"Ranks Don't Matter" Mentality Needs to Stop

Big yikes. Just had a match with Wraith (no perks no add ons), got the 4k, 2 pip no worries didn't even need to slug.
End game chat:
Player 1: "You only won because we have 2 Green Ranks"
Me: "No i won because i played well you only did 1 gen"
Player 1: "Yeah but you are a Rank 12 so what would you know?"
Me: "I've been Rank 1 many times all killers, all perks, all add ons, no add ons"
Player 1: "No you haven't otherwise you wouldn't be hard stuck Rank 12" (Hard stuck? Lol thats actually quite funny)
Me: I took a long break as i got back into other games such as the MK11 expansion"
Player 1: "Yeah well rank doesnt matter anyway" *leaves*
So um? This guy kinda contradicted himself xD
proceeds to bring up at the start that i only won because they had 2 greens, says i'm a hard stuck Rank 12 but then proceeds to say that Ranks don't matter.
Question: If ranks don't matter then why do people have a hard time getting to "X" rank? It doesnt even necessarily have to be Red it could even be Purple Ranks. Surely if Ranks didn't matter then every player in this game would be Rank 1 no worries right? But that does not happen.
I can 100% assure you that there are players out there (both sides) who still to this day are Yellow to Grey Ranks. That's because some players in video games simply do not progress or improve drastically as others despite the "X" number of hours they put in. Kinda like Overwatch there are Gold Portrait Mercy mains who have never in their 1000+ hrs of play time hit even Silver Ranks.
Ranks kind of don't matter though.
A lot of survivors at red/purple ranks don't know the basics of the game. They're really scared and hide all the time like a brand new player, they just don't know how to run a killer, or they're just really bad at making decisions. A red rank survivor should know that self-caring in the corner of the map isn't a good idea, and hinders the team. A red rank survivor should know that when a killer facecamps someone, it's better to go and work on gens, rather than crouch next to the hook for 30 seconds and accomplish absolutely nothing in the process.
I've seen a rank 9 Spirit yesterday. She had 100 hours in the game. She was really bad in chases, and never really pressured gens. She also camped and tunneled (which is supposed to hinder your emblem gains, mind you). And yet, she still is so close to being purple ranks (which are supposed to be the second-best in terms of skill indication), with only having 100 hours in the game.
Pipping isn't difficult either, especially since the black pips have such low requirements, that you've got to actively go out of your way to derank, because otherwise it's very unlikely to happen.
It doesn't help that the current form or rank reset doesn't really set people back at all either. Once you get to red ranks, you stay there forever, unless you drop the game for at least 3 months.
At the current state of the game, rank represents how much you played during that specific month, rather than how good you are at the game.
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This is essentially the problem. The emblem system dictates how you play in order to pip, while other methods may not. That, and the inherent balance problems contribute to rank not having any real value.
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I have an issue with the
"Ranks don't matter" thing on the FORUMS. When an argument gets heated, Party A throws in the "Well I'm a Red Rank survivor" then Party B proves their also Red Ranks and Part C, D, E and F's opinions are invalid because they're Purple, Green, Brown and Yellow Rank survivors/killers.
Then anyone following in has no valid opinion because they're not in "Red Ranks."
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Players of all types (personality wise) play all types of games (FPS, TPS, RPG) but most games now of days have a competitive aspect to them... and it creates an attitude in all players (those whom are casual to those that are competitive)
This game (and say Overwatch for an example) have flaws in how it judges skill (I'm a silver border and in high silver low gold in overwatch and I just hit the red ranks of this game... killer btw) all rank is at this point is showing how much a person played this month... also rank reset is next week
I do agree with you that rank doesn't matter... there will be players who think otherwise... all we can do is play this game how we want and try to keep an open mind on what's next
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You don’t even have to be a good survivor to get to rank 1. Just by playing the game you’ll eventually get there unless you really, really suck.
I wouldn’t exactly consider myself a pro survivor and I made it to Rank 1 by just sinking time into the game.
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It's an elitist attitude.... and it's not helpful at all
Its up to the individual to share their experiences knowing that ^it^ will happen...
And ppl tend to forget that we all were/are new to the game at some point
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Well, they really don't. I've seen players with 150-200h in the red ranks. Back when I started you'd be nowhere near red ranks with so little hours.
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Same can be said about killers. Due to the number of boosted red rank survivors who can easily get hooked 3 times before 1 gen pops just about anyone manages to get to red ranks as killer.
Yesterday I played against a Spirit that seriously tried to BLOODLUST SAVE PALLETS WITHOUT USING HER POWER IN A CHASE.
I thought it was a rank 20. After the 4th gen popped the Spirit still had 0 hooks and rage quit. Turns out the Spirit was a Rank3 killer with the classic noob-build (Ruin/Noed). I guess it's fairly obvious how that guy made it to red ranks.
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Killer rank matters, survivor rank doesn't, since you can just be boosted by swf. Which is going to become even more apparent with the 'new' matchmaking down the road.
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Ranks are on both sides different, cause it’s harder to pip as killer than as a survivor while they could be carried by their teammates. I think you can say
killer :
40% playtime
+ 60% skill
40% playtime
+ 30% skill
+ 30% teammates/swf
In my opinion a fair matchmaking is based on playtime (devotion) + maxed out emblems + kills/escapes
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I remember in yonder days of yore the Silent Hill forums, and in particular the comment: "Only a true Silent Hill fan knows...".
Elitism in games feels to me individual to the person declaring the elitism. Someone could be yellow rank, but has played since day one and amassed thousands of ours, and is only yellow as they play very casually. Others consider their skill defined by red rank, but always have to be carried by their better SWF team. But to bring it up to make a point to demean others says more about how uncertain that person is about their skill, or how blinkered their view is.
Rank, playstyle, knowledge or time played all has relevance, and it is good to hear from those! But to people who use it more to deflate others, they really serve no purpose other than to inflate their own ego and block out their own insecurities.
In the end, it's a game. Enjoy it.
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The "ranks don't matter" mentality will stop when ranks not mattering stops.
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Killer rank means more than Surv rank but it's still not proof of skill. Killer rank mostly means how good you are at arbitrary box checking rather than how actually good you are at Killer. It can also indicate whether you're a Legion main or not.
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Really, it's just SURVIVOR rank that doesn't matter. It's so blindly and ridiculously simple to rank up as survivor.
Killer isn't really "hard", but it's not the walk in the park Survivor is.