Killer Concept: The Dolls + Survivor, Map, Perks, Back-story, Mori, and TL:DR version below
In an effort to add new elements of fun to the game (probably too ambitious), I wanted a killer who is constantly playing mind-games with the survivors. Small, fast, sneaky, and deceptive this killer relies upon unpredictability and jump-scare moments, but will be tricky to use as you have to actively plan a few steps ahead of the survivors to secure hits and kills. On paper the idea seems decent, but in game I am unsure of how viable it would be, so feel free to point out the issues this could have. The perks are particularly interesting as both killers and survivors are built around advanced power and mind-game potential. I just wanted to get this out there before next week when all anyone will be talking about is the chapter 9 killer, hope you all enjoy!
The Dolls
Appearance/Mannerism: Alabaster porcelain Dolls dressed in different era or environment specific outfits of both male and female varieties. The Dolls move at 6m/s, and have a 24 meter Terror radius
Agnes Cartwright was a resident of a small town a few Km outside of Suffolk England from 1896-1923. In her early years she was seen as a peculiar child to others in the schoolhouse, but none could’ve known what torture she endured at her secluded home outside of town under the care of her vicious, and self righteous stepmother. Her father had passed away when she was 4 years old, leaving her at the mercy of her cruel and mentally unstable stepmom who demanded she come home immediately from school with no guests allowed, and regularly abused her verbally, physically and mentally over petty reasons like coming home 20 seconds late, talking out of turn or behaving childishly. Locked in the basement for hours, barely fed, and disallowed contact with others outside of school led Agnes to take comfort in the only fragment of her loving father she had: a large sized porcelain doll named Lucy, whom she regularly whispered to as her only friend. Eventually mercury poisoning from her stepmothers job as a Hatter made her too unpredictable, difficult to understand, and sickly to the point of being bedridden. Those last months of her stepmother’s life were the happiest Agnes had been in a long time. Agnes learned to use the machine in her stepmoms sewing room to make new outfits for Lucy, but the cracks and wear on Lucy were getting too problematic and Agnes could hear Lucy crying out to make her better. Her eye’s had fallen out and broken, and Agnes desperately needed new ones to replace them. At 13 years old Agnes trekked the distance into Suffolk to learn everything she could about doll-making and barely managed to be social enough to get a job at a doll shop. After learning a lot about doll repair from the shop’s owner, she slowly restored Lucy while tending to her sick stepmothers gibberish orders and violent outbursts. The biggest problem was always with the eyes, as nothing she tried made Lucy happy. While tending to her bedridden stepmother Lucy spoke out to Agnes about how pretty her stepmothers’ eyes were, and what a shame it would be if she carried them to the grave to rot with her. Agnes felt her blood run cold as the epiphany occurred to her, and she collected her tools for the task ahead.
It was harder than she was ready for, and even though her step mother had to be strapped down to the bed for her own good under doctors orders, she still struggled against Agnes’s efforts and all the blood made her slippery and hard to hold down, but after enough bleeding and slipping into shock, her stepmother stopped moving and she extracted the eyes with care. Agnes gently removed the nerve cords, drained them and slipped in marbles to hold their structure, but fearing the eventual decay she ingeniously soaked them in transparent adhesive overnight before letting them dry, lacquered and polished them to a pristine shine, and with that Lucy finally had the eyes she wanted.
As Agnes grew better at doll making and more astute at the finer details, the Shop became much more successful, and everyone wanted one of Agnes’s original designs, earning her the title of “The Doll Lady” from the local children. It was always tough for Agnes, making new friends day in and day out, only to have to let them go home with little boys and girls once they were sold by the store owner, but none of them could ever compare to Lucy. At home Lucy began asking Agnes to make more friends for her to play Stop ‘n Go with while Agnes was away from home (The game is now called Red light, Green Light). Agnes had always wanted to play that game with her classmates after school but was never allowed to, and she was delighted to take up the task. She worked hard and converted the sewing room into a full blown doll workshop. Sometimes stealing but otherwise buying supplies from her employer at a discount for her home shop; she dedicated herself to the craft of making new friends for hours every evening at home. Again however, Lucy disliked her new friend’s eyes, and eventually got them to beg Agnes for better ones like hers, a request which Agnes resisted.
In her mid 20’s however, upon returning home she found that a local boy had broken into her house and discovered her friends. Startled by Agnes, the boy threw a doll at her and leaped out the window. Agnes’s mind broke as her beloved Lucy’s brief scream for help was silenced when she shattered against the wall. Agnes’s grief over the sudden loss of Lucy was overpowered by her fury as all of her friends cried out for her to punish the interloper in kind for the murder of Lucy. Without hesitation she took up her shears, chased down the boy in the nearby woods, and ended his life. She took boy’s eyes as compensation and used them to give Clay, Lucy’s boyfriend, the eyes he always wanted. Agnes held a memorial for Lucy, burying her in her favorite spot of the meadow on her property overlooking the pond, marked the grave with a single candle and a small photo of her holding Lucy when she was 3, and hid the boy’s body in her basement alongside her stepmothers’ desiccated corpse. Agnes had a large, spike tipped, iron rod fence put in around her estate to keep out further transgressors, and from that point on obnoxious children with pretty eyes started disappearing in her home town and Suffolk.
Agnes had mastered preserving the eyes, and giving them to her friends as gifts, sometimes taking a friend into town or Suffolk to pick and choose the eyes they liked best, and Agnes soon became an expert at luring, capturing, and killing the children and young teenagers to extract their eyes for her friends, as well as transporting and hiding the bodies. A few bodies had been discovered floating down rivers after a long storm caused mudslides, prompting authorities to search the wooded areas on the outskirts of Suffolk where more were discovered. Everyone was on high alert for suspicious behavior, as any information leading to the arrest of “The Gouger,” now linked to the missing children, had become top priority. Agnes’s peculiarities and shift in personality became more troubling to her boss, and her insistence on returning home alone every evening while a killer was on the loose only drew further suspicion her way. She feigned ignorance as best she could until a constable visited her estate, discovered the bodies in her basement and drew his weapon. Panicked about how she would never be allowed to play with her friends again, Agnes attacked the constable, taking a shot in the lower abdomen from his revolver, but managed to cut his jugular artery and send him tumbling down the stairs. Agnes knew she didn’t have much time before more constables would be on her doorstep and had to move fast. After patching herself up haphazardly, all of her friends cried and begged to go with her, but she could only pack up a few with promises to return for the rest later. Tears running down her cheeks, and dragging 2 suitcases full of friends while bleeding from her crudely stitched wound, she hastily limped off into the woods as a thick fog rolled in during the twilight hours. Despite the horrific discovery of the dolls she left behind featuring preserved children’s eyes, and an exhaustive manhunt lasting for months, Agnes was never found.
Knives, scissors, ice picks, box cutters etc. Anything small enough for the dolls to wield that could be found in any home or store. (Possibly themed per realm or in weapon cosmetic packs) They have a higher than average lunge range but the shortest reach of all killers.
Power: Possession
Up to 10-16 dolls appear on the trial grounds based upon map size, and are eager to play a lethal game of “Red light, Green light” with survivors. A possessed doll within 24 meters of a survivor is transfixed and unable to attack (unless touching the survivor) as long as a survivor is looking at it with their inner 45 degree cone of vision, but will be able to move and attack again once the survivor breaks line of sight with it or gets more than 24 meters away. Hooked survivors or survivors in the dying state can’t transfix a doll. Similar to how tall reeds and corn affects killers using line of sight abilities (Shape), vegetation affects the Dolls and counts as broken line of sight to a survivor looking in their direction restricting their transfixion range to 12 meters. Possessed Dolls make normal movement sounds and periodic child giggling noises that can be heard within 12 meters, and the giggling and killers red stain persists for 6 seconds for a recently possessed doll after transferring to a new one. The Dolls can’t vault windows, but can destroy pallets when not being transfixed. Breaking, Grabbing, Carrying, and Hooking actions are done by the invisible spirit of Agnes Cartwright that possesses the Dolls which can’t be body blocked, and once it’s hooked a survivor, it possesses the nearest doll.
(Possible balance change if needed due to The Dolls size)
This is the only killer with a 3rd person perspective.
Fog and Vegetation renders 50-90% transparent in a 20m radius for the killer when in a dolls perspective.
Activating this power transfers your perspective to the nearest Doll, or to the Doll whose aura you target over the span of .5-3 seconds depending upon distance. After possessing another doll if the doll you left behind was transfixed by a survivors gaze, that survivors aura is revealed to you until they get far enough away or break line of sight with it.
Four dolls run in and hold the survivors limbs down while the fifth eyeless doll gouges out the survivors eyes with its hands, eats them, and blinks revealing the newly acquired eyes in its sockets, after which the dolls scatter and your perspective returns to the last used doll.
Map: The “Doll Lady’s” House.
In the middle of a large meadow overrun with chest high grass, and on the edge of some woods with a small pond, lies a run down one story home with a living room, bedroom, small bathroom, kitchen and dining area, a doll making workshop room, and a basement accessible from a cellar door outside. Adjacent to the house is a rusty shed where the homes generator is housed. Aside from the base of a few mid-sized boulders and trees there is barely a bald spot of earth on the grounds of this map. The entire estate is surrounded by a large, rusty, spike tipped, iron rod fence. Hooks on this map are wood framed and feature crudely stitched together patches of fabric wrapping around them, dangling doll body parts, and a small black and white memorial photo of a of a 3 year old girl holding a doll at the base lit by a single candle.
Unique Perks:
Limitless Power: Your insatiable lust for power unlocks new potential for your abilities at a small price of efficiency. Allows you to stack 2 of the same add-on of Uncommon/Rare/Very Rare or lower quality, and applies only to stackable add-on’s. Your powers base charge rate is slowed by 24/16/12%.
Hide n’ Seek: Control over your heart rate conceals your exact whereabouts from survivors. Moderately/Considerably/Tremendously Increases your terror radius while moving and Decreases it by the same amount when holding still or using your power. Your Terror radius’s heartbeat no longer increases in rate the closer you are to survivors. (Concerning the Doctor, Switching to treatment mode counts as using his power.)
Mind Numbing Mist: Your intense desire to kill interlopers has saturated the fog of the trial grounds dulling and suppressing the Survivors sense of situational awareness. Up to 2/3/4 Survivors no longer receive Status, Perk de-buff and Teammate condition notifications during the trial. Hooked and Exhaustion status notifications are exempt from this effect. Clear Reagents offered can counter this effect as long as they’re unopposed or outmatch the intensity of fog thickening reagents offered. (e.g. 4 clear reagents defeat a murky, 3 clear defeat a hazy, 2 clear defeats a faint, and 1 clear alone with no opposition nullifies the perk)
Survivor: Wei Ying
A bit malnourished but professional to the core, Wei Ying is a clever man in his 30’s who has over 15 years of experience as an electrical technician. In his youth he always took apart every toy and electronic in his possession; intrigued by how they worked, and as an adult he’s a master of circuitry and an artist with his tools and ingenuity having created multiple patented devices that are mass produced today. Cocky, condescending to others, but intense when he commits to a task; having him as an ally ensures objectives will be completed more smoothly than you’re accustomed.
Unique Perks:
Ingenuity: Your passion for tinkering has rewarded you with items of superior effect at a small cost of efficiency. Allows you to stack 2 of the same add-on of Uncommon/Rare/Very Rare or lower quality, and applies only to stackable add-on’s. Increases item consumption rate by 32/24/16%
Safety First: Your knowledge of working around electrical circuits outmatches others who tend to ignore the basic rules of repairing. When you start repairing a generator it powers down over the span of 8/6/4 seconds and remains powered down while you work on it. Leaving an affected generator for more than 4 seconds, failed skill checks, and damage from the killer will immediately power it back up at its current level of progress.
Delay Resistors: Experience has rewarded you with an advantage against the Killer’s situational awareness. After you completely repair a generator, the generators full power up and notifying alert to the killer is delayed by 3/4/5 seconds or until another survivor begins working on it. The generator can be damaged by the killer within this window of time.
TL;DR Version:
The Dolls
Appearance/Mannerism: Alabaster porcelain dolls the size of totems of male and female variety with differing outfits (possibly in themed outfit packs of 4, e.g. creepy dolls made to look like small versions of the other killers/survivors), they have a 24m terror radius and a 6m\s movement speed.
Weapon: Small weapons such as knives, scissors, screwdrivers, ice picks, claw hammers etc. basically anything small enough for a Doll to wield that can be found anywhere (possibly in themed cosmetic weapon packs of 4, e.g. Realm themed small farm tools, medical tools, metal shop tools, hunting tools…). They have a larger than average lung range but the shortest reach of all killers.
Power: Possession
Passive: Up to 10-16 dolls appear on the trial grounds based upon map size, and are eager to play a lethal game of “Red light, Green light” with survivors. A possessed doll within 24 meters of a survivor is transfixed and unable to attack (unless touching the survivor) as long as a survivor is looking at it with their inner 45 degree cone of vision, but will be able to move and attack again once the survivor breaks line of sight with it or gets more than 24 meters away. Hooked survivors or survivors in the dying state can’t transfix a doll. Similar to how tall reeds and corn affects killers using line of sight abilities (Shape), vegetation affects the Dolls and counts as broken line of sight to a survivor looking in their direction restricting their transfixion range to 12 meters. Possessed Dolls make normal movement sounds and periodic child giggling noises that can be heard within 12 meters, and the giggling and killers red stain persists for 6 seconds for a recently possessed doll after transferring to a new one. The Dolls can’t vault windows, but can destroy pallets when not being transfixed. Breaking, Grabbing, Carrying, and Hooking actions are done by the invisible spirit of Agnes Cartwright that possesses the Dolls which can’t be body blocked, and once it’s hooked a survivor, it possesses the nearest doll.
(Possible balance change if needed due to The Dolls size)
This is the only killer with a 3rd person perspective.
Fog and Vegetation renders 50-90% transparent in a 20m radius for the killer when in a dolls perspective.
Active: Activating this power transfers your perspective to the nearest Doll, or to the Doll whose aura you target over .5-3seconds depending on distance. After possessing another doll if the doll you left behind was transfixed by a survivors gaze, that survivors aura is revealed to you until they get far enough away or break line of sight with it.
Mori: Four dolls run in and hold the survivors limbs down while the fifth eyeless doll gouges out the survivors eyes with its hands, eats them, and blinks revealing the newly acquired eyes in its sockets, after which the dolls scatter and your perspective returns to the last used doll.
Map: The “Doll Lady’s” House
A small 5 room run down home with a basement accessible by a cellar door on the outside, and a rusty shed containing a generator sits in the middle of a large and very grassy meadow. On the edges of this meadow are young woods, and a small pond. The grounds are surrounded by a spike tipped, rusty, Iron rod fence, and the hooks are wood framed and feature crudely stitched together patches of fabric wrapping around them, dangling doll body parts, and a small black and white memorial photo of a of a 3 year old girl holding a doll at the base lit by a single candle.
Unique Perks:
Limitless Power – At Max, Allows you to stack 2 of the same add-on of Very Rare or lower quality, and applies only to stackable add-on’s. Your powers base charge rate is slowed by 12%.
Hide n’ Seek – At Max, Tremendously Increases your terror radius while moving and Decreases it by the same amount when holding still or using your power. Your Terror radius’s heartbeat no longer increases in rate the closer you are to survivors. (Concerning the Doctor, Switching to treatment mode counts as using his power.)
Mind Numbing Mist – At Max, Up to 4 Survivors no longer receive Status, Perk de-buff and Teammate condition notifications during the trial. Hooked and Exhaustion status notifications are exempt from this effect. Clear Reagents offered can counter this effect as long as they’re unopposed or outmatch the intensity of fog thickening reagents offered. (e.g. 4 clear reagents defeat a murky, 3 clear defeat a hazy, 2 clear defeats a faint, and 1 clear alone with no opposition nullifies the perk)
Survivor: Wei Ying
A malnourished electrical technician with a cocky attitude, and condescending demeanor towards others. Never the less his expertise at repairing and tinkering with items makes having him as an ally a great benefit to the team when focused on primary objectives.
Unique Perks:
Ingenuity – At Max, Allows you to stack 2 of the same add-on of Very Rare or lower quality, and applies only to stackable add-on’s. Increases item consumption rate by 16%
Safety First – At Max, When you start repairing a generator it powers down over the span of 4 seconds and remains powered down while you work on it. Leaving an affected generator for more than 4 seconds, failed skill checks, and damage from the killer will immediately power it back up at its current level of progress.
Delay Resistors – At Max, After you completely repair a generator, the generators full power up and notifying alert to the killer is delayed by 5 seconds or until another survivor begins working on it. The generator can be damaged by the killer within this window of time.
All creative criticism is welcome.
To start off, the killer background is well though out. I was able to have a clear image but a terrifying one at day. Especially when Agnes took her stepmother eyes. I think this could be an interesting killer.
Killer power: I am confused on when you say a possessed doll is not able to attack unless touching the survivor. How is that possible if they are motionless in the first place until the survivor breaks like of sight. other than I find this power to unique
Adding to it ; I think there should be at least one doll near each generator. These dolls are not active for the killer but when a survivor is looking at the doll, their aura should be revealed to the killer. And then the killer can have 5 dolls that would be use like the hag power where you can place. This allows for faster travel. I think this killer would be great for stealth and maintaining gens from being done.
I would still like it if the doll was in first person
Also I do not think the doll should have a terror radius at all. After all it would be the smallest killer and easy to lose during a chase. So the killer will need to have some kind of advantage. And I think the base speed could be the same as the clown.
The mori is great
The first perk from both killer and survivor seems impossible due to the fact that they need to be used before the game even starts.
Hide n Seek - Iike I mention before there is no need for a terror radius.
Mind numbing mist - I a bit confused on the whole perk.
Safety first - I am also a bit confused on the point of this perk.
Delay resistor - This perk is great to throw the killer off but if the generator is already completed, how will another survivor work on it? And how will the damage it?
Overall I say you have a great concept, I know many people underestimate dolls being added to the game but I say it is possible. They just will need to have some sort of advantage than the other killers.
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@Iceman said:
To start off, the killer background is well though out. I was able to have a clear image but a terrifying one at day. Especially when Agnes took her stepmother eyes. I think this could be an interesting killer.Killer power: I am confused on when you say a possessed doll is not able to attack unless touching the survivor. How is that possible if they are motionless in the first place until the survivor breaks like of sight. other than I find this power to unique
Adding to it ; I think there should be at least one doll near each generator. These dolls are not active for the killer but when a survivor is looking at the doll, their aura should be revealed to the killer. And then the killer can have 5 dolls that would be use like the hag power where you can place. This allows for faster travel. I think this killer would be great for stealth and maintaining gens from being done.
I would still like it if the doll was in first person
Also I do not think the doll should have a terror radius at all. After all it would be the smallest killer and easy to lose during a chase. So the killer will need to have some kind of advantage. And I think the base speed could be the same as the clown.
The mori is great
The first perk from both killer and survivor seems impossible due to the fact that they need to be used before the game even starts.
Hide n Seek - Iike I mention before there is no need for a terror radius.
Mind numbing mist - I a bit confused on the whole perk.
Safety first - I am also a bit confused on the point of this perk.
Delay resistor - This perk is great to throw the killer off but if the generator is already completed, how will another survivor work on it? And how will the damage it?Overall I say you have a great concept, I know many people underestimate dolls being added to the game but I say it is possible. They just will need to have some sort of advantage than the other killers.
Firstly, Thank you very much for your creative criticism, and I'll try to clarify things and answer your questions as best I can. For the killer power, Think of the game "Red Light, Green Light," If you are touching the person who is shouting out the commands, you've won. Same goes for these dolls since they have a short reach. if they are touching you, they can strike.
Since there are 10-16 dolls that load in with the map, and since the current RNG for totems often has 2-3 of 5 spawning right next to generators, I figured you'd end up with at least 3-6 dolls spawning next to gens as well. As for the aura reading, I intentionally limited it so that only transfixed dolls that were recently possessed reveal auras since I figured at the start of a game as this killer would mostly be jumping from doll to doll trying to locate survivors. If they revealed the survivors right away it would be unfair, since the RNG also has a nasty habit of spawning totems next to survivors spawn points as well. The Terror radius is also part of their mind-game and so is the Hide n' Seek perk. If a survivors has a possessed doll transfixed, and the TR warning goes away, then the survivor has to question whether or not the killer simply jumped to a new doll or if they are playing possum with a TR reducing perk. Either way, Terror Radius's are in this game as a heads up warning to survivors in order to be fair, and Hide 'n Seek messes with that by fluctuating the TR without letting it increase in heart-rate the closer you get to survivors. If not for this killer imagine a Billy, Massive TR when walking around, Small TR when chainsaw sprinting or holding still, and no sense of how close the killer is to you, just a warning that they are in the area.
The Dolls in first person would be nightmarish for the killer player since all regular grass becomes corn level obscuring, That's why I suggested that it either becomes 50-90% transparent from first person for this killer, or this killer would be the only one with a 3rd person perspective. Either way, I'm unsure of what would be more broken or OP for the killer, but at least the Grass wouldn't be an issue.
Due to the "Red light, Green Light" aspect/weakness, the 6 m/s movement speed of the dolls seemed perfect because they can cover a lot of ground in a short amount of time, and if you don't transfix one coming at you, you're gonna take a hit. Their small size gives them an advantage as it is, but the speed will ensure that you don't want to take you're eyes off of them for a second. I felt those advantages paired with their weakness and small TR balanced them out, but I will take to heart the idea of them having either no TR or a very small one. This killer is less about chasing and more about setting up ambushes and playing mind-games with the survivors via manipulation of the TR, and transferring from one doll to the next.
Limitless Power and Ingenuity basically make it so that you trade a perk slot for the ability to double up on a stack-able add-on of your choosing. Think of making a purple flashlight with 2 of the same high level batteries, by my calculations you'd end up with a flashlight that can last up to 20 seconds in a match. Think of a Billy using 2 Carberator tuning Guides? It might be a bit OP imo, but the trade off is still 1 less perk slot housing any potentially more useful perks to amp up your items or killer power. its not Impossible, but could be potentially game breaking, which is why I made the perk available to both killer and survivor.
Mind numbing mist Will separate the pro survivor players with hard earned game instincts from the more casual ones. It's certainly not a nice thing to use against new players who are still learning the basics, but the biggest advantage to it is that survivors will no longer get 3 notifications that any Hex perk, or TR perk is acting against them. Before the status Hud became a thing in January of 2016, Hex perks were actually really good because if you didn't know that you were exposed by Devour hope, or that Ruin was affecting your gen progress, you'd have to figure it out based on how the game was going. if something didn't feel right, you knew to go looking for a hex totem. The point of this perk is ti give survivors less information based on their huds notifications, and allow their gamer instincts to kick in instead of letting the game hold their hands and blatantly tell them everything that's going on, who's being chased, who's been knocked down, and what perks the killer is using. This should prove to be not too OP and make the game a bit more challenging for survivors.
Safety First Quiets the generator while you work on it, making it so that the killer doesn't know if it has even been worked on, and giving you a stealth advantage against them. Paired with something like Technician and Delay resistors, you end up a Gen Ninja. Which will make the killers more vigilant to check gens to see if they can be kicked in order to know if there's a survivor in the area. A team of survivors with this perk are gonna be very sneaky, and the killer is going to have to look around gen areas more fervently, in order to catch them, or else the game will finish and the killer will be left baffled as to how all those gens finished so fast. Not OP, and definitely counter-able, but in the right hands will be a powerful asset to a stealthy player.
Delay Resistors lets the Progress bar fill to full, but delays the full activation of the gen leaving it vulnerable to regression during the delay time, but if the killer hasn't kicked it, or another survivor hasn't touched it, It will power up completed after the 5 seconds. This flat out destroys Bitter Murmer by letting survivors get more than 16m away before the power up, and lets a Tinkerer using killer believe that they just chased you off of an incomplete gen, but unless they kick it, its gonna power up, leaving them wondering if the gen just did that due to this perk, or if another survivor snuck in and finished it off while you were busy chasing. The mind-game potential is great for this perk, and I can see a bunch of survivors getting a kick out of it.
Overall what you have said and suggested has me considering changes to the killer, and when I created it I was consistently keeping balance in mind. The dolls strengths are: Fast speed, Small size, The ability to jump from doll to doll all over the map giving them a great map presence, and can't be body blocked when hooking survivors. Their disadvantages are their inability to vault, and can be transfixed by survivors who focus their inner 45 degree cone of vision on them. Hopefully this makes them balanced, but more than that fun to play as and play against without being OP or frustrating. I'm glad you enjoyed this concept, and very glad you took time to read the backstory because most people opt to skip ahead and go for the TL;DR version. I hope my responses here have clarified things without dissuading you from giving further input. Forgive me for the long reply.
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TWiXT said:
@Iceman said:
To start off, the killer background is well though out. I was able to have a clear image but a terrifying one at day. Especially when Agnes took her stepmother eyes. I think this could be an interesting killer.Killer power: I am confused on when you say a possessed doll is not able to attack unless touching the survivor. How is that possible if they are motionless in the first place until the survivor breaks like of sight. other than I find this power to unique
Adding to it ; I think there should be at least one doll near each generator. These dolls are not active for the killer but when a survivor is looking at the doll, their aura should be revealed to the killer. And then the killer can have 5 dolls that would be use like the hag power where you can place. This allows for faster travel. I think this killer would be great for stealth and maintaining gens from being done.
I would still like it if the doll was in first person
Also I do not think the doll should have a terror radius at all. After all it would be the smallest killer and easy to lose during a chase. So the killer will need to have some kind of advantage. And I think the base speed could be the same as the clown.
The mori is great
The first perk from both killer and survivor seems impossible due to the fact that they need to be used before the game even starts.
Hide n Seek - Iike I mention before there is no need for a terror radius.
Mind numbing mist - I a bit confused on the whole perk.
Safety first - I am also a bit confused on the point of this perk.
Delay resistor - This perk is great to throw the killer off but if the generator is already completed, how will another survivor work on it? And how will the damage it?Overall I say you have a great concept, I know many people underestimate dolls being added to the game but I say it is possible. They just will need to have some sort of advantage than the other killers.
Firstly, Thank you very much for your creative criticism, and I'll try to clarify things and answer your questions as best I can. For the killer power, Think of the game "Red Light, Green Light," If you are touching the person who is shouting out the commands, you've won. Same goes for these dolls since they have a short reach. if they are touching you, they can strike.
Since there are 10-16 dolls that load in with the map, and since the current RNG for totems often has 2-3 of 5 spawning right next to generators, I figured you'd end up with at least 3-6 dolls spawning next to gens as well. As for the aura reading, I intentionally limited it so that only transfixed dolls that were recently possessed reveal auras since I figured at the start of a game as this killer would mostly be jumping from doll to doll trying to locate survivors. If they revealed the survivors right away it would be unfair, since the RNG also has a nasty habit of spawning totems next to survivors spawn points as well. The Terror radius is also part of their mind-game and so is the Hide n' Seek perk. If a survivors has a possessed doll transfixed, and the TR warning goes away, then the survivor has to question whether or not the killer simply jumped to a new doll or if they are playing possum with a TR reducing perk. Either way, Terror Radius's are in this game as a heads up warning to survivors in order to be fair, and Hide 'n Seek messes with that by fluctuating the TR without letting it increase in heart-rate the closer you get to survivors. If not for this killer imagine a Billy, Massive TR when walking around, Small TR when chainsaw sprinting or holding still, and no sense of how close the killer is to you, just a warning that they are in the area.
The Dolls in first person would be nightmarish for the killer player since all regular grass becomes corn level obscuring, That's why I suggested that it either becomes 50-90% transparent from first person for this killer, or this killer would be the only one with a 3rd person perspective. Either way, I'm unsure of what would be more broken or OP for the killer, but at least the Grass wouldn't be an issue.
Due to the "Red light, Green Light" aspect/weakness, the 6 m/s movement speed of the dolls seemed perfect because they can cover a lot of ground in a short amount of time, and if you don't transfix one coming at you, you're gonna take a hit. Their small size gives them an advantage as it is, but the speed will ensure that you don't want to take you're eyes off of them for a second. I felt those advantages paired with their weakness and small TR balanced them out, but I will take to heart the idea of them having either no TR or a very small one. This killer is less about chasing and more about setting up ambushes and playing mind-games with the survivors via manipulation of the TR, and transferring from one doll to the next.
Limitless Power and Ingenuity basically make it so that you trade a perk slot for the ability to double up on a stack-able add-on of your choosing. Think of making a purple flashlight with 2 of the same high level batteries, by my calculations you'd end up with a flashlight that can last up to 20 seconds in a match. Think of a Billy using 2 Carberator tuning Guides? It might be a bit OP imo, but the trade off is still 1 less perk slot housing any potentially more useful perks to amp up your items or killer power. its not Impossible, but could be potentially game breaking, which is why I made the perk available to both killer and survivor.
Mind numbing mist Will separate the pro survivor players with hard earned game instincts from the more casual ones. It's certainly not a nice thing to use against new players who are still learning the basics, but the biggest advantage to it is that survivors will no longer get 3 notifications that any Hex perk, or TR perk is acting against them. Before the status Hud became a thing in January of 2016, Hex perks were actually really good because if you didn't know that you were exposed by Devour hope, or that Ruin was affecting your gen progress, you'd have to figure it out based on how the game was going. if something didn't feel right, you knew to go looking for a hex totem. The point of this perk is ti give survivors less information based on their huds notifications, and allow their gamer instincts to kick in instead of letting the game hold their hands and blatantly tell them everything that's going on, who's being chased, who's been knocked down, and what perks the killer is using. This should prove to be not too OP and make the game a bit more challenging for survivors.
Safety First Quiets the generator while you work on it, making it so that the killer doesn't know if it has even been worked on, and giving you a stealth advantage against them. Paired with something like Technician and Delay resistors, you end up a Gen Ninja. Which will make the killers more vigilant to check gens to see if they can be kicked in order to know if there's a survivor in the area. A team of survivors with this perk are gonna be very sneaky, and the killer is going to have to look around gen areas more fervently, in order to catch them, or else the game will finish and the killer will be left baffled as to how all those gens finished so fast. Not OP, and definitely counter-able, but in the right hands will be a powerful asset to a stealthy player.
Delay Resistors lets the Progress bar fill to full, but delays the full activation of the gen leaving it vulnerable to regression during the delay time, but if the killer hasn't kicked it, or another survivor hasn't touched it, It will power up completed after the 5 seconds. This flat out destroys Bitter Murmer by letting survivors get more than 16m away before the power up, and lets a Tinkerer using killer believe that they just chased you off of an incomplete gen, but unless they kick it, its gonna power up, leaving them wondering if the gen just did that due to this perk, or if another survivor snuck in and finished it off while you were busy chasing. The mind-game potential is great for this perk, and I can see a bunch of survivors getting a kick out of it.
Overall what you have said and suggested has me considering changes to the killer, and when I created it I was consistently keeping balance in mind. The dolls strengths are: Fast speed, Small size, The ability to jump from doll to doll all over the map giving them a great map presence, and can't be body blocked when hooking survivors. Their disadvantages are their inability to vault, and can be transfixed by survivors who focus their inner 45 degree cone of vision on them. Hopefully this makes them balanced, but more than that fun to play as and play against without being OP or frustrating. I'm glad you enjoyed this concept, and very glad you took time to read the backstory because most people opt to skip ahead and go for the TL;DR version. I hope my responses here have clarified things without dissuading you from giving further input. Forgive me for the long reply.
I really like the fact that the killer power being to constantly jumps from doll to doll. It’s like a security guard seating at desk clicking from camera to camera.
Look forward to seeing other ideas from you1 -
This is great! I hope this gets made.
I'd also add that if a survivor has eyes on a doll, that survivor suffers a penalty while trying to do a gen. Even if the doll isn't currently possessed. It'd add stress, and encourage the survivor to have to take eyes off for a time.
My only other concern is a balancing issue with SWF groups. You could have 1 person doing gens, and then just put the other 3 on "look out duty" keeping any dolls from being able to move towards the players. Maybe something similar to what the Shape has where if a SURVIVOR focuses too much on a single doll, it gets some sort of leap attack or something.
0 -
@MisterCremaster said:
This is great! I hope this gets made.I'd also add that if a survivor has eyes on a doll, that survivor suffers a penalty while trying to do a gen. Even if the doll isn't currently possessed. It'd add stress, and encourage the survivor to have to take eyes off for a time.
My only other concern is a balancing issue with SWF groups. You could have 1 person doing gens, and then just put the other 3 on "look out duty" keeping any dolls from being able to move towards the players. Maybe something similar to what the Shape has where if a SURVIVOR focuses too much on a single doll, it gets some sort of leap attack or something.
Funny enough I have 2 alternative Perks ready in case Limitless Power and Ingenuity proved to be too strong and the killer one was called:
Painful Neglect: The Entity is swift to punish those who who become distracted from their goals. Survivors gain a 5% progress speed bonus when focusing their inner 20 degree cone of vision on a generator while repairing, however taking their vision off of the generator gives them a 5/10/15% reduction to progress speed and increases the odds of skill checks triggering by 5/10/15%The name for this comes from how her Stepmother used to lock Agnes in the basement and barely fed her. Since the Dolls are her friends she would never neglect, especially when she was creating them, she feels that anyone with an important task should be punished for not maintaining their focus, and the Entity agrees with her.
The survivors alternative perk was called:
Tools of the Trade: When supplies are low you have a keen instinct for finding the right tools for the job. While carrying a flashlight or toolbox item of common/uncommon/rare quality during a trial, the first chest you open will be a guaranteed Match or Upgraded rarity Flashlight or Toolbox, however the new item will not have any add-on's.Since the survivor is an electrical engineer I felt that he'd know what tools are best when searching through Chest since I always imagined that all of the clutter shifting around when a survivor is searching one is other lower quality tools, but this guy can find the diamond in the rough so to speak.
When I came up with limitless power and ingenuity it just felt like a fun way to spice up things for everyone albeit probably too broken since it occurred to me that 2 sapphire lenses = about 5 seconds of blindness time, and 2 Campbell's Last Breath add-on's = 6 blink Nurse with Moderately reduced blink range. The fact that I gave it to both sides was more or less to try and balance it out.
As for how SWF would work against this killer, you are right in that if the team gang up and plays lookouts while 1 does repairs, this killer will have a hard time, but that will also be a very slow match. Still, I can totally see 4 person SWF's pulling this stunt, so I'll have to do something to keep it in check like you suggested. I always knew that adding the Red light, Green light weakness/mindgame would have its flaws and probable exploits. Perhaps having it so that only one doll can be transfixed at a time in the killers TR per survivor, which would eventually end in a bunch of them surrounding a group of SWF trying to figure out which one is gonna rush them could be fun, idk. A time limit is probably better, Doll transfixed for more than 20 seconds can move freely against the survivor who transfixed it until they get more than 24 m away perhaps?