The matchmaking is getting worse everyday
I know we all tired of the matchmaking rant posts, but it's Sunday early afternoon (EU time) and i cant believe this matchmaking.
I mean, the games are quick to find but I prefer waiting a feel minutes and get a some what good quality game.
Or you get a inexperienced killer or unmatched survivor. Or both. You have no choice...
Hoping to the new matchmaking to come asap.
The Devs haven’t and won’t say anything but first I think they reverted SWF to match up against the LOWEST survivor instead of the HIGHEST like it was changed to.
Secondly, you can expect to receive dozens of replies stating “the Devs are aware and MMR is coming.” Basically all that’s going to do is hide the fact that games are unequal.
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it doesn't have anything to do with swf, it's the same when you solo queue
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I just got out of a game as pig, not only did i have a red rank survivor but. I was running surveillance and every time i turned around to go to a gen that just lit up as being worked on, immediatley they bolted off of it, no matter if i was stealthed on the other side of the map or what angle i came from, they always knew where I was
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Possibly they had spine chill? Also if you pop up as soon a survivor starts a gen they may assume surveillance and use that to bait you for the rest of the game. I’ve done this agajnst surveillance and discordance before and almost every time my assumption was right
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Maybe, i dont know, eventually i just stopped crouching all together since it didnt seem to matter and by the end of the game i decided and went to watch gamegrumps, figured if they dont wanna ever see me that theres no point in fighting it 🤷♂️
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Last night I was playing with a friend and we were getting matched with survivors and killers that were pretty much on our same level which blew our minds! 😄 Hopefully it's a sign of things to come! But matchmaking is still an issue though. I know we're all tired of it, but here's a screenshot from the streamer Ohmwrecker's latest match that he uploaded today. Keep in mind this is not a test build server they're playing on. The fact that a ranked 10 killer went up against all red ranks was ridiculous.
*Note* One survivor died because of noed, and another one just gave up when hooked so this killer wasn't as good as you might think they are.
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Yeah I think they would have had spine chill as well. Spine chill is a very effective perk as it even works on stealth characters should they be looking in your direction.
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I imagine that the player pool to choose from is bigger at weekends. So you would expect a more balanced matchmaking.
I was getting so quick into game this morning, and the games were going so bad because of the unbalanced skills I stop playing.... I wanted to grind a bit and after a few games It wasn't worth it...
At week day nights (when I'm home) playing as survivor, I'm 90% of the time matched with red ranks survivors vs purple and green rank killers. When I'm playing killer (I'm lv 10 killer), I always play vs red rank survivors. I get so stressed and the fun goes down the drain. The matches are pure bullying and suffering xDDD.
Let's see how it goes tonight =)
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I get red ranks and purple ranks(US). With the occasional green now.
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Your experience mirrors mine almost to a T. The fact that playing as a literal killing machine is more stressful than playing as someone who has no weapons and no way to fight back, is the most asinine thing about dead by daylight. As a killer I would get matched against red rank survivors, but as a survivor I would get matched against a level 15 killer and other red rank survivors. It's absurd.
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I'm hoping the new matchmaking will make a decent difference. As a rank 10 killer and rank 11 survivor, I've experienced this from both sides. Ironically, these games have made me better and am finding more ways to deal with survivors and killers alike!
But that's besides the point. Basically, other than for personal benefit, the ranking system shouldn't dictate the matchmaking, since it clearly isn't viable.
The sooner a better way of matchmaking is done and explained, the sooner there should be more favourable matches.
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The only reason I play killer is because that's the role where you experience anything close to terror in this horror game.
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The problem started getting worse when dedicated servers were added. There just isn't enough of them to accommodate the smaller regions and those of us that didn't have issues finding matches or even match making close to our ranks are now forced into servers with those players and it's screwing everything up. Including the ratio for survivors and killers.
Due to that fact, and when matches aren't found, the search expands and we end playing against higher ranks. Who get destroyed. There are some times during the morning or early afternoon where everything works perfectly, but those are few and far between.
PVP was laggy, but so much better of an experience and so much faster.
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Literally just had the same thing happen to me. You could tell that my team wasn't at my rank. I felt sorry for them and then the killer mori's me..
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True. I just d/c'd for 3 day break because playing vs green rank bots is pointless. I'd rather play tetris instead.
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We need the MMR system in immediately. I'm tired of getting matched up with garbage teams who won't heal let alone do gens, and who lack even a basic understanding of looping.
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Part of the problem is your perception of survivor ranks, and that they mean anything in terms of skill.
Spoiler: They don't. A nutless monkey can get to rank 1 survivor. In their sleep. With duct tape over their eyes. It's literally that easy.
There's as many potatoes at red ranks as there is at yellow/brown ranks; and there's as many decent players at yellow/brown ranks as there is at red ranks.
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Especially since the rank reset change this is so true. The gap between a “good red,” and a “potato red,” can be as big as the gap from red to green or yellow it’s that bad
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This was my match as of 10 minutes ago. I'm done playing killer until the new matchmaking system is released. This is utter ridiculous.
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As I said, given how easy ranking up as a survivor is (and it is painfully easy - so easy in fact that you have to try not to pip as survivor), blaming ranks for your loss doesn't actually mean anything. There is an element of git gud here given how little rank means as a survivor. Someone with the skill of a traditional rank 20 can easily get to rank 1.
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"git gud" Got to love those comments.
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I didn't just say "git gud". I fully explained why - and my reasoning is very widely known.
But okay - ignore that part, and keep blaming matchmaking for your losses.
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I stopped playing DBD tbh. Just not fun to me anymore tbh.
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"There is an element of git gud here" - You literally said that it's easy to level up as a survivor and because of that ranks mean nothing, hence there being an element of "git gud".
But don't you think that maybe, just maybe, it's possible that the matchmaking system is a little messed up and that I'm being matched with people far more experienced than me? Are you suggesting that there isn't anything wrong with matchmaking and that I and many others are just imagining it?
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A friend reinstalled the game after a year break and wanted to swf. We were in a 3 to 4 man swf for 2 nights. I hadn't played in awhile so my survivor rank was like 18. In 2 nights I went to rank 8. I didn't count the number of matches we played, the amount of times we all escaped or the killers we were facing. I can say however long it took for me to go up in 10 ranks we only faced 1 good killer. The rest were either new or bad. Saw a few people with 1800 hours but they were terrible at killer. The killers with 70 hours, they have an excuse cause they are new. The ranking system in this game is an absolute joke. Being a killer main, I felt bad for most of these people.
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Matchmaking is messed up - but you're ignoring the point completely. As a killer, you're just as likely to go against skilled players who are, themselves in yellow ranks, as you are in red ranks, and vice versa. Survivor rank means nothing, which invalidates your argument (that matchmaking is why you lose) completely.
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That's not even the worst of it, I booted up the steam version (I usually play on the Microsoft pc edition; which has crossplay) and low and behold was I (rank 20) placed against all red rank survivors who gen rushed me instantly. Of course me being a Nurse with 1 perk (my Nurse was level 3) I decided to say screw that noise and just leave the game to go play another game. What happens? Well of course I get mocked and made fun of (even at rank 20) by these "pro" survivors (who all of course ran meta perks) and harassed me (I could have left the chat but I wanted to see all the comments these sad basement junkies had to say.) Just goes to show that the matchmaking can and will be much worse, not to mention the people who play this game ┐( ∵ )┌
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I never get this, I’m rank 1-2 and when we beat a rank 10+ killer I just say gg and apologize for matchmaking
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Most of my toxic and salty post game chat has come from reds and purples. Especially when I manage to get kill/kills.
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I think i know what's up with it and I'll leave an example:
My brother wants to play with me. Im rank red 4 and he's purple 7. He invites me and we get softer killers. I invite him and we get try hard killers
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Made it to rank 16, finally, as a killer. So clearly I'm good enough to deal with rank 5s and 4s. Very vexing. But at least I got my daily donevwgich was to chase people.
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Has anyone had match making problems as survivor? As in a rank 10 survivor group going off against a rank 1 killer. Because from what I have seen (this thread an others) it's always the killer getting the short end.
Maybe it's not match making but that there are fewer killers, especially red ranks, so to avoid having red survivors wait 10 min for a red killer theyvpair them up with the closest available killer, that rank 12.