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Ranking up as killer

I’ve been 4-5 for about a week now and I’ve realized it’s impossible to pip up. I get four kills basically every match unless the last guy gets hatch, but no progression with my rank. I thought I’d try something that would kill slower so I tried legion and would run across the map with bbq so I wouldn’t get points off for proximity to the hooked survivor, but I still black pipped. The games are getting easy and kinda boring so I’m just wondering if there’s a secret to ranking up or something.

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  • Member Posts: 1,656

    Its not impossible to pip up - just play the game. If the highest survivor has 11k, you clearly didn't play to your objectives or everyone would have more pts. Simply killing survivors as quickly as possible is NOT how you pip. If you are that efficient at killing, you should have plenty of time in a match to max out your other objectives too.

  • Member Posts: 3,772
    edited May 2020

    In games that are super easy like that one, ill start hooking each survivor twice before giving them death hook. Thats more hooks and stabs and chases. Just be careful, a survivor on death hook is a survivor that gets on a gen and stays there, but yeah youll pip more if you do that.

    The hard games, the ones that are coming, its the opposite. Slugs, camps tunnels, whatever you got to do to get them out.

    I had a game where i got t3 myers in the first minute and down all 4 of them. I hooked 2 and let one escape my grasp then walked away for 30 seconds and let them do their thing. It ended with 1 gen left and we all got points. I pipped. Prolly would have saftied at best

  • Member Posts: 214

    get 10~12 hooks

    let survivors heal so you can injure them over and over .

    if you downed survivor quick you will get punished. So make sure to frequently be in a chase during the game.

    protect 1 exit gate.

    ^ thats a double pip.

  • Member Posts: 3,275

    Once you've learned how the game works and you're not making newbie mistakes anymore, I think getting from 4 to 3 is harder than getting from 20 to 4, on either role. Personally, in order to pip at red ranks, I find that I have to be at peak performance at all times. Doing enough to pip at purple ranks only makes you break even at red, which means you'll spend a lot of time ping-ponging between 4 and 5 unless your play improves.

    Ultimately, if you have what it takes to get to rank 3, you have what it takes to get to rank 1.

  • Member Posts: 56

    what match making should look like

  • Member Posts: 3,104
    edited June 2020

    i mean i have been in R1 as killer for the past 2ish years and from the looks of the bp score you are either killing them all very quickly by snowballing or you are camping/slugging. the chaser emblem at silver is a dead give away to that btw.

    you don't pip by just killing, if you want to pip then give the survivors room to recover so you can get more points off of them. the best way to do this is simply to not slug them all, tunnel, or camp and instead focus on the survivors on critical gens, get them, hook them, and repeat. this will also make you a better killer by forcing you to get better at dealing with pressure from survivors while simultaneously applying pressure to all of them. in other words just get good at quickly downing people to hook them and then move on, you will figure out the rest from there.

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