Slight modification for Penance

I think most people can agree that protection hits are a bit too niche and survivor controlled to really make for an interesting killer perk but how about a small change to open up more uses for it without changing the premise too much.
The simple change would be setting a radius around the hit survivor where if multiple survivors are in it that's all it takes to activate. It would expand its active time by a lot, allow perk synergies like discordance to build a killer strategy around, and it would make it's quirky little side thing of working outside of basic attacks have more impact to its play. Cross map hatchet at a discordance gen? Broken survivor when you get there, someone bodyblocking while carrying, broken, stealthy killer sneaking up on people, break one and chase the other. There's just a lot more scenarios where this perk could shine with that small change. It would also turn the restriction into something useful in its own right as a soft info perk that could warn you someone is nearby waiting for the flashlight save. Having a restriction actually have a side use is a lot more interesting than just a restriction.
Im confused on what you mean. Two survivors are standing with in 4 meters of eachother, what happens?
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He's saying if you smack 1 survivor with another survivor nearby, the 2nd survivor would have the broken status effect. As it stands now, not only is it VERY niche on when it would apply, but the effect in general is also weak when it DOES work.
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It should gives exhaustion that would make me pursue the protector.
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Make it that when the survivor takes a protection hit, they will be broken until the other survivor heals.
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THAT I like
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Hit someone in a group of survivors, hit survivor is broken. Just increasing the times a hit can apply broken instead of it having to count as a protection hit. Someone in 10 meters of another survivor? Thwak enjoy broken. Even still the broken would have to last longer than it currently does.
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How would you split that into three Tiers?
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Have the other survivor heal slower by percentage, or have blood pools spawn faster ( slighly, moderately) or a