State of the game on PS4?

I was wondering if anyone can tell me what the game is currently like on PS4? Last time i played it was right after the Stranger Things updates and things were so bad that i uninstalled it. When last i played...
1) It was multiple DC's every game
2) Bad Matching Making (Like green rank killer vs 4 red rank survivors bad)
3) Multiple hateful messages anytime somebody lost
4) Solo survivors was filled with red rank survivors that couldn't last 5 minutes against Green tier level 1 killers.
I want to know if it's even worth me reinstalling the game to check out the up & coming Silent Hill DLC?
Edit: i meant to post this in ask the community, the forum has changed since i've last posted something.
Nope, none of that has changed.dc's are less frequent though, but you'll still have multiple in a day.
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That's a shame 🙁
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Pretty much the exact same as you just described. I could make a novel with the amount of hate mail I've gotten for playing killer. Dont forget to "follow the survivor rule book" so they can have an easy time.
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Less dc's the hate mail has gotten worse but everything else is pretty much the same.
I gotten two threats that I was going to be swatted and hacked after two bully swf teams lost to me.
Kids will be kids i guess.
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I play ps4 and it's really not that bad.
1. DC is punishable now, so there's a lot less. I see people who purposely kill themselves on hook because they get salty often but there are very few actual DCs.
2.The matchmaking does need some work. For example, when I was a rank 8 killer I only faced rank ones. Now I'm rank 3 and I either face rank 1s, red rank swf, or purple ranks. The oddest game I had was when I was rank 4 and faced rank 20s. It takes a long time for survivor but short time for killer.
3. I've been receiving less hate as well. It just truly depends on the person and how you play. I've made quite a few friends by being a fun, yet challenging, killer to face. There is occasionally a few bad apples though.
4. The skill has improved but it largely depends on your rank.
Overall, the game is better than it used to be. Obviously it's not perfect, and it never will be, but it's fun to play.
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It was also hate mail for playing as a survivor
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And all you get for going through the trouble of making a report is "it's not our responsibility"
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As my health went to downhill so did my mental state and this still doesn't sound like it's worth picking back. On a day where i can pick up a controller and not be in pain doing it, isn't worth playing this game just to get less of the things that made me quit
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I play PS4, and I started not long after the ST chapter, so Idk how it was before.
- DCing has definitely gone down due to the penalty system. I rarely see it happen now and usually assume it was internet.
- Matchmaking I think depends on time of day. I'll have a few matches in a row where it's mostly green/purples (I'm Rank 9 on survivor), but then later on it's a whole mishmash. When I play killer, I'll have some matches of all yellow/grays (I'm Rank 16 on killer), but then later in the evening, my queues are still short but the greens and purples come out to play. I just try to play as usual and not get bothered by things tbh.
- You can always set your messaging to friends only to avoid chats (that's what I have mine too because I just didn't want to deal with messages at all - good or bad).
- The emblem system in general is wonky. I've faced yellows that play like they should be in red and then greens that play like they should be in greys. Solo Q is always a toss-up, but that's just what you get for PVP.
In general I don't think it's terrible. The great moments and fun games weight out the bad moments.
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I'm on PS4 as well and I can pretty much agree with what others are saying about matchmaking. I'm a rank 7 survivor that constantly gets matched against level 15-17 killers. And as a level 13 killer I'm constantly going up against red and purple ranked survivors. It's all rather dumb, and if this new matchmaking system doesn't fix things then I don't see dead by daylight having much more longevity.
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Sfw forced me block messages on ps4 lol