The Halloween DLC needs adjusting

BLUE_APE Member Posts: 282
edited May 2018 in Feedback and Suggestions

Micheal Myers and Laurie Strode's Perks: Dying light, Sole Survivor, and Decisive Strike. Have problems and need to be adjusted. Plus I have an idea for Laurie's cosmetics.

Dying Light

Problem: Micheal's perks are based on keeping your obsession alive to help you kill the other survivors, then kill your obsession later. Dying Light is an option of killing your obsession to slow down everyone's work. But its a bad perk because your obsession has to die first to help, which leads to a annoying play style of tunneling and worst of all camping. It doesn't compliment his other 2 perks honestly.

Solution: If any survivors are within 32/43/52 meter range of the obsession, then their work on repair, sabotage, and healing will be decreased by 5/15/20%. BUT!! Your obsession will have a increased speed in 38/44/50% altruistic actions

Sole Survivor

Problem: Okay yes its "SOLE SURVIVOR" as in the one survivor, but for what it does, its not good. Its meant to be paired with Object of Obsession. Object obsession is a double edged sword, but if used properly it can be useful all on its own, you might as well use a different perk if you want to use it. Here's Sole Survivor now
Dead by Daylight kinda revolves around working together, even though in the end it comes to saving your self. Sole Survivor doesn't have any use on its own, it doesn't counter act any other a aura reading perks like a nurses calling, Barbaque and chilli.

Solution: What if it was based on area of effect? Sole Survivor disrupts the killer's aura reading toward you by 40/70/100%
How ever, if a survivor is within 52/43/32 meter range of you, the perk's power will decrease by
1 survivor 35/40/50%
2 survivors 40/60/75%
3 survivors 50/85/100%
This will allow you to play, with out needing to let others die, but is still based around being on your own to help you.

Thats a terrible idea
Are you crazy?
You just don't wont to be without DS.....

Please just hear me out okay?................

Decisive Strike

Problem: We all say its Over Powered, or we hate that if we miss the skill check that we don't get to try again I get it I want it to change too. Blah Blah BLah Blah....UGH!!! But I saw what the devs might do to ballence it out, I don't want them to do that.
Also there isn't a way for the killer to fight back against this perk, Sure you can run Enduring and Unnerving Presence, but even then its not enough.

Solution: I think it should be based around what item you have, it only works with Med kits, Flash lights, Tool Boxs, and Skeleton keys. The Survivor will have to use whatever they have to escape the killer. ONCE per match if a survivor is holding a item, they can use whats inside to stab at the killer and to stun them for 3/3-1/2 /4 seconds escape their grasp . At the cost of charges from the item they are using and only being able to have one add-on.
Med kit: 7 charges skill check size small
Tool box: 19 charges skill check size: small
Key's: you loose the key if you use DS. skill check: big
Flash light: 4 charges. Flash lights won't instantly set you free, but rather increase your wiggling speed by 5%. How ever it only works the first time you are picked up.

This will let the killer counter act the perk with Franklin's Demise. How ever, if a survivor has DS and Franklin's demise will work only once until they use DS with the item they have. If Survivor has DS and they get their item back after the killer knocked it out of their hands, the killer won't be able to knock it off them again on them unless they have a different item or have used DS already.

Its not multi use, you can't just use it, then find another item and do it again it has to be the item you brought with you. Or the vary first item you find while in the match.
If survivor has DS and leaves their item on the ground, another survivor can take the item, but not get to use Decisive Strike.

Cosmetics for Laurie:
Why not make her cosmetics differen't characters? Make her cosmetics based on her friends, I saw Halloween, and her friends wore clothes and had hair style's simullar to Laurie. so we could play as Laurie and her fiends. and in the second movie, Laurie went to a hospital, so what if she had her patient clothes and nurse outfit?

Cosmetics for Micheal: I only have one right now, why not he have clown costume from when he was little?

Please give me your thoughts on these ideas and don't waste my time with comments on DS alone okay? weather or not I think its fair the way it is now or not, is not your concern.

Post edited by BLUE_APE on


  • RagingCalm
    RagingCalm Member Posts: 408

    Still not a true counter for DS. A true counter means you can completely negate it's effects without another perk specifically used for that. A true counter is this(or just give Killer a skill check) -
    The skill check size starts out as the size it was shown in the dev stream. Using DS still gives the affect of not being able to heal to full. However, for every generator completed the skill check gets about 13% smaller and only the end portion of it remains. This way, it will stop survivors from saving it to exit gates and being guarenteed to escape, but still has chance to escape

    BLUE_APE Member Posts: 282
    edited May 2018

    I saw that bit of the stream, I still hate the idea. Because thats the only perk people talk about when it comes to Laurie.
    I do see your point on it not being a true counter, but the thing is, theres a chance you might not get the item back someone might find. not to mention you can't use DS if you use a flashlight
    Giving a Killer a skill check is a bad idea because then someone could flash light save.

    Well what are your thoughts on everything else I talked about?