Ruin, pop or corrupt intervention?

So, i'am new as killer, and i am playing a lot with pig and one of the builds i want to make is:
-Monitore and abuse, Save the best for last and BBQ.
But, i don't know what i put : Ruin, Pop or corrupt.
If somebody help me, i will be thankful. :)
*Sorry for my terrible english
Best Answer
With pig I'd say Corrupt. Trapping survivors always gains you time, but you crucially need that early game.
Best choice for pig would probably be pop
She cant apply a lot of pressure, so Ruin is not the best choice
She does not really benefit from early gen control, so she corrupt, while useful, is not a good choice neither
Pop is basically godly on basically any killer and can save your ass many times.
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Pig is a stall killer, so a dead zone at the start could be useful via Corrupt, or Pop to slow down gens that're being worked on by whomever doesn't have a trap on their head. Ruin doesn't really work well with Pig since you have no map presence to force survivors off gens.