Should survivor who call killers cheater on lose (but killer does not) get a ban?
I see this quite often these days and just started to report every survivor in harassment. Does not matter if im killer or survivor. I personally (as killer) always get a bit scared for getting false banned, but i also just can not deal with the fact, that ppl just can say "you are a cheater!" and nothing happens. I would rate this as a kind of character assassination.
I mean, i also get some kind of punishment when i just call a random person on the street a child murder or ######### when i can not proof this.
No because they are just words spoken by players who may think they actually are cheating.
If the person is not cheating then they have nothing to worry about as they won't be banned as 100% proof has to be given and will be reviewed.
If they are just angry about losing then this would fall under trash talk imo. Some random person saying this doesn't mean much if the others like yourself know they were not.
Post edited by twistedmonkey on3 -
You will NOT get false banned if people are reporting you for cheating. They actually check reports.
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If you're not cheating, don't worry about them. The fact that they accuse you is because they're salty they lost and can't accept you're just a better player than they are. Take it as a point of pride - you're so good they literally don't believe it's possible.
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Monopoly Cheater's Edition needs this feature.
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LOL @ character assassination
You are welcome to classify someone calling you a cheater however you would like in the report system, but this is a waste of your time.
Also, why are you being called a cheater so often? I have never been called a cheater in this game while playing Killer or survivor. I've been called some things...a cheater has never been one of them. LOL
The ban system seems pretty loosey goosey. You have exactly nothing to worry about - unless you are legitimately cheating.
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What is harassments on this game?
My Steam profile is filled with comments from people salty I beat them.