Best perks for Freddy?

Zender Member Posts: 178

I have 5 other p3 killers and just started playing Freddy, really liking this killer. Highly competitive in red ranks.

What perks would you recommend on him? I heard BBQ and POP but what about Thrilling Tremors?


  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,850

    BBQ is amazing on him because of his ability to teleport to and interrupt gens. PGTW us godly for that exact same reason. Thrilling tremous is good on him because of his power to also end chases relatively quickly so you'll get somr value from it, but personally I'd suggest using the Surge/Surveillance wombo combo on him unless you need bloodpoints.

    My personal build is Surge, Surveillance, PGTW, and STBFL. You'd want at least one perk to help end chases quicker to retain even more pressure, since freddy's best strength is his ability to keep up map pressure everywhere.

  • I_Teabag_Gate
    I_Teabag_Gate Member Posts: 126

    Even without perks he's a very strong killer. BBQ and PGTW make his teleport and gen pressure a lot stronger.

    Sloppy slows the game down even further. NOED would secure the win.