Killer Idea: The Pursuer (aka Nemesis)

StardustPlasma Member Posts: 4
edited June 2020 in Creations

Title: The Pursuer (or The Supersoldier)

Name: Nemesis-T Type

Gender: Male

Nationality/Ethnicity: Unknown (Possibly American)

Realm: Raccoon City

Power: NE-α Parasite 

Weapon: Empowered Limbs

Movement Speed: 110% (4.4m/s)

Alt. Speed: 80% (3.2m/s) while Charging NE-α Parasite

Terror Radius: 28 metres

Height: Tall

Lore: Created by the Umbrella Pharmaceuticals as an advancement of the Tyrant T-103 Model, the Nemesis was the ultimate super-soldier, having superhuman strength, regenerative abilities, and tremendously high IQ. This super-soldier was sent into Raccoon City to eliminate all surviving S.T.A.R.S members. Before deployment, however, an unknown mist had taken the unstoppable Tyrant. 


Perk 1: Unending Danger

Those you hit will stay down. You will not stop to watch those who should have fell.

50/55/60% reduced cool-down on successful hits on Injured Survivors that don't enter the dying state. 

"S.T.A.R.S." - Nemesis

Perk 2: Never Together

Seeing survivors together enrages you. They must be taken out. 

When a Survivor rescues another Survivor from a Hook that is at least 20/16/12 metres away from you, the Auras of the rescued and rescuer are revealed to you for 15 seconds and the rescuer is Exhausted for 15 seconds.

"S.T.A.R.S." - Nemesis

Perk 3: Apprehension

You are aware of those around you.

You become obsessed with one Survivor. After hitting the Obsession with a basic attack, all other Survivors' Auras are revealed to you for 5/6/7 seconds 

You can only be obsessed with one Survivor at a time.

"S.T.A.R.S." - Nemesis

Power: NE-α Parasite 

Press and hold the Power button to charge the NE-α Parasite within your right arm. Release the Power Button to initiate a Parasitic Reach.

The Parasitic Reach has a maximum range of 20 metres with a projectile speed of 40m/s.

*The Distance and Speed depend on how long you charge*

CRIPPLE: After hitting a Survivor with your Parasitic Reach, the survivor is slowed by 15% and suffer from the Exposed Status Effect for 10 seconds. 

Hitting a survivor puts you on a 2.5 second cool-down while misses puts you on a 5 second cool-down.

Post edited by StardustPlasma on


  • TwistedJoke65
    TwistedJoke65 Member Posts: 316

    I really like this idea. Always been a Nemesis fan. One thing that I would change up is his power. It's a nice idea but I feel like it could have something special so it isn't so much like the deathslinger power or just another broken projectile.

    I also think that Apprehension seems a bit op with the timings. Being able to see survivors auras for 7 seconds seems a bit to long. Even barbecue the aura only lasts for 4 seconds and that can be a big enough pain.

    Other than that it's a really nice idea and would fit well with the other killers. Good job :)

  • SupperNirreg
    SupperNirreg Member Posts: 5

    well... you did it