Wraith Main Rank 1 - Ask me anything



  • oRabble
    oRabble Member Posts: 44

    @azazer said:
    Have you been playing the PTB with the new wraith buff? If not have you seen others play it online? And what's your opinion on the changes

    I have been playing a bit with him, although the queues are painful long so it only allow me one or two matches in the PTB a day before I despair and come back to the live server. You can find my thoughts so far here: https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/16273/wraith-rework-feedback#latest

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    @oRabble said:

    @Boss said:
    If Wraith were to be deleted in the next patch, who'd you main next?
    Or just play everyone?
    Or quit the game?

    The Pig. In fact I was planning to start playing her more once I finish collecting every single perk III for Wraith. I am a fan of SAW movies, and love the characterization of Amanda Young as The Pig... Although I would have love to see Mark Hoffman in The Game too!

    My main concern with The Pig is Prestige. Combat Straps is a common addon, and without it she feels slow to play. But Prestige reduces the number of common addons you get! Or at least that is what the wiki is telling me. Feels bad to having to choose to either Prestige her or being optimal most of the games.

    From personal Prestige experience, if it actually reduces the amount, it does it (almost) unnoticeably so.
    SAW's my favorite movie out of the 4 licenses DbD's got so far.

  • oRabble
    oRabble Member Posts: 44

    @Boss said:
    From personal Prestige experience, if it actually reduces the amount, it does it (almost) unnoticeably so.
    SAW's my favorite movie out of the 4 licenses DbD's got so far.

    Could we have any confirmation about this? The Wiki says otherwise. And honestly, with prestige 3 Wraith I think I see more greens and yellows than usual.

  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    How do you distinguish the sound of Wraiths feet slapping against the ground vs me jerking it as i see those sexy Wraith legs? I always get the two mixed up.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    @oRabble said:

    @Boss said:
    From personal Prestige experience, if it actually reduces the amount, it does it (almost) unnoticeably so.
    SAW's my favorite movie out of the 4 licenses DbD's got so far.

    Could we have any confirmation about this? The Wiki says otherwise. And honestly, with prestige 3 Wraith I think I see more greens and yellows than usual.

    I know the wiki says different, but my own experience is very different from it, thus i can't fully relate to it.
    Most characters that i Prestige usually end up in about the same way in terms of Add-on counts.
    The only times they differ is when i go for different Add-ons after Prestiging due to my preferences of Add-ons changing.

  • thekiller490490
    thekiller490490 Member Posts: 1,164
    What do you think about his recent buffs on the PTB? It's sounds like trapper's buffs. Quality of life buffs but are they better than that?
  • thekiller490490
    thekiller490490 Member Posts: 1,164
    Also what is your most recommended build? I was thinking about BAC, enduring, bamboozled and ruin.
  • BingBongYeet
    BingBongYeet Member Posts: 1

    Fellow P3 Wraith main here, all praise daddy Bing Bong.
    Anyways how do you feel about the potential addon changes?

  • akbays35
    akbays35 Member Posts: 1,123

    Do you have a fever? One that can only be cured with more cowbell?

  • oRabble
    oRabble Member Posts: 44
    edited August 2018

    @thekiller490490 said:
    What do you think about his recent buffs on the PTB? It's sounds like trapper's buffs. Quality of life buffs but are they better than that?

    @BingBongYeet said:
    Fellow P3 Wraith main here, all praise daddy Bing Bong.
    Anyways how do you feel about the potential addon changes?

    You can take a look at what I think about them here

    Post edited by oRabble on
  • oRabble
    oRabble Member Posts: 44
    edited August 2018

    @thekiller490490 said:
    Also what is your most recommended build? I was thinking about BAC, enduring, bamboozled and ruin.

    So far there are three builds I enjoy. Mind that every single one of them starts with at least using the addons "Windstorm - White" and "Swift Hunt - White". If you do not have the green Swift Hunt you can always use the Yellow one.

    Decisive Strike Makes You Waste Too Much Time As A Killer At The Beginning Of The Game:
    BBQ and chili, Hex: Ruin, Save the Best for Last, Franklin's Demise
    The idea here is to fully avoid your obsession until the very end of the game. Being Decisive Striked at the end of the game is not as devastating for you as getting it in your first chase of the trial. Build up the full 8 tokens on SBFL so you can make chases really short counting that you successfully hit a survivor from Ambush

    Isn't It Funny How Gen Rush Is A Problem But Hex Totem Placement Is A Joke:
    BBQ and chili, Thanatophobia, Sloppy Butcher, Franklin's Demise
    Since your Hex Totem has an average lifespan of 30 seconds in ranks 1-4 this build pretends to mimic the slow game effect by making several people injured and forcing them to have spend more time healing themselves. In this build you do chase your obsession if there is one... but since it implies it has decisive strike for sure you do not pick her up from the floor UNLESS there is a hook just next to his body or she is the last survivor. Leave her bleeding out in the ground, to force another survivor to wast gen time coming to heal him.

    I Have No Anti-Looping Tool In My Kit And Seems I Won't Ever Have One Looking At The PTB Rework:
    Enduring, Baamboozle, Brutal Strength, Fire Up
    My usual play style with Wraith swaps my prey in the middle of a chase a lot since Wraith has no way to deal with Pallets and chases in his kit whatsoever. So I usually chase someone a couple of pallets, break them, cloak, and find another prey trying to lure them into the new pallet-free zone. Not with this build. This build eat pallets fast, block vaults cornering survivors, and against a regular M1 Gen Jockey you should not have problems to finally catching him. Once the new chapter is released, you can swap Fire Up for Spirit Fury if you feel like so. WARNING: Even with this build an expert looper will make you waste so much time because of Wraith no anti-loop capacity. If you feels like the dude you're chasing is one of them, cut the chase and find a weaker prey

    Post edited by oRabble on
  • Sarief
    Sarief Member Posts: 543

    Since it's question thread:
    what your 3 new builds with new perks coming in? I assume Rancor or new Hex with Ruin to be heavily used.

  • oRabble
    oRabble Member Posts: 44

    @Sarief said:
    Since it's question thread:
    what your 3 new builds with new perks coming in? I assume Rancor or new Hex with Ruin to be heavily used.

    I expect it to be an staple indeed. Although I do not like RNG-based builds, and anything related to Hex Totems is RNG based. Spirit Fury for dealing with pallets seems quite sweet. And Rancor could be the substitute of BBQ and Chili in a 'I hate Decisive Strike' Build. Fortunately enough, we also have some new addons coming, that could allow us to have some interesting experimental builds like the ones below. Mind that I have not properly tested them enough to see the viability of them.

    Gen Regression Build With Some Jumpscare Grab At Gens
    Addons: (new) Coxcombed Clapper + (new) Windstorm
    Perks: Tinkerer, Pop Goes the Weasel, Brutal Strength, Overcharge
    At the beggining of the game try to have some lucky grabs at gens using your increased mobility while cloaked to reach to the Tinkered Gen, and uncloak while Tinkerer is still in effect with no sound thanks to Coxcombed Clapper. Hook the (hopefully) grabbed survivor and use the Pop Goes the Weasel + Overcharge on the Gen he was working. Cloak and Repeat with the next Tinkerer proc. If all fails, you can have a reliable 3 Gens strategy to fall back

    Slow Heal Within Terror Radius
    Addons: (new) “The Beast” – Soot + "Swift Hunt"
    Perks: Franklin's Demise, Coulrophobia, Sloppy Butcher, Nurse Calling
    The idea here is to slug people down and make as harder as possible to heal in your vecinity. You have terror radius while cloaked, but a really fast uncloak. You can your naturally faster cloak movement along Nurse Calling to punish anyone trying to heal who is not really far away from you. Franklin's is there to take down first aid kits.

    Feed Me More Pallets
    Addons: (new) "Shadow Dance" + Swift Hunt
    Perks: Brutal Strength, Baamboozle, Enduring, Spirit Fury
    So the idea here is that you do not break pallets during a chase while uncloaked, trying to hit your survivor by Bloodlust build-up whenever possible. Two scenarios are possible: a) You can successfully catch your prey as there was no ultra-safe loops, so you hook it and cloak to come back and break TWO of the thrown pallets while cloaked. b) There was an ultra-safe loop so you must cut the chase, cloak and come back to break TWO of the thrown pallets. In either case you have your Spirit Fury now ready for the next chase to do some of those sweets "hit-for-hit" at a pallet followed with an almost instant second slug thanks to the combination of Enduring and Spirit Fury.

    My deepest sadness is that the addon Serpent make you stuck without being able to attack for 3 seconds after you break a pallet or gen... If only it did not do it and allowed you to attack instantly how fun would be to be used strategically at chases along the new Shadow Dance!