Misconception about PH's Cage Usage and Why It's Solid as Is

NittanyBruin1719 Member Posts: 46
edited May 2020 in General Discussions

One thing that some people are complaining about with PH is the way the cage negates the usage of so many perks. I really disagree with this point and really hope the devs don't listen to this complaint. The reasons for this are as follows: first, if you are playing PH well, one thing I've (and many high level players/streamers) seem to have noticed and having been pointing out is that the cage isn't something you should be overly relying on in the first place.

Personally, I've found that there's a 70/30 split. Mostly I still use hooks and the 30% of the time I did use cages typically played into one of these factors: I'm confident the survivor has DS; I know other survivors are/have been going for flashlight/pallet stun saves; I'm in a dead zone with no hooks remotely close; or--my favorite--the survivors have three gen'd and the cage will send someone to the opposite side of the map. Additionally, the reality is you won't always be able to get people tormented for the cage to come into affect regardless.

Overall however, you will find that caging every time just ruins your pressure. Good survivors (emphasize good) will see a survivor go down and anticipate the cage spawn, rescuing the the survivor before you get a chance to make your way over. Now, you've lost the pressure you may have maintained by selecting a hook and working around that. Instead survivors can reset and you waste time restarting your search. I've used BBQ and Thrilling in many of my PH games so far and I've find they still worked perfectly fine and no true value was lost. This is because the majority of the time you SHOULD still be hooking.

Ultimately, this is what I really love about PH and why I hope they don't listen to complaints that manifest without many individuals fully thinking all the situations through. When playing him and using both of his powers, you really have to think about when is the best time to use what and way the possible outcomes of doing so. This is exemplified by the cage usage and while it does have the potential to counter many perks (something I find refreshing as it really forces you to weigh your choice in the moment and play in new ways with new perks), if pyramid is played optimally all these perks people are listing will still get to be used frequently each game. If not, that player probably isn't playing the killer to it's full potential and may be struggling regardless.