The latest Around the Campfire stream is a nightmare.

Where is the moderators?
Theres homophobes all over chat and their being ignored?
Was any dev paying attention to the chat?
Why not just ignore them?
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It's actually staggering, like 50% the chat is literally that.
Now their doing a gun emoji on a black man emoji christ lmao.
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They just want attention. Giving them that eggs them on.
And whats around the campfire?
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Bully's should be banned...not ignored.
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I closed the chat upon start up as I do not like the spam/chat very distracting and I never cared what anyone has to say anyhow on those very little value. Not shocked by the bigots since it is pride month.
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Because its basically all of the chats, its emoji spam basically saying black lives dont matter and homosexuality is a disease. They really need to get some. mods in there.
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Ikr like where is their moderators?
Do they even have any in live chat?
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Im talking about the op, not the mods. Im sure the mods will do what they do. My point was simply why get so upset about a bunch of random people you dont know saying things they probably dont even truly mean that you have to make a thread about it? Its a chat box, yes its filled with all kinds of dumb #########.
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Feels good to close chat and not care.
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People still want to interact with the devs on stream but their being drowned out by the bigotry spam.
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You are defending people posting racist and homophobic messages. The platform where they post that does not matter.
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But when you say something wrong about BHVR you're banned for life LUL
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At what point did I defend anybody?
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Cause devs don't care about whats going on in their chat
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Hes not defending. He said original OP should just ignore the chat and let the mods handle it...
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This is why I want BLM and LGBT stuff in the game, to expose these people and get them banned forever. Toxicity levels would decrease 90% overnight and we'd get nifty skins and characters as a bonus. Everybody who matters wins.
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Update: Looks like someone from the dev team saw the post and decided to put slow mode and kick some users.
I suggest keeping slow mode on for now.
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Yeah, careful. These topics are always radioactive.
Make the slightest misstep when discussing them and you're instantly a "-ist" of some kind.
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Oof, unless they don't have mods atm or really don't care
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Oh idc, people can think whatever they want. Im a white cis male so half of them hate me anyway. Which is my point, theres no sense in letting random people you dont know that arent feeding or ######### you to get under your skin with words on a screen.
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Have you considered that some of the people reading those hateful messages will be black or LGBT and that they don’t want to ignore it, they want it to be removed so they can just enjoy the stream? If the chat was getting spammed with hateful messages about white men, would you feel welcome participating, or would you feel insulted, alienated and annoyed?
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I agree, freedom of speech and crude jokes are getting out of hand for me and I want it censored! Not my stuff tho, their stuff. Literally if you censor my stuff you will be 'cancelled'.
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There's a difference between freedome of speech and downright hate speech. Saying the murder of George Floyd was justified is one of the worst things you can say, particularly now.
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I wouldnt care, and of course the devs should/would/did do something about it. My point is (again) you cant let people you dont know that dont know you dictate your feelings and your ability to enjoy something. Thats all.
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Private entities are not obliged to let you use their services however you want. That's why moderators and EULAs exist.
Furthermore, there's nothing funny about spamming racist and homophobic slurs, it's just being an #########.
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Fun fact: no they don't. The idea that LGBT people and minorities hate white cis males originated from white cis males you wouldn't want to associate with. People who either don't understand why an LGBT person might take a tinge of offense to someone else saying they should all be killed or do understand it and play the victim card anyway.
If you're not racist or homophobic or support people who are through inaction, nobody gives a #########.
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Fun fact, my assumption didnt come from white cis males it came from people like Riley Dennis and her thousands of supporters screaming it every chance they get. Not to mention everyone else i see on social media and low key dog whistles i see in a lot of movies and tv shows these days.
Idc, its fine, it is what it is. Im not complaining. 🤷♂️
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I have no idea who that woman is, but it wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if you didn't actually hear it from her and instead heard it from someone who intentionally mischaracterized her PoV. Even if you had, do you think those "thousands of supporters" represent the literal billions of LGBT and minorities combined?
No dog whistles in movies and TV shows. You're reading too much into it, is all. I do know of a certain group that uses dog whistles, though. They're the people I mentioned before. They also like to use false flag attacks and other stuff. Basically any time you hear them say that the people they hate are using this or that underhanded tactic, you can be sure it's projection.
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The standard you walk past is the standard you accept.
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Trying to solve politics you don't agree with by forcing more politics you do agree with NEVER. WORKS. Thats just an excuse for the people you deem toxic to act even more toxic because now they think you're afraid of them and they're getting the attention they're so desperate to acquire from you. Then it adds the problem of alienating people who specifically go to media (in this case the game) as a source of escapism from political discourse. Ignoring them isn't fun or easy, but it's more effective than anyone will give it credit for.
Also alt accounts exist so... banned forever doesn't last as long as you think it does.
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I mean, having gay characters and forcing politics down people's throats are two different things you know? Just because someone's gay doesn't mean their existence is a statement; LGBT/minorities do actually exist in real life.
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I'm not trying to solve any politics, I just want all toxic players banned. The fact that many of them seem to have an issue with normal people is just a handy way of exposing them.
If you ignore them, they'll just keep spreading. The best way is to get them banned. If they want to buy the game multiple times and waste their money, that's fine by me. I'm betting the ban hammer costs less than the money they spend.
Also, everything is political because a certain group wants everything to be political, so they can then complain about "politics" they don't like (for example, treating human beings with decency regardless of skin tone, sex, or sexual orientation) being "shoved down [their] throats". Identity politics at its finest, where the mere mention of a character being LGBT is seen as a political statement as opposed to being no different from mentioning that Kate plays guitar.
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I have definitely had plenty of people who identify as LGBT say some pretty questionable things to me. I generally assume that they are extreme outliers in the community and do not represent the views of the whole, just as I assume that the racist and homophobic people are extreme outliers in ours.
The best thing we can do is give them zero attention. It is clearly what they crave.
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Believe what you want. 🤷♂️
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When LGBT people start torturing, #########, and killing heterosexuals en masse for being heterosexual, I'll take those threats seriously. Until then, I'll focus on the racists and homophobes.
We've discussed why ignoring them doesn't work. Report, get them banned, get them out of here. Send a clear message: they're not welcome here.
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“I wouldn’t care” is easy to say when you’ve had the luxury of not having to care for most of your life. When you haven’t had to put up with slurs, funny looks, sly comments, people treating you differently, “jokes” about how to solve the problem of your existence.
“Oh I just wouldn’t care that I wanted to enjoy this hobby and people who hate me made it all about hating me, reminding me that no matter where I go and no matter what I do, there will be people wishing harm upon me for something I can’t control. Just get thicker skin lol”
If you’re such a badass and don’t care about anything anyone says, why even comment on this thread? Oh right, you DO care about what strangers say, just not when it’s bigoted comments towards minorities :)
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These people are just seeking for attention and a reaction. You completed their mission with this post instead of ignoring it. Good job, get jebaited.
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Twitch has had problems with bigotry for years and the only way to curb stomp it is moderation. Hopefully the DBD team will learn from today's mistake. Just looking away has it's own consequences. A little reading:
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Thats a pretty big assumption you just made there. Dont presume to know what uve been through and I wont to you, k?
Im not going to keep arguing politucs on a video game forum because thats dumb. Believe what you want, do what you want, my only point in this thread was if you let random people you dont know get you tilted over words on a screen you should probably look at that.
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I just do not understand. How can you focus on one extreme and ignore another? But I suppose that isn't really the point.
I would like to make it extremely clear that I do not support those people at all, but the more focus you put on them, the more they will appear. They LOVE attention. Report them when you see them and move on.
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Not sure how the Twitch Advisory Council is gonna work out but, yeah, Twitch has had some problems with racism and they definitely need some better moderation.
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Because only one extreme is actually harming people. The other is all bark, no bite. Dealing with the "annoying but not actively harming people" extreme can be postponed for now while we deal with the "annoying and actively harming people" extreme. I'm pragmatic that way, I prefer to deal with the fact that my food is burning before I replace a light bulb.
This thread was opened because the mods weren't doing their job and banning these people. I'd like to think most people already know you should report, ignore, and move on.
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Just ignore my comments, don’t let the words of a stranger bother you.
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Theyre not 😂
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I suppose that is fair. I would just rather get rid of both now, but I suppose that may not be entirely possible.
Well, unfortunately, I doubt it was actually a ton of people. More than likely, it was a few people using bots. I agree though, they needed to be banned but if they are really determined, banning them may not help.
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One problem at a time. I still have no idea what kind of extreme comments LGBT people are supposed to have made, but whatever.
Extremists are minorities, ironically enough. They have to use underhanded tactics like bots and false flags to pretend there are more of them and to make "the others" look bad, respectively. That said, banning them absolutely does help. In fact, it's been shown that banning extremists and their communities is the best way to push them so deep into the ass crack of the Internet that they never see the light of day again.
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It's not looking good from the publicity I've seen, but it's a step in the right direction. Hopefully they'll improve or move on to a plan b.
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Yeah, its just the one lady people have a problem with, rightly so if her comments are real.
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If they are willing to make bots, they are probably capable of getting around a Twitch ban, but I agree we should at least try. I'm merely saying it may not help as much as we would like.
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Of course they can get around bans. The goal is to make it not worth it for them. After the 100th new email address and setting up all the bots again, they'll probably get bored. It's like putting a lock on your door. Anyone can pick it, given enough time. The goal is to make it not worth the effort.