I have a question about cosmetics.

I have a really simple question to the DBD community and possibly some staff: Is every cosmetic available in any shape or form? Can I, a simple, passionate man with simple ideals and beliefs collect everything? And i mean in any way: grind, purchase, trade, steam or external market, etc. I have a bit of an perfectionism when it comes to collecting stuff in games, including cosmetics. So I'm willing to even pay to get the things i want (as in exclusives). I also asked about rewards in The Rift ( as i like to call battlepass) and i also want to include them in my collection. I missed the first 2 so i would like to get the rewards for them too ( if possible at all), maybe in a returning event or something like that!
I would like y'all to share some knowledge on the topic so we can discuss it!
Looking forward discussing this topic with y'all!
~yours truly, Danitu
No its almost impossible to get everything now.
Legacy Prestige/Dev exclusive Skins/Mod charm/Fog Whisperer charm etc are either gone or you'd have to become a part of the dev team to get.
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Aren't the legacy/prestige skins still obtainable through grind?
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No you had to P3 characters back in 2016 to get legacy prestige.
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Unless u have a time machine no. Legacy was a think back then when the grind was way worse
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And i guess they aren't purchasable as well ;_;
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There's a few items that aren't able to be achieved through grind. There's a Dwight shirt that was only purchasable with an item from the store, there's obviously Legacy for the original characters, some event only cosmetics, another Dwight shirt that never made it into the game that only Devs have access to, plus the Nea Crew shirt - again this is staff only. There's also some Streamer skins that were not included in the Charity Pack - Ohmwrecker, H20 Delirius, Bryce - I believe those 3 have skins that they do not give out codes for, and also there's a Dia Hype Shirt that I think is purchasable from Dia but I don't know if he's still doing that.
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Are that all the exclusives, because if that are all the things I can't get maybe I'll live through it :). But it's such a bummer for me that it's not possible to collect everything. I love DBD and I hope that in the future is possible to get some of the exclusive stuff.
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Stuff like rift items come into the shop 6 months later after that rift is gone. I still don't know if items like charms are obtainable after too or if it is rift exclusive.
Items like Legacy(PC only), some cosmetic that is only obtainable through buying merch at their online store from a limited time, L4D shirts and some cosmetic event skins won't come back ever...unless the Devs change their minds.
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There's also a bunch of event-exclusive cosmetics that most likely will not become available ever again, such as the Hound Mask for Huntress, Scorched BBQ top for Kate and weapon for Billy, that kind of stuff.
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The items I listed won't become available again, they are restricted for want of a better word and are unable to be released.
There are an absolute ton of cosmetics for characters in this game though, the store is pretty full and there's a huge variety of items.