this game is trash

I've been playing this game for about 5 hours today and every single team.. literally EVERY team has been red ranks and I'm a rank 10 killer :)))) literally all day. Haven't moved from rank 10 once cos of this
Ranks don't matter anymore. If you're honestly worried about pipping, I'm sorry, all you'll have is heartache.
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Rank doesn't equal skill.
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If you havent moved from rank 10 then youre not depipping consistently. This meandms youre holding your own. This is a good thing friend, not a bad thing. Maybe youre not getting a lot of W's but youre getting a lot of experience and doing well enough not to derank. Keep at it, its not like its going to get harder
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haha show me where I said I was worried about pipping, saying I've not moved from rank 10 clearly shows how unfair and disadvantaged I've been cos of facing these red rank sweaty betties
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It has been stated over and over on the forums and even on the most recent 4th anniversary Dev Stream (worth the watch) that the Devs are working on a new Ranking and Matchmaking system. They already have a new algorithm that is currently collecting data on players in certain regions. They hope to have it ready soon, like within the next month or two.
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then it's another one for the forums, currently the game is trash
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Ranks don't matter
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Well you have the right to that opinion but so far id say the game is doing pretty well
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OP speaks the truth.
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Than play survivor?
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I played vs red and purple rank killers that swing at the air and trees or lose me in 5 seconds. I also played a lot in yellow ranks where killers played like it was Otz himself payed $2 mil to 4k. Ranks are boosted on each sides.
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If Your doing fine at rank 10, why do you care so much about moving up from rank 10?
Have you maybe thought the reason your not moving above rank 10 is because your not good enough to be above rank 10?
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do you have 2 brain cells luv
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Logical flaw.
You complain about red ranks but at the same time you want to rank up into red ranks? Like, don't you rather want to stay in green ranks then? Because in red ranks you will 100% verse red ranks all the time every day.
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you mean you tried to find a logical flaw, I didn't state I wanted to pip. I don't care about that however I care about playing fair games that are matched to my skill level in order for me to get better :) I'm rank 1 survivor and I only face red rank killers, but as a green rank killer I only face red rank survivors make it make sense
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"Haven't moved from rank 10 once cos of this"
You obviously care about ranking up
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obviously you're not very good at mind reading or interpreting, it's a clear indication of the games are VERY unfairly matched
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Wouldn't you improve more when faced against a challenge?
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Which in reality will be this. They will get rid of the ranking system so you won't see how messed up it continues to be and instead have this back office match making you can't see which will just be as bad and unless you then take the time to look at their profiles after the game have no clue how badly the mismatch are still going to have people with 15 minutes in game playing four people with 2000 hours plus. Rank 10...he should consider himself lucky. I've seen all reds playing a perkless rank 20 in his very first game ever. It was pretty fun for me making him look like a complete fool...but bet it wasn't so much fun for him.
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The way you word it, it sounds very much like you care. Otherwise you wouldn't bring up being "disadvantaged" by going against red ranks and pointing out that you've not moved from rank 10.
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believe what you like hahaha it wasn't a riddle
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Why do you mention this then when you don't care about ranking up? Doesn't make sense to me.
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Maybe get some kills against the Red Ranks? Idk that's kind of a wild idea
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It's not about what I believe. It's about what you sound like. I couldn't care either way, so I don't "believe" anything about you.
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You are lucky that only experienced the bad matchmaking system, the only good thing that I can think of this game now is the idea. This game have no balancing, bad hitboxes, a lot of exploits that only ruin the killers side, it uses the EAC system that isn't helping a lot and is banning people for using mouse/keyboard with lights.
This game is not the same of the 4 years ago
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Killer is a really tough role against half decent survivors, but I'll pick that over picking off babies any day.
Try playing for points not kills, it can really help.
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Maybe there's just more high ranked survivors than killers, and as a result you're having to face high ranked survivors more often.
Wouldn't surprise me, pipping as a Killer is pretty difficult whereas as a survivor I literally just spent a game walking around the map, unhooked one person, and didn't depip.
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Does not sound like the game is trash. Sounds like you found your skill cap.
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no it's a bad thing and he should afk enough or hook camp enough until he depips down to 16 to see hopefully a little less of that nonsense
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I don't get only red ranks but I get red and purple survivors in 95% of my killer games and I'm 17-18.
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There's a meme in here somewhere. I just don't have the energy to put any thought into it so here's a cat with bacon taped to its side:
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I, too, needed to hear that.
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Yes, that's all true.
Most of us keep playing because we are not very smart and have poor self control haha.
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Honestly it should be easier to depip as killer. I feel like it's too easy to get into a situation where you're overwhelmed but can't depip. That where OP is right now. Please BHVR make it easier to depip. On a side note: you should pip if you overwhelm the other side. That's the other side of this problem is that sometimes really good killers won't pip if they crush the survivors and then they get more survivors to crush because they don't rank up.