If you’re okay with Flashlight against Hag/Wraith you have to be okay with Pyramid head VS DS/BT
Very well..
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I guess you can look forward to being a one perk survivor then when PH comes out.
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How about thinking before posting? Or does this take too much toll on you?
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Plague can counter healing perks. Doctor can soft counter stealth perks. Instadown killers can counter perks like DH and MoM. The workaround is being able to adapt, either by finding a way to avoid the Killer's power or learn how to play w/o those perks.
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And perks shouldn’t be able to be universally useful. Seriously, the meta needs to shake up a little, and PH ignoring those perks is a great start.
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That guy is a survivor main who complains about anything killers have that is remotely strong. It’s better to ignore him.
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The guy you are replying to is a survivor main who posts bait all the time about killers having op stuff. Just leave him be.