When Killer annihilates a survivor, Killer should be the Merciless Killer.

This is a no-brainer.
You've annihilated the enemy, so you deserve the highest rating.
The entity says no, if you killed them fast then they didnt suffer enough
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I would love if that was the case because it would make Adepts so much more easier to obtain instead of juggling emblems to get 4 Iridescent Emblems because you're stuck in Rank 1 forever.
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Expecting Rewards when winning against Potatoes? Nah.
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Kill Everyone: Merciful
Don't Kill Everyone: Merciless
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Winning handily doesn't mean you played against potatoes. Even professional players (in other games) get shut out occasionally.
Besides, the game matched you with these people. You didn't go looking for bad players.
It's extremely weird that your opponent can actively harm you by being significantly worse than you. Not sure I've ever seen that in another game.
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Yes, so he can rank up faster and get to the rank he actually belongs to and face the opponents he should be facing.
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That's crazy talk. Almost sounds like a functioning rank system!
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I am rather awarded for playing good instead of being awarded for having bad players as my opponents. But this is probably the common understanding of gaming - just have it as easy as possible to get maximum rewards.
I think if someone wins by a landslide, it is fine to not rank up that much. For both sides. Because they clearly did not face opponents which are good enough to justify a big reward.
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So you'd have them stay at their current rank longer, where they'll keep facing opponents who're well below their skill level? Interesting design philosophy.
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Not sure about Merciless, but Adept Killer achievements should be: 4 kills with only the killer's 3 unique perks equipped.
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So if I'm at Rank 20...and I destroy other Rank 20 players...
...I should stay Rank 20 because it's clearly too easy...?
Big Think...
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That is a fantastic idea! Although people could cheese it with an ebony mori.... but hey, Survivors can cheese it with a key, so I guess that's fair.
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That used to be how people did it back before they changed how Merciless works.
You used to be able to get adepts purely from 4ks, which involves moris.
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Bringing up low Ranks which should be a safe zone for new players is really "big think".
Talking about mid to high Ranks here. But yeah, interesting way to argument - always saying only high Ranks matter (common thing I read on the Forum, balancing around High Ranks), but then bringing up Rank 20s :^)
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Exactly. They can use a key to escape and get an Adept Survivor achievement but a killer damages their chances of getting an Adept by performing a mori.
Killer Adepts are measured on overall performance, while the survivors just have to escape by any means, with no measurement on how they performed in the match.
It's all butt-backwards.
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The actual rank number doesn't matter, though...?
Same logic applies at any rank. If I'm Rank 10 and steamrolling other Rank 10's, then your stance is that I should....remain Rank 10? So I can keep facing Rank 10's? Because it was too easy to beat those Rank 10's, so I don't deserve to move up?
Think really hard for a minute.
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Sorry, I am not that intelligent, thinking hurts. :(
Its fine to get a 1 Pip - you won, after all. But if you win by a landslide, you clearly won against players who were not your Skill Level. Why should you get the highest Reward at this point? Do you think you did something which justifies the highest Reward?
If I win without having to do anything, I would not think that I deserve a 2 Pip.
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Yeah but since matchmaking is based on rank you should go up and they should go down. That way you dont continue getting people way below the appropriate skill level. So yeah, if you kill every survivor before a single gen is done, you should double pip, and they should lose 2 pips. If they had done this MM and ranks wouldnt be so jacked up.
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There are a multitude of ways that you can just slaughter a team before anything gets done. It also prioritises what I believe to be the most important part of the killer's game: SUFFERING. Your job is literally to make the survivors suffer and go through hell. Killing them should be a reward, not a right.
As it stands, the emblem system rewards you for playing ALL FACETS of the game in question, which is why survivors can rank up very easily. Killers, yes, have to juggle a little bit more, but the survivors are punished by the gen-rush too, even to the point where I have de-ranked within a 4-Man escape. I tend to do well with the current ranking system because it both aligns with my personal playstyle AND I understand what it wants from me.
Use less instant-downs, occasionally slug when there's 3-4 survivors still alive tactically, don't let them die easily, ensure regression of generators even if it means NOT taking a chase.
Start playing the GAME rather than the "main objective" and you might start getting more consistent Ruthless/Merciless. And that goes for all killers who read this!
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You're missing the point. If you completely destroy the survivors as a killer, that means either your rank is too low, or your opponents' was too high. Therefore, you should rank up and the survivors should rank down, so you can both get closer to facing opponents of equal skill.
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Ok, so here's how it relates to the point: killing quickly should not be incentivised, and there are too many ways around having a good, long game as a killer.
Also, the Ebony Mori is already a huge issue and THIS idea will only make it worse, as they'll now be the optimal way to rank up.
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You can't kill quickly if the survivors are as good as you are. That's the whole point.
Ebony Mori is fine and is rarely used. However, if it were to become an issue with this change, I'm sure the devs would address it.
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"Ebony Mori is fine and is rarely used. "
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Ok, how about full slugging then? Or the rampant instant-downs? Why should someone be rewarded with a double-pip for doing only half the work? Why should campers be rewarded with a double-pip because nobody in the whole solo game was running Kindred or comms?
There are easy ways around this supposed "skill" factor and THAT is my issue with this idea. I also gave my solution, which is playing the game, not the end screen.
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This goes right back to the issue that players are strangely punished for doing too well.
The answer should not be, "If you're better than your opponent(s), screw around with them for a while."
Of course, most people don't seem to understand what a ranking system is for. They're too wrapped up in weird ideas about what "deserves a reward" and what doesn't.
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Good survivors know how to work around slugging and insta-downs. There are perks for the former and strategies for the latter.
Killing survivors is the end-goal. Everything else - chases, damaging generators, using your power - is all for one singular purpose: to kill. That's why they're called "killers" and not "chasers" or "generator demolition men/women".
There is no way around skill. Either you have it or you don't. A mediocre killer with every single insta-down in the game will never be able to crush top-tier survivors the same way they would complete noobs.
Your solution is literally the same as "play worse". If a killer can end a chase in 30 seconds because the survivor is new, why should they be punished for it?
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If you're at rank 20, you're probably already facing rank 10's with current matchmaking.
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The whole "I'm a KILLER" argument is like asking why survivor isn't named Victim. Killers are killers because they have killed, and are attempting to do so still.
Killing is also the END goal, not the ONLY goal. I think that a lot of killers are simply forgetting that. My solution isn't play "worse" as you put it, but play smarter.
As for skill, it's not really something to bring up in the broad scope of things here. Am I a more skilled survivor for stealthing all game and never being detected than a guy who ran for 3 full generatora then got facecamped, because he died and I didn't? Is the killer better than him because they got the kill? There are too many grey areas for something like this to work.
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Well, yeah, sadly enough.
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You keep saying, "It won't work" even though we know matchmaking and ranking changes are coming.
Of course, we don't know exactly what that means yet, but clearly arguing from the position of, "It has to be this way because that's how it is." isn't going to work.
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Just...sort of as an aside...unless you use a mori you dont actually kill anyone...hooker...were hookers...then the entity kills them
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Kills and Ranks are two separate issues. Whats so hard to understand this?
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That would be fine if the emblem system actually rewarded you for playing well which it doesn't it rewards you for playing a game of arbitrarily tick the boxes.
You are literally punished for survivors mistakes if someone doesn't go for a save you get punished.
If you're really good at Billy and you could easily get your chainsaws you get punished.
If you're really good at Trapper people fall into your traps you will get punished this is not rewarding you for playing good
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It used to be like that, but when the emblem system happened it made those achievements way harder to do. Meanwhile survivor's still is just escape, which is LAME.
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It would be super lame if it got changed to making Survivor Adepts harder eg, 3 unqiue perks, all gens completed, one hook rescue, open one exit gate THEN escape.
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Emblem system is dumb and is more focused on making sure Killers play the game in a very specific manner rather than making sure the people playing are actually good at the game. Emblems are a band-aid for all the dumb ######### in the game because the devs know that if they streamlined the rank system they'd have to actually balance the game and take care of all the stupid crap like Mori's.
Even then, it's a pretty terrible band-aid. Any idiot can equip NOED and at least Brutal every game. Legion can get 0k's and still Brutal. Myers gets ######### by the emblem system because outside of T3 he's the saddest M1 killer. Plague's emblems are notoriously hard to get up unless survivors are absolute cretins and cleanse all the time. It literally discourages a good amount of killers from using their powers while Legion mains are guaranteed safety pips every game as long as stab people people a lot.