover than you would crouching with urban evasion. In all reality when using both Fixated and Urban Evasion in conjunction you're going to want to rely on the mov. speed from fixated more than urban evasion just because it's so much faster so walking circles around a tree or a tall loop like a jungle gym where it makes no difference if you're standing or crouching will be even faster.

    Urban evasion is there in case you really want to be crouching because the killer is absolutely right next to you or you're using a smaller piece of cover so you want to crouch to minimize your size as much as possible and still need to move quickly. It's also there to cover for you while you're injured because the walking Speed Boost provided by Fixated would be deactivated. I would not switch this out for anything

    Calm Spirit is there for two reasons: the first being depending on your rank, the more experienced killers may or may not be paying attention to crows making stealth more difficult, if you're ever wondering why you keep getting caught even though you're well hidden this may be the reason why (the crows). So Calm Spirit will help you stealth against killers who are more attentive. The second reason is that Calm Spirit also stifles screams and actually suppresses the urge to scream, which you won't always get use out of, but it would be incredibly helpful so that you don't get f*cked if you're trying to do this challenge and you queue with a Doctor or someone (perhaps Hillbillly or Oni) running Infectious Fright. In both scenarios Stealthing around those killers would be incredibly more difficult than normal, and Calm Spirit would definitely give you a noticeably greater chance of stealthing around them.

    With these perks it'd probably be a cinch to finish the challenge, however unfortunately for me, I'm not a Dwight main. So I don't think I have all these perks if any of them on Dwight. 😰

    If I do I definitely don't have them at Tier 3, which is something you definitely really want for every perk in that entire build.

    So it's gonna be rough for me whenever I try to do this challenge. Rip, hopefully I find that farming Huntress or another camping insidious Leatherface in red ranks o.0

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627

    Stake Out doesn't help because it does not tell you the 10m distance, only TR.

    Game is a good idea, I got it on Swamp by working on a gen with someone else on the pier. Had Premonition, Iron Will and Urban evasion and was quickly hiding after Premontion triggered, and while the other one was chasing on top, I was hiding downstairs, when they dropped down, I went up. So I could grind some seconds and when they left I went back on the gen.

    I helped my brother the same way, we were doing the gen and when the killer approached, he was hiding in a locker in the death trap room and I was looping the killer around the saloon, which works pretty well because it is a strong loop.

    You definitely need someone else around you to help with that challenge, intended or not. If the killer doesn't see you, he won't stay near you for no reason, and you cannot follow the killer unseen because he is simply faster than you.

  • kaeru
    kaeru Member Posts: 1,568

    Luckily I made it in first try. I've got perks Spine Chill, Iron Will, Urban Evasion, and Lightweight for some reason. Perhaps it could be better perk, but it worked somehow. I played vs Bubba on Wretched Shop. My team managed to escape, but I died during endgame collapse trying hide close to killer as much as I could.

  • Torche
    Torche Member Posts: 36

    I suppose I was lucky, I got it on my first attempt: in The Game map (I guess that's why).Try use an offering for this challenge.

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275

    Right! And for survivors, even stuff like (and I'm just making this up, I'm sure it's close enough to a real challenge) "safely unhook 3 survivors in a single match." I'm gonna BEELINE to downed/hooked survivors. I'm prioritizing this over things like objectives, but I am also taking actions that are directly benefiting the game and the other players.

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,793

    It's an idiotic challenge. It's not fun, it can very easily hurt you and your teammate's chances of escaping and it takes ZERO skill. Sometimes I think they come up with these just to give killers easier games since anything less than a 4k is a complete loss for a lot of people.

  • Dabihwow
    Dabihwow Member Posts: 3,409

    if I get a 3k i consider that a win, but yeah people overthink it just a bit too much

  • Parallax
    Parallax Member Posts: 273

    I literally just chased the killer while they were chasing someone else. Since they never actually start a chase with me, I am technically "hiding"

  • Xzan
    Xzan Member Posts: 907

    I can't remember her name but it was on a Autohaven Map and the Huntress clearly wanted to do her challenge because she didn't really chased anyone and was just throwing hatchets at us.

  • undeadcookie
    undeadcookie Member Posts: 198

    So many of these challenges are ######### stupid lol

    Killer has one in Tome 2 for grabbing survivors out of a locker with Iron Maiden equipped, which completely defeats the purpose of Iron Maiden lmao

  • LordRegal
    LordRegal Member Posts: 1,549

    I got it second try on Dead Dawg. A much better survivor than I looped the hell out of a Leatherface right outside the saloon entrance as I was repairing the gen on the second floor. If that alone didn't get it the time I successfully hid (also in the saloon) should have, and if not then me cleansing the devour totem as the killer tried to figure out how to get into the room it was in 100% got it.

    I think in general multi-story maps will be your best bet, since they can be above or below you and have no clue you're there.

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,165

    The game map. Just be above/below killer when they're chasing someone else. Worked for me, was super helpful that they were looping killer below gen I was working on.

  • Seiko300
    Seiko300 Member Posts: 1,862
  • HealsBadMan
    HealsBadMan Member Posts: 1,122

    I see people complain about this so much- its not that hard! You just need the right build and playstyle, albeit a little luck. I acknowledge its hard to do with a stealth killer, or an incredibly high mobility one, but you need to set yourself up for success.

    I got it on Lery's with an Oni- right there it played into my favor, cause that map heavily hindered his playstyle. Secondly, while you have to be close to the killer this doesn't mean you're useless. If he kicked a gen, i tapped it to stop regression. I used Diversion and Red Herring to distract him and make him lose chase with other survivors. I unhooked and healed people he managed to get, and even though it didnt help the challenge I took aggro when needed. End of the day, just play stealthily and carefully- with a little luck, you can get it!

    The challenge in the next tome, which is basically this but needed to escape as well- that can be tough, but its doable like this. Just immerse and stay focused- you'll get it!

  • AvisDeene
    AvisDeene Member Posts: 2,396

    It wasn’t hard to complete. As soon as I stopped trying to complete it, I completed it. I was in the basement opening a chest and a teammate brought the killer and looped them for almost a minute above.

    Just run Calm Spirit to avoid Doctors powers or infectious fright.

  • NursesBootie
    NursesBootie Member Posts: 2,159
  • Dolls
    Dolls Member Posts: 395

    I got it on my first try on account of a kind pig. I saw her and crouched with her as she went about killing my team. At one point though I lost sight of her and came face to face with her when I came around the corner. I just crouched walked back and forth hoping she understood and for some awesome reason, cared to help me.

    She looked both ways then seem to decide, then we both started to crouch walk together. It was so hilarious.

    Usually, I've noticed, pigs will help you if they understand... On switch anyway..

  • aregularplayer
    aregularplayer Member Posts: 906

    i'm here to laugh at you "hag too fast"

  • aregularplayer
    aregularplayer Member Posts: 906

    also, I got it on first try running iron will, urban evasion, fixated and sprint burst.

    (about hag again) my girlfrined got this challenge playing against hag :'D

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    I got it first try against a meyers with rabbit. Well, and monitor and abuse. And one survivor was running him around the gen i was doing. Sure, i hid in this time, because i thought the other survivor would lead him away because there was obviously a gen in progress, but he didnt, and after the game i had it.

    But one of the things is just map offerings. The game can have you unfound in the terrorradius for hours if you want to.

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    This challenge is a good one, it's hard to do and rewards you well for doing it. These are MEANT to break people out of their expected play styles and try something new. people here complain how boring it is to just gen rush, well these challenges spice it up. another thing is that you try to do the challenge while being helpful at the same time. Stop complaining and just enjoy your game, if you can't enjoy it because you get randoms doing weird crap then just bring a 4 stack! I got mine where I RAN AFTER a plague. she never saw me what so ever till after 1 minute had passed and I got it. I was laughing my ASS off the whole time because I followed the plague around the map!

  • Lazerboy88
    Lazerboy88 Member Posts: 517

    Got it first try against a billy, had to be useless to team but just kinda stalked him around when i could, very easy when he was in chase, was one of the easiest challenges, challenge that gave me hardest time was clense all totems and escape but that was just bad luck with those games

  • Gomolazoli
    Gomolazoli Member Posts: 336

    And there is gonna be a worst one in tome 4. 🤠The same ######### challenge, but you also have to escape which is straight up impossible or insanelly inlikelly unless there is a farm going on.

    Even for this basic version you need to intentionally throw the game which ends in death even if you’re lucky enough to succeed.

  • RizeAki
    RizeAki Member Posts: 1,209

    What is the struggle with this just follow the killer while they are in chase it would be different if it said 60 seconds straight it’s 60 seconds overall you have plenty of time in one game to do it kind of annoying how this is getting as many posts as “nerf ____” posts

  • TheAntiSanta
    TheAntiSanta Member Posts: 128

    Oh.... now I understand why I keep facing survivors just chillin' in the basement for no reason (Legion Main, I see you down there) or using Hawkin's Offerings (guess they didn't have any The Game Offerings).

  • EleaticStranger
    EleaticStranger Member Posts: 81

    It's another example of a contrived challenge that makes players behave terribly in matches. Not to mention the ambiguity of the description. ######### does it even mean? I don't know and I don't care.

  • GreezyWeezy
    GreezyWeezy Member Posts: 72

    It's a Dwight challenge, you can't get it as Claudette lol!

  • scoser
    scoser Member Posts: 482

    I've thrown the past 5 matches trying for this and will probably have to throw another 15 more trying to chase the killer down before I get this.

  • Caleaha
    Caleaha Member Posts: 90

    That one and hit people with a thrown axe at 15 meters. Like seriously?! I would love a marker to let me know when I'm 10 m from the killer or 15m from a survivor. I did 3 trials as Huntress and did dang good with my throwing axes but didn't get 2 at 15m in 1 game.

    Without an indicator how the heck are we gonna know precisely where we are?????

  • Caleaha
    Caleaha Member Posts: 90

    See that would work IF iron maiden let's you know that a survivor went into a locker, not exiting it.

    I played Legion and my daughter was laughing because I downed like 10 survivors over several games and hit a locker then let them escape. Nope, didn't get the message across.

    I would walk up to a locker in their sight open it, close it, open it,close it, then walk away from it, so they had room. Nope, no one did it for me.

    Then I would hit a locker when I had a person following me. Nope wouldn't go in. Not a Dwight so probably for a chase daily.

    I got frustrated and gave up on that challenge. Like I've gotten the message from killers, do this gen. Back up, they kick it, I go back to it, rinse repeat. I get points for boldness, they get destruction points. I've had killer message me about a tough challenge they're doing and yes, I'll help and I tell them what challenge I'm doing. I find the coop games fun. Especially when they're with my friends and we have 4 different challenges.

    It's nice when we can work together for those harder challenges. I had one where I had to leap from a height with Kate while being chased. My first 6 maps didn't have a height high enough. 7th game we got a killer who gave up after chasing all four of us. I felt bad for him so I walked up to him, bowed them motioned for him to follow me. There was 1 place to jump down and with some coaxing he chased me. I then brought him to a hook. Pointed to it and let him hook me. Risky, but hey, I did my challenge. He allowed my friend to rescue me. We then took turns getting hooked. He wound up being a rank 19 killer.

  • theArashi
    theArashi Member Posts: 998

    Hold your horses. Hardest one is perform cooperative action for 60 seconds.

  • PrettyFaceKate
    PrettyFaceKate Member Posts: 1,776

    This is challenge is not meant to change playstyle. This challenge is meant to make a player completely useless and a detriment to their team. Which, on second thought, it's basically 90% of the soloq players' base anyway.

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    I did it on Hawkins, my team hated me according to end game chat