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How do I deal with a genrush as a new killer

JustCats Member Posts: 298

Hi guys, looking for legit advice. I'm sub 100 hours and rank 8 killer and am starting to run into coordinated swf teams rushing gens. I play mostly Pig cause she's fun but don't have much more than Pig/generic perks.

Is there anything I can really do to a coordinated team that just takes turns tapping gens or am I just doomed to a gen-kicking simulator? I don't feel like I can commit to a chase because I'll get looped at least for a little while before I can down someone, at which point I lose at least one gen. I can't really use Pig's ability except in a chase, cause the rest of the time I feel like I'm running as fast as I can trying to kick gens to try and stay ahead of the rush - I can't waste time creeping around. But at that point I'm not applying any kind of pressure. Head traps are pointless because I'm already losing the gen rotation and don't have the time to add release stations to the route.

I legit am not sure what to do in this situation except to look for snoot boops and hope to de-pip to get in a fun game. I know I could grind for hex:ruin or the trapper perks but at this point it'll be kind of the same issue for 40 levels plus on whatever new killer I have to level to stay competitive at all.

Looking for actual advice on my current situation as I am fairly new and may just be missing something. I understand that other builds/perks can help but I do not have those available.


  • JustCats
    JustCats Member Posts: 298
    edited June 2020

    I probably shouldn't be rank 8 but I can't help that. So just don't play Pig anymore? That kinda blows.

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,371

    I don't think you need to stop playing pig. I think the issue here is that these swf teams you face are likely not teams you'll be able to beat with your current skill level. I would say the best thing to do is to focus less on the fact gens are getting done and try to get better at ending chases faster.

    Learn the map tiles and how to mind game them. The quicker you can down survivors and get your traps on them the more pressure you'll actually have to slow down the gens.

    The other thing is kicking gens without a gen kicking perk is fairly pointless. Gens regress really slow and gens don't lose progress by kicking them. You need to build pressure on the survivors which you can't do by kicking gens all the time.

  • Shocktober
    Shocktober Member Posts: 678

    You have to improve your chase game, tile running, and moonwalking + mindgames. Most high ranking pig players, including myself, run at least 2+ chase perks on her.

    I would never want to take her into a game without some combination of brutal strength, enduring, bamboozle, or spirit fury. Personally I do enduring + brutal strength most of the time because spirit fury; while super powerful, can be countered. As a mostly M1 killer, eating lots of pallets vs good players is almost unavoidable if you want to get chases done in a reasonable amount of time. Respecting pallets is terrible, allowing survivors many more loops if they don't hesitate. But eating multiple pallets can be crippling without enduring.

    Don't bother crouching gen to gen unless you are running whispers (preferable whispers + monitor) or have a perk that gives you confirmed locations (BBQ, Thrilling Tremors, Surveillance). It takes too long, just running around almost ignoring your crouching power is the best option most of the time.

    I also tend to play the M1 killers pretty scummy, because vs. full red rank lobbies you will literally not have time to do a 12 hook game unless you are running pop goes the weasel and the survivors are way below your skill level. To 4k, it is snowball, tunnel, camp, or lose. Your best bet is to just murder someone as fast as possible, as early as possible, and play the 3v1 from there.

  • Todgeweiht
    Todgeweiht Member Posts: 3,666

    Oof, I dont think I can give any helpful advice, just get better

    Try to end chases as fast as you can with mindgames and other cheeky tactics like hiding your red stain, also learn to slug properly, slugging can be one of the greatest tools for stall in the game if you do it in the right moment.

  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321
    edited June 2020

    If you want to learn how to dominate as Pig/Amanda I think you should watch "Scorpionz". He's a specialized Pig main who 4ks most of the time without camping, without tunneling, without slugging, without Ruin or other slow down perks etc.

    Granted he has 8500 hours so obviously he has an easier time dealing with experienced survivors than you but perhaps you can learn a thing or two by watching his clips or streams. I only know him as a streamer but apparently he uploads some YouTube videos every onxe in a while, too. Here's the latest one:

    Also keep in mind the developers are planning to do something about the early game in the future. Hopefully it will allow for a more chill experience for both sides. The game really shouldn't feel like a race from the very first second.

  • LastShoe
    LastShoe Member Posts: 1,183

    I will also add that there is a nice mindgame for pig:

    On some loops you can use your ambush ability to run towards the survivor next to a pallet, often its also a good idea to fake running in one direction and switch so you can hit him after the vault...

    Outside that... 2 Gens done at the start is pretty normal, against good swf its normally 3 gens, unless you are playing meta killers.

    And if they have OoO... just camp and tunnel the OoO. They deserve this ######### for using this perk.

    Can't wait until devs finally rework this perk, trapper is unusable against survivors with this.

  • lucid4444
    lucid4444 Member Posts: 682

    you need to:

    1. buy all the killers with the good perks $ :)
    2. grind grind grind until you can teach them, then grind again to learn them on the killer you want to play
    3. win the occasional game when people play like noobs or suicide/DC right away out of frustration
    4. still lose a lot b/c that's still not enough against a coordinated team
  • RayrafLPP
    RayrafLPP Member Posts: 621

    Honestly thats the big Problem of the game aside from all the bugs.

    Good killers < Good survivors. Equal skill means not a good game.

    with sub 100 hours you can defenetively improve as killer/Pig. If you want to learn something then watch scorpionz. youll learn when to use your power correctly.

    Aside from that you could try to guess if people are a SWF.

    I try to play fair and I try to win. But sometimes when you think theres an SWF in your lobby just take a mori with you. You will see in match when you get genrushed to death and if thats the case You can tunnel and mori after first hook to even the odds. a 3v1 against a good swf is still hard AF. And If you dont get genrushed and its actually a nice match you dont have to use your mori.

  • JustCats
    JustCats Member Posts: 298

    I appreciate the advice aside from "get better" (that's why I'm posting lol). I'm not godawful at ending chases - while I probably shouldn't be rank 8 I didn't get there entirely by happenstance - but yes there is room for improvement obviously there. I don't have any chase perks either, really, so a similar situation as the gen repair perk thought. I'm really working with not much more than Pig stuff.

    I'm on PC. Thank you for the streamer/youtube link, I'll check that out.

    And yes, usually my thinking was to do a scouting round to identify the weakest link (injure, take the first loop, see if they're really good - if so move on) and get as quick a down and cage (hopefully before 1st or 2nd gen) so I could start pushing my terms instead of being wholly reactive. I don't worry too much about defending early gens and primarily try to protect a close cluster. It's just when things are obviously coordinated that things start to really break down as everybody's got multiple second chance perks etc, so even poor loopers can delay me long enough that the genrush feels unbeatable (I see a ton of DH/DS/SW combos in these groups). When they all bring flashlights it's even worse. I kick the gens to activate Surveillance, btw, moreso than to slow down the repair. I don't generally crouch unless I know someone's on a gen and I have an angle or someone is about to take a long loop stretch with no window/pallet.

    I'd like to keep playing Pig to get better but it sort of sounds like I need the perks and just transfer the chase mechanics and improvement to whoever that is, and revisit later. Kind of a bummer but I guess that's how it goes. Again, I appreciate all the responses guys.

    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656

    A few things I try and remember when playing killer is:

    Often killers get stronger as the match progresses as people are hooked and injured. So if a gen or two pops while I'm still setting up or in a chase at the beginning, I don't let it defeat me.

    Pig especially can get stronger in mid to end game. Save your party hats for mid to late game (but before the last gen is done, obvs) to ensure that even if survivors get those gens done, they have to take their helmets off to escape. It buys you more time and in end game you have nothing to do but hunt them down.

    Don't fear palettes. Making people pull safe palettes early removes resources from them and their teammates later in the match.

    Whispers is a generic killer perk and very helpful in locating survivors right out of the gate. I don't main pig, so I don't know what a meta pig build is, but I've found this perk helpful in getting that first hook under way quickly. The more survivors hooked or injured the less people doing gens.

    The last thing I do if I really need to buy some time is slug. Down someone and immediately find and down someone else. If I get to a gen where multi people are on it, don't blindly commit to a chase while the second person finishes the gen uninterrupted. Injure them both, kick the gen, then chase. Slug one, return and down the other.

    Survivors are also creatures of habit. They will likely return to the same gen they were working on before they got hooked, especially if it had decent progress. If they get unhooked and healed, that's a good place to go look for them vs. a gen on the opposite end of the map that wasn't being worked on last time you patrolled it.

    Sometimes you just get stomped. But don't let their initial progress discourage you. The survivor side gets harder for every hook and exponentially so after every sacrifice. Its a delicate game so its not uncommon for it to snowball into a win.

  • Shocktober
    Shocktober Member Posts: 678

    She is just the worst stealth killer. That's all there is to it really. You basically have to dedicate 2 perk slots to even get stealth hits in, where-as killers like wraith or ghostface get them base-kit. Myers needs 1 perk (monitor + abuse) for stealth hits, but also has the capability to demolish an entire team in one power activation once he reaches tier 3.

    All you get in return are the bear traps that have the potential to do absolutely nothing; and are not threatening without running at least purple add-ons.

    If you did make it to high ranks with her though, you would be able to transition into any other killer easily though.

  • JustCats
    JustCats Member Posts: 298

    It was an honest ask, no reason to lie on the rank - not sure if I'd classify it as high rank, but it's high enough that I'm out of 1/2 reds + green/browns territory and just running into a big leap in terms of caliber of survivor.

    Recommendations for killer if I like Pig who might also have perks that would be useful for her/elsewhere?

  • Shocktober
    Shocktober Member Posts: 678

    I prefer ghostface for all my stealth killer games these days. You need solid M1 gameplay, but are rewarded with 1 shots if you sneak up on people with tracking perks instead of just a single stealth hit. But you can take single stealth hits easily as well if you don't want to stalk.

    His base kit + perks are ok (just don't use furtive chase). Myers is a close second but he can have some rough early games and has some really bad maps (anything with corn). Myers has the best perks of the 4, play with your food and save the best for last are both very good, though PWYF really requires nemesis (oni perk) to shine.

    Neither wraith nor ghostface have top tier perks. Pig's make your choice is very, very good if you prefer a certain playstyle (returning to hook instead of finding new chases). I would grab that before moving onto anyone new if you already have her decently leveled.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    I would advice focussing on the chase for now, learning mindgames by using your red stain, learning when to let a chase go ( my rule of thumb is if bloodlust activates and you don't see you'll get a hit soon it's time to back of) stuff like that

    Also i'd suggest to stick with Pig, she's not the best of killers but she's very good to learn the game. She's a m1 killer who's power buys you time. so it let's you learn chases really well. Getting good with pig means you'll be decent at every M1 killer

    Also don't be discouraged by generators getting done. Remember that the first couple of generators don't mean anything, It's the last ones who count. You'll have plenty of games where 3 gens get done after the first chase and then momentum takes over and the game slows to a crawl

    There are also plenty of really good guides on youtube of how to run tiles or pig or in general, they will help immensly

    here's a pretty helpfull one

  • MadArtillery
    MadArtillery Member Posts: 826
    edited June 2020

    First thing I'd recommend as a fellow pig main that went through the same thing, stop playing kick the gen simulator. Save kicks for when gens are far from survivors for your surveillance or for when you plan on kicking then faking leaving the gen. Surveillance boops for the inevitable tap and you go in. If you position well they can't really tap it safely especially as getting gen pallets down is top priority as pig. Kicking is the most useless feature in the game by itself, 1/4 speed of repair and no benefits from the kick itself. Also don't feel bad about running noed if you feel you need it. Eventually getting ruin or pop needs to be done but until then 5trap and 5 box addons will be pretty mandatory. Save the ambush addons until you have perks to let you loosen up on your slowdown. Pigs also great for slugging as beartrap survivors are very predictable, forcing teammates to stop gens to pick them up repeatedly is better slowdown than the hats themselves as it gives you double the value. Predictability is what the hats really provide.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,060

    First of all, stop thinking about something like "Gen Rush". "Gen Rush" is you not applying enough pressure on the Survivors so that they are free to work on Gens - which is their Objective. Once you force them into altruistic actions, they will have to spend less time on Gens.

    This is nothing bad, because you are new to the game. With how Matchmaking is, you play against Survivors who are more experienced than you - in the end, you have to learn.

    Also, you are not facing that many coordinated SWFs. SWFs, especially 4 man SWFs, are not the majority of players, and even 4 man SWFs are usually bad.

    Like I said, the key is to force Survivors into altruistic actions. Meaning, hitting them, downing them, hooking them. Another Survivor has to go for the Safe and ideally you are chasing the next Survivor. This means, instead of 4 people on a Gen, there is only 1 on a Gen (at max). So the game is much slower.

    @Sonzaishinai has linked a good guide. In general, ScottJund is someone to watch if you want to learn. I can also recommend OhTofu.

    If you like the Pig, I 100% recommend this guide:

    Scorpionz is a really good Killer Main and is a Pig Main. You can learn a lot from him. Highly recommended if you like playing Pig (she is my favorite Killer as well, and I would not say that she is bad to play at Rank 1).

  • xenotimebong
    xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803
    edited June 2020

    Other people have given you great advice, but I’d like to reiterate: stop kicking gens! It can be useful to kick them in certain situations or if you’re running Pop Goes The Weasel, but the vast majority of the time it isn’t worth it. It takes you more than 2 seconds to kick a gen and it regresses at 1/4 the speed that it progresses, and the survivors can undo your kick with a split-second tap as they run past.

    Only kick gens if you know for certain that there are no survivors nearby. If you can account for where they are (taking off head traps, on the hook, healing, slugged), and the gen has decent progress, then kicking isn’t a bad idea. But if you suspect there’s a survivor waiting nearby or if you have the chance to chase someone, never waste your time kicking.

    Your objective is to get survivors down as fast as possible. Getting downs is a much bigger threat to survivors than kicking gens could ever be.

  • Frankie
    Frankie Member Posts: 807

    If they get aggressive on gens, get aggressive on kills. Lots of slugging, and even camping out a kill or two if you really have to.

    When you're a newer killer, knockout and sloppy are your friend.

  • SpookyStabby
    SpookyStabby Member Posts: 621

    Kill them. Kill them all.

  • JustCats
    JustCats Member Posts: 298

    I appreciate the video and the advice, honestly, but I do want to clarify that just because I'm new does not make me bad. I do know the difference between a coordinated SWF scouting my movements and tapping gens so that they can rush them down versus a normal game where survivors are focused on objectives. As I said earlier, the rank 8 isn't entirely dumb luck or a matchmaking error. I'm still getting 2-4k's on groups of reds. None of that necessarily means anything, but I've got a specific issue with a particular circumstance that I am able to recognize. I am noticing more groups of better players, which makes obvious sense, but running into an issue where I feel 100% helpless when they happen to be swf and this is their coordinated strategy. Not - "oof I'm going to lose this one" (which happens plenty, I'm not good good) but "it's entirely pointless for me to be here" level. I'm new to DbD but not new to gaming, I have a pretty good understanding of what's going on and what I should be trying to do, except in this specific circumstance.

    That's not salt or defensiveness, I'm just trying to clarify the issue - I understand that the advice is well-intentioned and it is very much appreciated.

    I only kick the gens to activate the only reliable locator perk I have ATM. I can kick less, but then I have less info vs the rushing team. I know BBQ is the meta locator perk but I do not have that killer and need to wait for it to drip out of the Shrine.

  • MadArtillery
    MadArtillery Member Posts: 826
    edited June 2020

    I can understand the urge to kick for surveillance but it's a noob trap to mis use it that way. The most important gens to kick for survail tends to be nearly zero gens no one cares about and won't be likely to be tapped and a gen you are actively stealth camping. Also btw whispers is the meta pig info perk, honestly I use both. Prevents wasting time crouching unnecessarily. Crouch just before entering whispers range of a gen, uncrouch if it doesn't activate.

  • emptyCups
    emptyCups Member Posts: 1,262

    Noed, Warden


    Corrupt and BBQ

    Tunneling is ur freind, only camp at all if you have an instantadown killer or else don't bother because they can just tank 3 hits each

  • JustCats
    JustCats Member Posts: 298

    Makes sense. I'll try that.