Hatchet hitboxes

Could someone please remind me why is the hitbox of a hatchet a sphere? Asking cause i forgot myself 😅
Cause when they tried a more accurate hitbox all the huntress players couldn't land a single hatchet throw and cried so much that the devs had almost drowned.
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Oh right I remember, the time when hatchets went trough parts of survivor bodies. I agree, they should just adjust the hitbox of survivors to be accurate and then make hatchets also accurate. Would kill looping as we know it but hey, no phantom hits.
Seriously though, its hard to balance since accurate hatchet hitboxes fly trough inaccurate survivor hitboxes, but adjusting those would lead to survivors barely getting any benefits from looping.
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Currently, Hatchets feel like Fridges. Even when playing as Huntress I get Hits where I am like "Ok, this did not even remotely hit them". Mostly Dedicated Servers/Latency.
Even IF Hatchet Hitboxes would be accurate, Hits like that would probably still happen. Sadly Dedicated Servers ruined Huntress quite a bit for me.
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the problem is in the servers,nobody wants this to happen again
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Survivor hit boxes are also spheres, I assume that’s why.
I can’t stand playing against Huntress on dedicated servers so I’ll be glad when this tome is done, that’s all I’ll say.
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