Healthy DEATHSLINGER Discussion pt2


Its Literally not fair to the other killers; CLOWN, TRAPPER and BUBBA can't teleport either and theyve been told to SWIM. Honestly, I think these killers only do as well as they do because PEOPLE dont RESPECT THESE KILLERS POWERS ( ex. not watching for traps when they know its trapper, seeing bubba and running right at him -thinking he'd be fun to take advantage of, and some people knowing that clown is potentially the worst in the game, just dont respect him at all.) If I Hear a bubba coming from across the map, im out. The only time i get downed by him is when im OUT-POSITIONED due to going for saves. HE WILL NOT CATCH YOU UNLESS U STAY AROUND HIM and DONT GET GREEDY.

I understand that the base movement speed is different for Deathslinger compared to normal killers by a few % to compensate but your telling me that the Devs can't change that? If you Give him the normal TR and normal movement speed, you're telling me that this change would make him a bad killer? Send him straight to the bottom of the list? Worse than Clown? or That his viability to have fun would be subtracted? YEAH RIGHT, there are still some CLown mains out there, longing for a purpose.

He DOES NOT NEED to be a stealth killer. SO WHAT IF THEY HEAR U COMING? the survivors are supposed to run and hide from the killer.BUT U CANT HIDE from him due to the low TR but u CANT RUN conventionally from him because of the gun (dont even think about vaulting windows)

HE IS BASICALLY A M1 KILLER WITH THE ABILITY TO PULL SURVIVORS BACK TOWARDS HIM. I believe he can contend with Doctor when talking about chases (not tracking). He can end a chase pretty quickly; hes strong. He DOESNT NEED A REDUCED TERROR RADIUS TOO.

HUNTRESS IS SLOWER AND HAS a COMBINED HUM/TERROR RADIUS OF 45 to 50 METERS!! Why cant Deathslinger be consistent with EVERY OTHER KILLER (who doesnt utilize stealth/teleports)?

*for the people who will say "huntress can down survivor from farther away". Yes BUT does a huntress ever really start a throwing hatchets from that far away?*

I THINK THE DEVS GAVE HIM THE LOW TERROR RADIUS BECAUSE THEY WERE SCARED OF THE RECEPTION HE WOULD RECEIVE AKA SCARED THAT 'WE WOULD INSTANTLY PUT THE NEW KILLER (at the time of his release) IN LOW TIER, SOMEWHERE NEXT TO CLOWN AND LEGION' and now they are just to afraid to do anything with him because it would mess with the group of people who love playing the killer as is but i dont think that the change would hurt him in any way but Deathslinger mains would have to re adjust, but to be fair and balanced, i think he should of been had the normal terror radius from the start.

Think about how new players react to this guy. " Wait, what? he has a Lower TR than Huntress? ..... and he has a GUN?" Alot of people are probably saying "GET GUD" or "YOU GOTTA GET USED TO HIM" (all i hear is get used to his handicap) but this low TR situation is enough to keep new players from wanting to even play against him. Comb thru the threads, u will see plenty of people who refuse to play the match and DC as soon as they hear the first gunshot.

TELL YA WHAT, KEEP HIS TERROR RADIUS . Just give him JINGLY BAYSHORE KEYS that survivors CAN HEAR from up to 10-12 meters (like huntress hum but half because its a big ring of keys). That way, survivors get a little heads up IF THEY HEAR IT IN TIME and no Deathslinger main is severely having their toes stepped on, deal?


  • Theetis
    Theetis Member Posts: 153

    Please, give your capslock button a break. The text is annoying to look at because of your text-yelling.

    His terror radius isn't the biggest issue. The bigger problem is the fact that he can raise up his gun and shoot instantly, because the windup takes only 0,125 seconds. He can also put his gun away the same way, without being slowed down. You can just keep mindlessly raising up and lowering your gun as a "mindgame", and get a free M1 because the survivors will be at loss no matter what they do.

    Plague and Huntress have indicators both visual and auditory that they are about to use their ranged attack, and they have an actual wind-up that prevents them from shooting instantly without warnings. Survivors get feedback on what the killer is trying to do, and they can utilize their skills and environment to their advantage accordingly to try and avoid the attack. That's a ranged killer done right.

    The Funslinger on the other hand, has as much interactivity and feedback for survivors in chases as Spirit, so no wonder that most people straight up dislike him.

  • KillerSurvivor47
    KillerSurvivor47 Member Posts: 23

    i appreciate the feedback! I use the caps because people read what they want to read and leave out the rest. The caps are for my points to make sure they are heard, the parts people need to think about.

    Im not really even worried about him during chase. I dont mind the mini-mind game. Ive even already tookit upon myself to find/create a whole new build, just to go against him. its just being crept up on by a killer who can now close the distance with a ranged projectile, is what grinds my gears. For a wounded survivor doing a gen, thats near completion, is practically suicide. What do think about the JINGLY KEYS? Yay or nay?

  • DwightOP
    DwightOP Member Posts: 2,328

    I personally don't understand why they made the TR of Deathslinger small. Especially with his custom TR music it fades in so slow and quite that I can barely notice it.

    And once I hear the TR he is already so close to me that he can quick scope me without leaving me any reaction time. Add in maps like Lery's or simply tiles where you work on gens and blocking your whole view on the map and you can't even scout him from distance.

    Imo deathslinger is one of the worst designed killers in the game atm. He is not overpowered but just bad designed.

  • xenotimebong
    xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803

    It’s because he’s a 110% movement speed killer and they all have the same 24 metre terror radius.

    The devs like the terror radius and the killer’s move speed to be linked. Many months back Pig used to be an anomaly and have a 28 metre terror radius, but they changed it to the standard 32 metres to keep her aligned with all other 115% killers.

  • DwightOP
    DwightOP Member Posts: 2,328

    Uhm, Huntress has a lullaby and is 110 range killer. That's how it should be balanced around.

  • xenotimebong
    xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803

    Her terror radius is the same as other 110% killers though, the lullaby is a separate thing. Probably because she can down people from so far away.

  • DwightOP
    DwightOP Member Posts: 2,328

    Then maybe that's what deathslinger needs aswell, a separate lullaby

  • xenotimebong
    xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803

    Deathslinger humming some old cowboy campfire songs would be creepy as heck, not gonna lie.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    therefore Huntress has no range limitation and doesnt need to fullfill another action after hitting her shot.

    i think what @xenotimebong is referring to here is that every 4.6 m/s Killer has a default 32m Terror Radius (except michael), while every 4.4 m/s Killer has a default 24m Terror Radius.

    Lullabies are exceptions. The Huntress has one, as her projectiles are a lot more deadly than Deathslingers (quite literal thrown M1s) and they dont have any range restrictions on them, therefore the Lullaby is also quite large (42m i believe) to warn survivors they might be in range.

    Also lets not forget that the actual hit window Deathslinger has without a TR is 2m, as his range is 18m, but his TR is 16m with Monitor & Abuse.

    i dont think many Deathslingers will be able to get a shot in from that range to begin with, especially not without being noticed.

    also also, he needs a clear LoS to you in order to hit his shot, so its not really any different from a Ghostface or Michael stalking you - awareness is key.

  • immortalls96
    immortalls96 Member Posts: 4,652

    Because ds is so much weaker than huntress..?

  • Kellie
    Kellie Member Posts: 1,328

    His terror radius needs to be louder, thats why all the Deathslingers run it cause its so hard to discern.

  • KillerSurvivor47
    KillerSurvivor47 Member Posts: 23

    A set of jingly keys! The Bayshore KeyRing. Survivors hear keys jingling from about 10-12 meters. Not nearly as discernible as Huntress Hum but still audible if they are paying attention

  • TrappinMan
    TrappinMan Member Posts: 66

    You mean Monitor? Most Deathslinger's run it to lower their TR so they actually have a chance of making a shot without quick scope. Even though he has a gun, he's still got a range of 18m, and a survivor can get to cover pretty easy if they run spine chill.

    If you mean that the Slingers run terror radius, I don't know how to tell you this, but all killers except jump scare Myers do.