If you’re okay with Flashlight against Hag/Wraith you have to be okay with Pyramid head VS DS/BT
I’m not saying everyone is like this, but I see so many hypocrites. They whine and whine that PH makes DS, BT, etc worthless but then they also comment on posts about Wraith and Hag saying even though it’s an old thing Flashlights should still affect them.
Personally I am okay with flashlights and I semi-main Wraith, obviously I would be thrilled if they changed it.
Okay, I’m cool with that.
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Both are unbalanced imo, a item shouldnt completly counter a killers power, and a killer shouldnt make some perks complelty usless
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Wraith takes like 6 seconds to flashlight burn so I don't see him as a big deal. Hag you can definitely make a fair argument. But since Trapper's traps can be disarmed it only seems fair hags can be as well. Maybe they should change hags traps to either take longer to break with a flashlight. Or make them like Demos portals.
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Difference is, the Killer can see my Flashlight and change their Loadout or the Killer.
I cannot see if the Killer is a Pyramid Head, making 3 out of 4 Perks useless.
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Neither of those things is true tho. Survivors need to see the trap and have the time and flashlight battery to get rid of it. It’s limited. For PH to counter those perks you need to be tormented and by putting you in a cage he gives up the ability to use certain perks. Neither the power or the perks are completely countered.
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Trappers traps immobilize you..hag still has to chase you
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Survivor perks also should have flaws to use against them..with ph at least he has to work to shut down your perks..a flashlight user just pushes a button in the general direction of a hag trap because the hit box is huge, plus ph gives up the ability to use a bunch of perks in the process of denying you yours
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You dont play hag much I take it
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How about no? PH is gamebreaking. Flashlights arent gamebreaking for any killer, cause you can adapt.
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"plus ph gives up the ability to use a bunch of perks in the process of denying you yours"
Yeah, which he can decide on his own when building up his Loadout. If the Pyramid Player decides to bring BBQ or PGTW and then decides to use the Cages all the time, it is entirely on him - he knew that he was playing Pyramid Head.
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Basically, people have complained about the stale meta. We have a killer who singlehandedly can change the meta by making meta perks almost useless to run.
The question is, are survivors going to gamble with removing ds or bt, on the 1 in 18 chance they get the 1 killer who negates those perks?
Or will behavior just change the interaction, leaving the same stale gameplay?
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It's not like PHead should always be caging anyway...from my experience, if you're caging every time you're giving up map pressure. Caging should be saved when you know where someone else is and want to save the time to hook to react better. If you don't, you're better off hooking since the odds aren't bad that you'll send them to someone else for an easy save. That means BT is a guarantee, and DS is activated for a locker play or whatnot.
This is of course assuming he gets the torment in the first place, because it's certainly not a guarantee by any means. So I don't get why people are so frustrated that he sometimes is able to sometimes stop BT/DS, when good players will be saving the cages for when it's most crippling to the team.
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You can adapt to PH, don’t run over trenches and you don’t get tormented or cages. Don’t make bad saves and you don’t need BT.
Just like Wraith adapting to flashlights is to always start his uncloak behind an object so he can’t get flashed for long enough to be stunned.
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Yes..but to maximize his potential he has to choose to forgo using the two most popular killer perks..the best anti gen perk, and a great tracking pressure perk , and that's after he gets you to run into his barbed wire..which btw literally has no other debilitating effects of any kind..a lot of give there..plus you shouldnt need bt or ds for their intended purpose as he sends you far away
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Double standards are real with you
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Pyramid is anti DS/BT IF you are caught in the very obvious trenches. Crouch walk over, and you're safe, as with The Hag. Survivors will be caught sometimes if Pyramid can steer you into a chase through them, or just not seeing them, so it's counterable and not necessary perk disabling.
If Pyramid could send people to those cages without this power, I would agree it cancels them. But he needs the power and they're counterable.
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And Trapper has to traverse the map to take advantage of you being immobilized. I'd say they're pretty even. I think hags traps are too easy to break. But they still need to be breakable.
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You could, alternatively, avoid getting the Tormented status. From my brief experience, it seems easy to avoid the trenches, so long as you are not in a chase.
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I personally disagree because shes much more reliant on them..regardless it should take longer and tax charges just as sabo does tool boxes at the very least..its not a fair system..as for trapper hes a weak killer as is so using him as a comparison to say hag needs destroyable traps isnt exactly convincing considering it damns trapper
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That dude is literally the type of person I made this post because lol and he doesn’t even get it
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I love how anytime someone disagrees with you you just say they don’t play Hag/killer/whatever enough. You might as well not even respond because you’re contributing absolutely nothing to the discussion. I’m sorry you’re bad with Hag but that’s not flashlights’ fault
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Not to state the obvious but welcome to dbd. Where one side brings everything and the kitchen sink to the match and tries to dictate what the other side can+can't bring.
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Dont run 3 perks that you know could be rendered useless if it keeps happening. Change your loadout sometime. 🤷♀️
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Why do people always come up with these subjective "A = B" bargaining equations? Nobody is going to value such a wide range of things equally, from person to person. And then when someone raises an eyebrow, people scream NNNNNNNNNNNAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH KILLER/SURVIVOR MAIN BIAS, ignore level-headed responses, and accuse each other of playing the game wrong.
All of the moving parts in this game are never going to have some "perfect" balance point, even if you hired the greatest game designers who have ever lived. And even if you thought it was perfect, plenty of people would still disagree.
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unless u have addons u literally cant appear near a survivor with a flasghlight cause u are gonna get burned and thats unfair, because is a LONG stun enough for them to cross half the map. and it takes less taht that i think. the worst part is taht is not rewarding the survivor is just punishing the killer for free because you are not doing anything skillful u are just punishing wraith because flashlights just punish him for free, is a 0 risk high reward thing, the best wraith can do is move aroudn and try to make u waste flashlight wich wont happen if the survivor is smart enough and is unfair.
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Does not really make sense for 1 Killer.
I also do not stop to use Iron Will because it gets countered by Plague.
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I use iron will almost every game lol. It's good in so many situations.
I'm not saying do it yo counter PH. I'm just saying that if it's happening often, is a possibility, and something that is causing issues to you enough to notice it, change up how you play so it's not an issue.
Doing the same thing and expecting different results is insanity.
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i have no issues with that whatsoever.
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Im fine with a killer shaking up the meta
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You're saying killers can adapt but you can't? Well done sir, 10 points to you and your inability to adapt. We have a Darwin award winner here people!
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Dont feed him hes like this on every killer supporting post (its pretty obvious he only does survivor).
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I don’t know...flashlights being godlike against Wraith/Hag is stupid but as you said, we got used to it. But you know what I don’t wanna get used to? Constantly getting cage camped/tunneled by trash PH players with no counterplay.
If the killer plays normally it’s fine but since it’s up to them...the only way you can get away from that situation is a purple instaheal.
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Okay, but I really think I need popcorn and tissue when going around the forum. Some people make me laugh so hard I cry.
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Who cares about hag? Literally noone plays this boring-ass killer lol
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+1 I own and play every killer but Hag. Would like to buy her with shards, but every time I get about 7k I can’t stand not spending it on a cosmetic instead.
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and what if you change to a flashlight last second? how can the killer change their loadout?
And survivors can disable plenty of killer perk making 1 out of 4 perks useless
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Iron will to spirit spine chill to pretty much any stealth killer OoO to freddy calm spirit to doctor slippery meat to trapper urban evasion to hag.
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Last Sentence...eh. Killers can do the same with Survivors. With Add Ons. Or with their Power. Or because of questionable design decisions.
Regarding Last Second Switches - those are a product of lobbydodging Killers because they thought it is "their" Lobby. Nobody would last-second switch if they would actually get to play with their Items.
Even tho, who does Last Second Switches for Flashlights in 2020? lol
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LOL right, I have literally seen one, count it ONE last second switch in the past year or so and they didn't even bring an item I think they either forgot or were working the bloodweb?
Also I think items should be hidden from the killer anyways, and all offerings secret from both sides.
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I see him around..this is normal
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What if I disagree with PH countering hook perks, think lightburn against Wraith should be removed, but think flashlights against Hag are fine? Am I allowed to have both a survivor-sided and killer-sided opinion? :)
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My my you went down that route fast..I'm sorry but..I've played for 2 years...ive experianced every facet of this game..if you dont want to help this game evolve and grow that's not for me to make you..I'm merely saying the truth..because as I've said..I've seen it all by now , and one thing you'll see is many of the people who claim stuff like this which is by any games standard bad design..its because of a deep personal bias due to a lack of experiance..amazing how perceptions change when it is pointed in their direction..just as my stance on hag has changed from experiance
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Just remember everyone, when a new killer is introduced they have a function. Pig was to slow games down, but that was heavily nerfed because of survivor "FUN" doctor was introduced because stealth was so prevalent, though changed because of "FUN"
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So, the problem is most survivors with lights don't break hag traps, since you can just crab walk them, and I've had very few light burns on Wraith, most save the light for the save. And if you use the logic that Trapper and Hags traps can be countered, then Freddy is absolutely broken, as the only counter to his trap is waking up, but his traps will still be there, and he has a controllable teleport. The problem with PH is that he's like Plague.By picking him he weakens anything that goes off hooks, not just BT and DS, but deliverance, we're gonna make it, off the record, etc., provided he plays that way, in much the same way Plague makes perks that help or hurt healing pointless, if played using her power to it's fullest, since they'll either be broken and can't heal, or use the fountains to fully heal.
Also of note, he gets nothing he'd get from hooks if he cages, so no ebony and Ivory mori, no BBQ, no Pop, no Devour, nothing. So he's more likely to just be running bp items, and weaker perks detection and pressure wise. Also he has no mobility which means he has little pressure outside of chases. He can't zip around like Billy or Freddy, so he needs perks to maintain pressure.
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And that is the problem right there, you just admitted to running full meta perk builds. Maybe switch it up instead of nothing but second chance perks.
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I went there fast? Your response to me was an insult disguised as a question and nothing more. By all means, continue to complain about how you're struggling even when you're playing one of the strongest killers in the game. Maybe Freddy or Spirit would be more up your alley.
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"admitted"? Sorry that I am using good Perks.
But yeah, I know, only Killers are allowed to use strong Perks. Survivors using strong Perks is a bad thing.
And well, unpopular (and true) opinion - the only good Perks for Survivor are second chance Perks or Perks which speed up the Objective. Other Perks dont make much sense.
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The fact you responded as you did shows me my suspicions were correct..also..I play everyone but leather face so indeed spirit and freddy suit me nicely..give me tools and I'll make it happen..see I'm out here seeking to bring the rest of the cast up..I notice a simple issue and I bring light to it..you on the other hand try to deflect the issue back on me..my question was just that..a question..you took it as you saw for which is fine..but dont think for a moment I'm blindly going into this
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Whatever you say, bud.