...all riled up

This is prime example of my post match chat. I have blanked out everyone's name excluding myself. Fortunately it was a rainbow lobby, so we will refer to them as Mr. Yellow, Mr. Purple, Mrs. Green, and Mr. Red. Mrs. Green gets a little riled up.
*edited, realized I missed one, had to fix
This breaks my heart. Bubba's perks should never look so disgusting.
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You're free to play how you want. I've decamped with Bubba as well.
But don't complain when you get hate. You even started fanning the flames.
Again, I do the same, because I enjoy these messages, but I don't then complain about it like I'm shocked. You knew what you were doing.
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I never complained, I'm the same as you, I sit back and laugh, I was just stating a fact, Green gets riled up.
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Just another day of DBD :/
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Devs: Camping is a strategy
Devs: death threats are against the rules and banable.
If a bubba facecamps you, do gens and 2-3 people escape.
Its not that hard.
But I dont get why these people dont get banned immediately for this kind of stuff.
There are many camping killers out there and im sure its not a one time death threat by their side. There should be a trackig system for special words like these. Cant be too hard to band people who wish death upon families
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So you intentionally ruined their match and taunted them about it in post game chat and it really pissed someone off. Mmmmk.
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Its that lack of moderation with these players that has lead to the toxic community we see today.
Its going to take a long time for BHVR to clean it up too, if ever they do.
While many people may have "thick skin" and be able to ignore this, its unacceptable just how much it seems to go unpunished. I know a few friends who stopped playing this game ages ago because of the slew of hate filled negativity they endured.
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no not at all, i played the match in a way that i have fun, just so happens that they didn't. I hate getting stabbed 45 times from legion, but dont react like this to it, i give a gg wp and move on.
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It is something that needs to be fixed, I myself don't care, but others might. If you read Mr. Red was actually one of the more peaceful ones in the chat.
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You have fun staring at survivors in the basment?
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I actually prefer outside of the basement. Most lobbies are SWF so they discuss im there anyway. Outside of the basement, I find the other survivors will come up to me trying to flex and unhook, instead of just doing gens and letting the 1 hooked take 1 for the team.
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They shouldn't have acted the way they did, but to be fair neither should you.
You have actually taken the lowest of the low in terms of strategies and used it with a killer who's already got a heavily negative reputation for people using said tactics. Playing like this only increases the "Us vs. Them" mentality that is already plaguing this community heavily. The fact that you also have kills with this also takes away from the fact that killers DO need help when they use legitimate means of getting kills and playing the game as intended, since the devs have proven before that they seem to care more about in-game statistics than player feedback. Especially with regards to characters like my beloved Pig, who has a notorious playerbase of tunnelling people with traps.
Survivors are also currently facing longer queue times than any killer, and you're now telling them that they're going to spend most of a now extremely limited game time looking at you, while hanging on a hook, because you "find it fun". Can you at least understand their frustration? Can you empathise with what they're saying? Probably not, but it's something to bring up.
Maybe if more killers realised how much more fun the hunt is, then this entire community would be in a better position.
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We all know that a bubba that plays like this doesn’t really have fun playing this but wants the salt in end game chat. The fact that this one screenshotted it and made the thread titled „... all riled up“ just makes it more clear.
but this is of course not defendable as easily but saying „I have fun playing like this“ makes it pretty much not criticizable since fun is subjective and all..
but if this helps to get rid of scum writing that stuff in chat, it at least serves something (if they reported it..)
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You're a Face Camping Bubba with NOED. You're literally the reason why people want NOED nerfed.
People talk bad about you post-game chat, you also join.
Then you post the chats on the forums because?
I doubt you'll find anyone sympathetic to you.
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You do you but imo its just not a fun strategy for either side since its litrally just afking infront of a hooked survivors as killer and just doing gens as survivor
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not looking for sympathy. just find it funny how "riled up" people get over a game.
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fun is a preference, which i do have like this. maybe they don't, but i bought the game for me to have fun, its my job to make sure i have fun, if they don't that's on them.
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I didn't report, I would love to play that individual again, I cant speak for the other 3 however.
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You ruined their experience and you're trying to "lol" about it.
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I mean, if your concept of fun is playing like this and just riling people up, it's not a wonder why everyone starts being 4 SWF bullies to ruin your day (and others's days for that matter) thanks to this attitude.
Maybe you should do something else.
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People so hypocritical of canxoxcorn. Sorry Mr. green and some peeps in this forum so horrid, man.🌟
You havent done anything wrong....
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I am just utilizing a game mechanic to have fun, however they feel is of no concern to me. I dont "try" to "lol" over it, I do! I find it funny how serious someone can take a game, just move on to the next match, or close the app and find something else to do if it bothers you that bad.
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Anyone who has played survivor on this forum has gone through these experiences and there is no justification, there is no way someone is going to say on a serious note "You played very well, fair and fun, do it again."
You're the reason why survivors build up to be so toxic towards killers, why survivor mains and SWF mains have no sympathy for killers.
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They bought this game to have fun too, but people like you don't allow that for ANYONE other than yourself.
You played poorly and somehow got rewarded for it in your statistics and got rightfully flamed. Ruining the reputation of a killer, and the whole killer playerbase, is not something to parade around the way you have. Even if they have said stuff that they clearly shouldn't.
I'm not supporting the survivors here in any way, but let's be real. You're FAR from being innocent in this.
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just don't say anything and move on to the next match.
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They're trying to enjoy their spare time like any other human being and you are actively trying to get a rise out of them by playing 0% skill facecamp Bubba and acting childish by saying:
- "rank 13 salt"
- "it's bannable but luckily I want to see you again" (targeting players is a bannable offense by the way)
Nothing funny about that really. But you do you.
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"got rightfully flamed" "Even if they have said stuff they clearly shouldn't" which one is it?
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So much hate in this thread...I feel sad for you. Somehow you arent allowed to play the game??? 🤷
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Wow. Even better. People like you and Mr. Green are the reason why this community is like it is.
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thats not targetting, if i see the individual again, i will try to hook them like any other. Now if I was solely going just for that individual then sure.
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I'm closing this because I see absolutely no need to keep this thread going, everything that needs to be said has been said.
Death threats etc have no place in the game, they should be reported and I find it sad that some people won't report because "they want to play them again" despite the fact that these type of people need to be reported. Then we get complaints "reports do nothing" - which is completely false, it's just sad people would rather spend the time making a forum post rather than do the correct thing of reporting.