Silent Hill DLC isn't worth buying.

Honestly I was really hyped up when I saw the reveal trailer and played the ptb, but now I feel disillusioned.

Other than the Silent Hill name this chapter has really nothing to offer. The map is too closed up to legitimately navigate and we got more of those breakable walls that are absolutely necessary to break to play the game. Pyramid head is laughably bad as when going through the process of trying to get survivors tormented due to the fact that it not only gives survivors a free save most of the time; but also clears the torment of other survivors. Playing him feels more like playing Demogorgon but not being able to use the shred. It's just a fancy zoning tool at this point which basically makes him a M1 killer with flashy filler. The AOE attack is extremely easy to dodge and he has zero map pressure. The idea of the cages make sense because you'd think that "Hey now they have to go to the other side of the map to get the save" but most survivors are already far from the killer when doing gens and barely have to waste any time to save from cages. The only legitimately useful part of his kit is Final Judgement because of the time it saves. His AOE is stuck in one place so there's not a lot of skill you can use to land a hit. Prediction can only go so far, especially when survivors know you're going to be trying to land a hit. Some people may say that since it's able to go through walls that it can be used with skill but that is entirely guessing. Realistically, too, you'll miss a majority of those shots OR be on an open map where that opportunity isn't avaliable. On top of that the huge wind up gives survivors a lot of time to react. Missing the attack makes you lose so much distance it's not worth the risk of using and playing against him I was never hit unless I made a dumb mistake. So if the killers power is utterly useless and more of a gimmick than it is a threat, then what about the perks?

I will be going over both Cheryl's perks and Pyramid head's perks here. I don't have anything to say about Heather mostly because survivors are just different skins.

Pyramid Head Perks

Forced Penance: Apply "Broken" to a survivor who takes a protection hit for 20/25/30 seconds.

this perk is just pathetic as you will either chase the survivor and down them or they'll just do something else while waiting for the broken effect to go away. Also far too situational and underwhelming for said situation.

Trail of Torment: Kick a gen and become undetectable for 15 seconds, the gen is highlighted yellow and has a 120/100/80 second cool down.

This one must've not had more than 3 seconds of thought put into it. There's no point in being undetectable if you leave a giant sign saying "I'M OVER HERE BUT YOU CANT SEE ME :)". It's the same thing with Demogorgons portals and old Ghostface. The whole point of stealth is that people DON'T know where you are. Especially if you're a giant buff dude with a long pointy piece of metal on his head and dragging a large knife that people can hear. On top of this the cool down makes it only usable like 3 times a match. Adding a large cool-down to already terrible perks IS NOT balance. It's just lazy and hurts snowball potential which is what killers desperately need in order to have the match not end in 6 minutes.

Death-Bound: Survivors who heal from 32 meters away or more will scream and the healer will become oblivious for 45 seconds when 16/12/8 meters away from the healed survivors.

I like the idea of this one, it's probably the most creative and actually usable one in the bunch. It isn't strong but it's a fun perk to play around with. In practicality it's sort of trash but good enough. You probably wont find the survivors after they finish healing as you're probably doing something else in the moment like hooking, chasing or interrupting gens. I really enjoy perks that mess with survivors abilities to track the killer because the terror radius is such a huge mechanic in the game.

Cheryl's Perks

Soul Guard: When recovering from the dying state gain the endurance status effect for 8 seconds. While cursed with a hex you can full recover from the dying state.

This is literally just a NOED counter. All it really does is punish killers for using hex perks, which are already weak considering they can be disabled at any time. In the current game state I can see this being a problematic perk. Personally I haven't tested to see if you can pick yourself up more than once but it means if you're still trying to use the new Hex: Ruin for some reason then you just lose pressure with a perk that encourages you to keep up pressure. I do really hope that Soul Guard is only a one time use because it would be worse than unbreakable since the only counter is for you to LOSE YOUR PERK. Second chance perks should not be in the game period. Many of the problems people have with the game come from these second chances. DS and Unbreakable are a prime example of survivors getting 4000 tries while killers have a noose around their neck that gets tighter every second. As someone who still uses hexes I am at an extreme disadvantage over something I cannot physically control. All this perk does is potentially remove desperately needed pressure and band-aid fix an already terrible but annoying perk.

Blood-Pact: If you or the obsession are injured you see each others auras. Disables if you're the obsession.

I genuinely thought this was a joke when I saw it. A perk that kills itself based on rng? You can get much better results and more information with Empathy. Your perk also wont choose to stop existing when using empathy.

Repressed Alliance: After working on a gen for 80/70/60 seconds you can call the entity to block a gen for 30 seconds.

It's just a Pop Goes the Weasel counter that can be used for memes and trolling. It's creative but that doesn't make it good. The only purpose it serves is to prevent gen progress loss which could be strong but we'll have to find out when it goes live.

Overall the whole chapter is just a disaster. Sometimes it seems like we get 6 perks because BHVR feels like they have to crank out something. The only thing these perks are going to do is inflate the bloodweb even more. Sure you could say that it adds build variety but most people will just stick to the meta anyways. There's no point in running a different build if you're just putting yourself in a considerable disadvantage. Very disappointed in this one, especially since it's something as big as Silent Hill. Maybe these things will be changed but I honestly doubt it. We're just going to be stuck with another killer who looks cool but is really just frustrating to play as, along with perks that will just spend the rest of their days collecting dust.



  • EmpireWinner
    EmpireWinner Member Posts: 1,054


  • metalklok
    metalklok Member Posts: 632

    i think its worth it just for pyramid head

  • Rin_is_my_waifu
    Rin_is_my_waifu Member Posts: 963

    It's worth buying the killer only after a year for 250 auric cells

  • Biggs
    Biggs Member Posts: 286

    hopefully devs will buff his perks if not well devs dont cry than that we use same perks over and over again... we DONT want to have new meta perks we want at least once in 9 months some cool and usefull perks to play with..

  • BubbaMain64
    BubbaMain64 Member Posts: 546

    But that's what my complaint is. The only thing carrying this is the Silent Hill name. If this were an original chapter it'd get blown out the water. And Pyramid head is no where near the level that Demogorgon is. A zoning tool is only so useful, but if you still have to play the loop with really nothing to help you other than mind games then. Demogorgon can apply map pressure with his portals by going to points of interest and using shred around most loops. Pyramid head has none of this. All he has is a gimmick that relies on the survivor being inattentive. There is no "learn how to use his power" because his power is terrible. You practically have to wait for the survivor to run into it if you really want to use it for its intended purpose. At best it's useful when you're guaranteed a hit, but that doesn't make the power inherently good, it's like a bubba chainsaw. It's a reactive power so you get no control in a chase with it and without that control you're at the mercy of survivors. He has almost no redeeming qualities to his kit and the singular one he does have requires a tedious process.

  • BubbaMain64
    BubbaMain64 Member Posts: 546

    It's not that the DLC isn't for me, it's just a genuinely bad product. The only reason people will buy it is because it's new and has a big name to it but then a little bit after release everyone will realize how bad it is. In paying for it you're getting nothing but disadvantages, a mediocre at best killer and a few meme perks. Why would anyone want this? I really do want this chapter to be great but it's just not. Separating the "OMG ITS SILENT HILL" from the genuine benefits of purchasing the chapter puts into perspective how little it has to offer. Sure Pyramid Head is cool and exciting, but when that wears off he's just another low tier killer that nobody is going to want to play.

  • BubbaMain64
    BubbaMain64 Member Posts: 546

    Demogorgon is completely viable. I play him all the time at rank 1 and have really good success.

  • BubbaMain64
    BubbaMain64 Member Posts: 546

    I'm not trying to ruin anybody's party. I just really don't feel like it's a worthwhile product. But when the fun goes away people are gonna just not touch him and then we have another killer that nobody touches. Wraith is fun every once in a while but that doesn't mean people are going to play him solely for that fact. What I want is a product that is usable on a regular basis, not relying on whenever the other side plays badly or not. Buy it if you want but this post is more of a warning to the community that if these things aren't fixed you're wasting your money and time on a short term investment. You might as well buy some cheap booze if you really want to have something fun for a little bit.

    LALYTHIA Member Posts: 1,656

    In my PTB experience, Pyramid Head did just fine in terms of kill rate. More often than not, the killer got to the cage for a tunnel at the same rate the saving survivor got there, which is honestly how most ppl will probably play him because that's what happens when you give Killers a way to avoid DS/BT. Prediction for his ranged ability was not hard in areas where the survivor is funneled through a specific doorway/hallway, which occurs often at some point in most chases, most matches. The map looks dope - whether you appreciate it or not. A ######### ton of people will buy this DLC. If you don't want to - don't. Or wait and purchase with shards. 🤷

  • Ghostwithaface
    Ghostwithaface Member Posts: 594

    Yeah from reading your opening post. I don't get what the others are saying about you trying to bad mouth or ruin the experience for others. Rather i think it healthy, to have a wide view point on the new dlc. That way if people are interested in learning more about it, well they got positives, negatives. Get to see what a large group of people have to say about it and then get to make up their own mind if the dlc is worth it or not.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,658

    Well, if someone is only interested in the Perks, yes, the DLC is not worth buying. None of the 6 Perks is good. If someone is a Silent HIll-Fan or wants to play as Pyramid Head or Cheryl/Heather, the DLC is worth.

    But solely for the Perks. No, not at all.

  • MusicNerd_TC
    MusicNerd_TC Member Posts: 3,099

    I am on ps4 and am personally excited for this chapter, and I am instantly buying it. I agree with you on the breaking walls mechanic, that is absolutely useless.

  • Lazerboy88
    Lazerboy88 Member Posts: 518
    edited June 2020

    Speak for yourself, PH looks strong and fun, gonna play in him chase like demo, only go for his range attack when it’s guaranteed like window vaults and pallets, don’t overuse the cages. He really isn’t that bad but eh to each their own.

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104
    edited June 2020

    I'm mostly buying this chapter for the killer itself so lets talk about his power and nothing else since to me those are just extra benefits.

    His speed. When he is not using his power he is a 115% speed killer, not much else to say however while using his power his speed takes a big hit for about a second and then he is a 110% speed killer meaning he can loop and readily use his ranged attack and since he also doesn't lose speed when coming out of his power he can cancel it to just go for a hit.

    Torment and trenches. This effect makes it very easy to follow survivors so like how plague has an easy time finding people this allows you to easily chase survivors without them being able to juke you at a locker or corner, ect because you can see exactly where they went by the torment trail. The trenches are also pretty neat since they apply killer instinct to whoever goes through it so while it is dependent on the map for how useful it will be it can still make traversing the map more difficult for survivors if they don't want to get torment but that mainly applies in a chase.

    The ranged attack. This is similar to demo as someone pointed out but not because it's a zoning attack but because it can be used to grantee a hit at vaults, some pallets, and core doors. remember how most people thought the demo pounce wasn't too useful because it could be dodged until they saw how in some spots and at windows it almost always hits? (actually most people still think this since they haven't seen a good demo or know when it can be used so i recommend looking up demo pounce guide to see it for yourself.) thats how this ranged attack will work. it is also pretty good at punishing risky saves or body blocking because it has the ability to hit anyone in it's path. Granted it can be dodged but you have to react to dodge it and in some spots of the map mainly at loops you might not have the room to do that. Overall we just have to wait for someone to dedicate themselves to learning this ability to see where the best spots to use it are and when and where he can use it that grantee a hit.

    cages. These are pretty good at saving time mainly later into the game, I saw someone say that you should only use them when needed and i agree because early on they have a chance of spawning close to other survivors but later on when you got gens only on one side of the map it can force at least one survivor to stop trying to repair gens to save the caged survivor. These cages also bypass DS meaning if you torment someone and hook them then if you come across them after they are unhooked then you can down them without worry. The only thing I don't like about them and this is mainly because i hate scummy plays is that you can tunnel someone out of a cage because neither DS or BT proc and I think they should change that. other than that this part of his power is really useful at being a time saver and at getting around DS.

    So overall he is a at LEAST a decent killer because instead of map pressure he brings a new aspect of the game similar to pigs and that is saving time and stalling the game by making survivors have to save others across the map from the gens. He is also pretty good compared to most killers in a chase so at the moment in terms of a tier I would put him at B tier.

  • emptyCups
    emptyCups Member Posts: 1,262

    yeah the killer perks are trash and that one survivor perk does more then the entire killer loadout combined YIKES

    But his power seems cool

  • Vox_Nocturne
    Vox_Nocturne Member Posts: 545

    Fair points well made.

    For me, this is still a buy, because it has a lot to other with regards to different playstyles. Pyramid Head creates a new type of map pressure. Not gen pressure, but the ability to make survivors move to certain corners. It could backfire (saw a match with Ohmwrecker where the cage sent him just outside the already open exit gates with survivors waiting), but there is a lot of potential. His ranged attack also weakens looping considerable.

    On to the perks:

    Forced Penances - Not the greatest. May make healing more problematic for a limited time, but really it has limited appeal. Then again, it is his first perk.

    Trail of Torment - This could be really strong IF in the right hands, or if survivors are crouching, waiting to launch at the gen when he moves away. Common sense would make me do a different gen, but this perk still has its uses. Could work seemlessly with Insidious in getting him somewhere else and stationary without ever revealing his terror radius.

    Death-bound - Again, decent perk which alerts the killer, as well as panics the survivor realising their location is blown and now they're oblivious. Could be quite fun!

    And now for dear Cheryl Mason:

    Soul Guard - as op put it, this is NOED counter. It has some use, but I can't see this getting much use. However, if it does get used, it could save your life.

    Blood-pact: This feels like a slightly weaker version of Aftercare or Empathy. Granted, it has some decent uses, but the fact it has a timeframe, and comparing with Aftercare, Empathy and Bond makes it not the best. But then again, in the right hands this may be ideal.

    Repressed Alliance - This is a great tactical perk to really annoy a killer and leave it on edge. It allows a focus on other gens for a limited time to aim for a multi-pop and as a lure to either tie the Killer to it, waste away PGTW or lure them away to make it safe to finish. Wouldn't be useful if people swarm the gen, but a good tactical perk.

    The map also looks brilliant and is a unique design to add another style of gameplay, and opens up the idea for more experimental maps in future.

    Finally, this is the first chapter in a while which could have a significant impact on The Entity's tale. Why does it allow Pyramid Head to scar its body with its power? What happens now survivors can actually manipulate The Entity to help them? What does this say about this creature's state of consciousness? Has Silent Hill "infected" it?

    In summary, I absolutely respect the op's thoughts, and in no way do I see them trying to disuade others. Being a Silent Hill fan myself, I could be seeing this through rose-tinted specs! It's how they feel, and has made a sound argument. I'm sorry it's not a chapter you hoped for, and hope maybe future chapters will certainly be more to your liking.

    To me, this chapter offers a lot, as it does to others, and likewise there will be people who won't enjoy this particular entry. Whatever happens, I certainly hope some more fun builds, tactics, maps, lore and enjoyment come about once this becomes live.

  • premiumRICE
    premiumRICE Member Posts: 798

    You are supposed to play the killer well to do well.

  • HellDescent
    HellDescent Member Posts: 4,883

    None of the dlcs are worth buying in this game if you're paying real money for it

  • DrDeepwound
    DrDeepwound Member Posts: 2,557

    Not many DLC perks are even used in the meta, I wish they would put good perks in DLC but I understand why its always bland perks and it must be difficult to balance them.

    I own all DLC except Stranger Things, Deathslinger, and I bought the ONI with shards but not the survivor.

  • BigBubs
    BigBubs Member Posts: 1,131

    No tl;dr?

  • PodgeNotRodge
    PodgeNotRodge Member Posts: 478

    I laugh at this. Mainly because he doesnt seem bad at all. His ability does require an element of skill do both perform and evade. But it's not meant to be just whipped out willy nilly. Same as torment trail. Lay it in spots you know they'll HAVE to walk through. Yes, 2 out of his 3 perks are ill considered but I think Deathbound is good for certain build ideas. But all in all, PH is a strong solid killer. Defeats Sabos, DS, Unbreakable, Flashlight, Pallet saves. And an ability like Doc but hurts them. I'd say he's fine. Just dont buy it if you dont like it. No killer should snowball. Just as survivors shouldnt be able to snowball gens. It's a problem where snowball in general needs to be fixed for both sides. Killers shouldnt win in 5 minutes just like survivors shouldnt either. Cheryl (Heather) perks are strong. Blocks Pop but can be used to troll if using Red Herring, Diversion and whatnot. Unlimited Unbreakables are silly. Dont know what their idea was with that. But honestly, I'd say he's strong. High risk high reward killer.

  • GreenPufferFish
    GreenPufferFish Member Posts: 498

    deathbounnd is good and block gen perk is a funny meme and it is worth buying just for dorito head

  • Awakey
    Awakey Member Posts: 3,145

    Pyramid Head has a massive skill requirement, and it's obvious you haven't figured out how to play him.

    Not being mean, just a fact.

  • Nameless
    Nameless Member Posts: 869

    I agree that the killer wasn’t as strong as some people made him out to be and that the torment effect is actually pretty hard to pull of in a map that isn’t indoors but maybe they changed something about his kit. No point in deciding whether or not to buy it atm when we’re unsure of the changes.

  • H3xB0rr0w3dT1m3
    H3xB0rr0w3dT1m3 Member Posts: 189

    I honestly hope pyramid head’s perk are buffed especially trail of torment considering it has such a long cooldown while it has such a bad effect

  • Thatbrownmonster
    Thatbrownmonster Member Posts: 1,640

    Dlc isn't even out rofl

    The only dlc soo far that isn't worth it is the deathslinger and maybe the clown

  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321

    The Silent Hill chapter is literally the reason I'm going to stay active in DBD. The devs did a great job overall even though the perks seem kinda meh for the most part.

    I'm actually listening to Silent Hill soundtracks while posting this comment.

  • EvilJoshy
    EvilJoshy Member Posts: 5,295
    edited June 2020

    The wave should be either a little faster or he recovers quicker because of how easy it is to dodge. If the wave also applied torment that would be a plus. The way it is now I think it'll be like deathslinger. Use it when they are vaulting but try not to fall for a bait.

    His gen perk would be great if the cd wasnt so long and the gen didn't highlight yellow. They learned nothing from GFs ptb. There's no point in stealthing if they know your stealthed.

  • xChrisx
    xChrisx Member Posts: 917

    U are right, tbh I don't want any dlc, I want them to fix the game and bring something different to the game, too repetitive

  • CosmicParagon
    CosmicParagon Member Posts: 1,070
  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388

    I won't use any of the perks and i suspect BHVR will nerf Pyramid head 6 weeks after he has been released and sold. I'll pass.

  • BubbaMain64
    BubbaMain64 Member Posts: 546

    But that's the biggest problem, there is no skill. You are severely limitied in what you can do with it because it's locked in one spot with a giant red box AND your red stain points where you're aiming. I wouldn't make this post if I didn't play him because I'd still believe he was good. His power is limited by the fact that it doesn't matter what kind of skill you have, you're still going to get the same results.

  • Squirrel_Thicc
    Squirrel_Thicc Member Posts: 2,677

    When it comes to survivors in particular it doesn't matter if you dont like their perks, they're pretty much all just skins anyway.

  • BloodMoneyMerc
    BloodMoneyMerc Member Posts: 477

    Demos shred attack is crap compared to Pyramid Head's attack. Shred is way more of the definition of a tool you only use when guarenteed a hit. I almost never have an issue dodging it as a survivor (from range). It is only really reliable from close, but even then you could still miss if the survivor tricks you to use it at the wrong time. Pyramid Head's on the other hand is still dodgeable, but less risky especially if you can hold a survivor at the same loop. It literally goes through collision, so that in itself is a bigger benefit & poses a potential mindgame at tall walls. You need to understand a survivor's movements to land hits with it. You need to make them make mistakes by running into it. Now it won't always work, but I can guarentee you it will be way better than landing a shred attack. And yes Demo has mobility unlike Pyramid Head (though it is the weakest mobility-based power in the game), but Pyramid Head has anti-hook abilities. His trenches also act as a means of tracking with killer instinct. His kit is easily more reliable than Demos in my opinion. And no he isn't being carried by the Silent Hill name. His character in itself is super recognizable by many, & he invokes true horror that this game actually needs.

  • Danthology24
    Danthology24 Member Posts: 1

    I mean, being a massive Silent Hill fan myself, I haven't played this game in months but I'm coming back because of this Chapter, Just being able to run around as Pyramid Head or be chased by him is a fun enough concept for me to buy it.

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893

    I'm going to get it because Silent Hill is one of my favourite franchises along with the saw franchise.

    While I completely 100-percent agree with you on the perks.

    Trail of Torment and Forced Penance are terrible and the sad part is they don't have to be.

    Forced Penance: First off 90% of a time you won't get people actively going for protection hits.

    As you have stated before any survivor with two strands of logic will just do objectives until they're broken effect is done or in failing that you're just going to end up chasing the person who you inflicted with broken making it pretty much useless

    Devs come on you have perks like Deliverance, Second Wind and for the people that have proven that survivors will just do something whilst the timer is there.

    Don't even get me started on the fact that some people are comfortable running perks like no mither. 30 seconds of broken isn't going to phase many survivors.

    Trail of Torment, Devs really I don't even have to go over this because it's already been beaten like a dead horse. Severely reduce the cooldown and get rid of the light up gen.

    Perks like dark devotion and tinkerer already do this it's job better. In fact if you have nemesis along with dark devotion you could pretty much have a near constant undetectable.

    I don't really have any complaints for the survivor perks all of them are decent but not amazing but decent the closest to being amazing would probably soul guard.

    Blood Pact probably needs a little bit of tweaking but in its current state it's alright, situational but alright

    Repressed Alliance is honestly my favourite out of all these perks out of a concept of value outside of halting regression from Pop Goes the Weasel or ruin it can also be amazing for stopping survivors from 3 genning themselves when you're playing solo Survivor literally block the gen off be like no go work on the others

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    I have no intention of buying the chapter personally. I see no need. The killer is lame. His perks are trash. And the survivors perks are crap. There's just nothing to this chapter worth buying.

  • BubbaMain64
    BubbaMain64 Member Posts: 546

    That is just not true. Demo's shred is probably the most versatile tool in the game. You can do a short one to get hits outside of lunge range and survivors have little time to react during loops, so you either get rid of a pallet or get a hit. Pyramid head slows down, stands still and then does a long wind up while also waiting for travel time with a giant red box showing you where he's aiming. In a realistic scenario the survivor will usually just run away since you can only shoot 8 meters with it. With Demo's shred you hold it with unrestricted turning so you can make adjustments if someone tries to fake a vault. With Pyramid Head your turning is like ADS with Deathslinger. You can only use Pyramid Heads attack during a vault animation to really get a guaranteed hit, but there's also an animation to you slamming your sword. If you charge it before they vault then they'll just not vault because they know its a free hit for you. If you charge it too late you can't get the hit anymore unless they run to the side or something. Also your attack is slow and restricted and if you cancel it there's a little cool-down where you cant hit for about 2 secs I think. This is why I say it's nothing more than a glorified zoning tool. Not even close to Demo's shred in the slightest. Even if you don't hit the shred you can at least make distance and maybe cut off a pallet or vault, but with Pyramid Head? You lose all your distance AND go into a fatigue. Going through walls means nothing since most maps are open and unless you have I'm All Ears you're probably going to miss that wall hit. (Also for anybody about to say anything about I'm All Ears making him good, killers shouldn't need specific perks to use their power anyways.) Especially since there's a sound que for when he slams the sword. So he can't use it reliably in chase, he can't mind game with it and he loses distance which effectively means he's lost more time while having no map pressure. In the current state of DBD, where killers never have enough time, he's going to be eaten alive. While torment can track it's not a reliable tracking tool since survivors have to stand on it for it to work which they'll probably avoid doing. And the cages aren't good at all since you cant defend them like a hook because they go to the other side of the map. That also means you can't use hook perks which are a pretty big part of the perk pool. I could be wrong on that part though, don't quote me on it. Many people say "but it avoids ds" but that shouldn't be its only good quality. If Freddy's only good trait is that he can avoid BT then he would not be at the level he is. There's just nothing redeeming about the killer or any of the perks. The only one that will be used is the gen block one and mostly for trolling if anything. That's why this I believe this chapter is a waste of time and money. BHVR can do much better than this.

    USELESS Member Posts: 1,151

    To be honest all the killers after demogorgon is trash, bhvr is trying to get even more original powers but doesn't seem to care about how strong it is.

  • The_Bootie_Gorgon
    The_Bootie_Gorgon Member Posts: 2,340

    triangle noggin will get my money...

  • cenoflame
    cenoflame Member Posts: 320

    This is why I hate the idea of Jason as a killer. It's just a gimmick.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    I have to agree somewhat with the op. The big draw of this is hey it’s silent hill but the mechanics seem lacklustre at best.