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Survivors punished for bad killers

kurtisohhbee Member Posts: 26
edited June 2020 in General Discussions

The amount of games I get where I’m tunnelled right off the bat is an absolute joke. My very first game this morning I went in to, had to crouch walk around the map (against spirit) as gens were blocked, somehow she knew where I was around a corner although no aura perks would have been activated. I went down, got saved and she phase walked back to hook and waited for me to get unhooked before striking me down again.

So when the game puts people with killers who clearly can’t play the game properly or fairly, the survivor either has to wait and waste more time just to be tunnelled and camped to kill themselves and lose a pip, or disconnect and lose the pip anyway but get slapped with a time-out.

I feel there should be either a passive perk running for every survivor when there are 3-4 in trial to deter tunnelling, such as borrowed time effect for 20 seconds passively after being off the hook, or maybe some sort of ‘fresh meat’ point system for killer which would encourage them to go for someone else and lose points for re-hooking the same survivor continuously.

Killers will ALWAYS catch survivors during a trial, but it’s really unfair how survivors take the backlash of a killers inability to play the game properly or fairly. The game rewards tunnelling and facecamping too much and I think the reason the community is getting so thin is because people just can’t be bothered to waste their time any more when it could be better spent playing another game that isn’t so aggravating.

I’m all for trying to avoid being tunnelled once I’ve been downed (obviously) and even had team mates come to take hits while I’m being tunnelled but these shameless losers just have no other interest than to ruin everyone else’s game and waste people’s time just to earn their bloodpoints in a cheap and easy manner?

For the record I don’t necessarily oppose to tunnelling a cocky survivor or someone who is clearly trying to grief killers. I play both survivor and killer and I never tunnel or camp, as I don’t like it when it’s done to me, (also I can play properly and get a 4k without doing it so there’s no need).

I’m expecting some comments from salty killers/tunnellers/face campers and all I’d say to you is try and think about what you’re taking away from other people trying to enjoy a game just because you won’t commit to playing well enough that everyone gets a fair chance.



  • kurtisohhbee
    kurtisohhbee Member Posts: 26

    By walking off, turning around and phase walking back as the survivor ran in for the save, then waited until I was down and downed me again. Didn’t try striking the other survivor or pulling them off

  • kurtisohhbee
    kurtisohhbee Member Posts: 26

    I use unbreakable and rarely get the chance to use it, decisive strike is good for one escape before getting tunnelled again? So forcing a survivor who has 3 hooks stages for a reason to use all their hook stages in one go and not allowing them to get their objectives done or earn points is playing the game fairly is it?

  • kurtisohhbee
    kurtisohhbee Member Posts: 26

    Not really no. I don’t tunnel so I don’t mind. It’s a built in game mechanic to reward extra points to survivors for ‘distraction’ and also taking hits for team mates. There’s no extra points rewarded for tunnelling or facecamping and if the survivor was meant to die on first hook then there wouldn’t be 3 hook stages would there?

    It’s kind of understandable to see a rank 18 or something do it but for red rank killers to do it is absolutely shameful. I’d rather learn to play properly and guarantee a 4k than take my chances tunnelling and wasting other people’s time...

    If I get put in a match with a tunneller or a facecamper, a couple, if not all survivors are guaranteed to not pip, maybe even lose one because the killer cba to put any effort in. It’s annoying as hell and it’s a massive waste of time.

  • Dr_doom_j2
    Dr_doom_j2 Member Posts: 869

    That's literally the game man. Anyone who cries about tunneling or camping simply can't handle the game loop. Same as getting back to back red rank SWF groups (which are intensified on PS4, mind you, because of the ease of joining up with friends, as well as in my experience, relatively shorter que times in general)

    It's really that simple, and this is coming from an over 3,000 hour (on console) multiple time red rank killer and survivor player.

    I get aggravated as killer at red ranks when I go against coordinate SWF, I get aggravated as survivor when I get chased off hook or am never allowed off hook (although sometimes the tunneling is absolutely the fault of your teamate, and I actively remind myself in situations where that's the case that I'm not realltad at killer for making the best play out of the situation) but after all this time, I realized those aren't supposed to feel great in a game with opposing objectives. It's the nature of the beast, it's why you love it and hate it, so better to decide now if that's a relationship you can handle, cuz that's the game.

  • kurtisohhbee
    kurtisohhbee Member Posts: 26

    Maybe, just maybe, what’s being played is called a ‘game’. A game is meant to be fun for everyone. Not for some scumbag to take the easy option because they’re too bad to get proper kills or more than 4 downs and hooks. You’re clearly a tunneller and you’re trying to justify it. It’s a disgrace and it involves no skill whatsoever.

    Tunnellers and facecampers are just people that abuse the fact that survivors need to get saves to progress in the game, and without this, they can’t. So the easy option is to camp and wait for someone to come for them (as they have to) because they’re not skilled enough to leave the person to be unhooked and chase someone else whilst being confident they can re-down that person again. Hence my point that survivors are punished for facecampers and tunnellers, which is wrong.

    ANYONE can facecamp and ANYONE can tunnel. Jump on dbd mobile and watch every single killer facecamp. Do you know why? Because they’re new to the game and they’re bad so it’s the only way they can secure at least 1 kill. That’s a fact on a new game and you can see for yourself. There is no skill involved in this whatsoever.

    Also, as far as your comment goes about ‘their job is to kill you’... I think that’s blazingly obvious, but the aim of the game is to earn pips and bloodpoints, which comes easier by more downs and hooks on top of chase time. It’s really not that difficult to work it out.

  • kurtisohhbee
    kurtisohhbee Member Posts: 26

    I don’t completely agree with what you’re saying, although some of it is correct. If I get unhooked unsafely due to my team mate being a moron, then I’d fully hold my team mate accountable for doing so... But when the killer is intentionally going out of their way to camp or tunnel (to the point of other survivors being ignored for bait hits), it’s just sad as hell. This literally just proves the only way they can feel confident in getting a few kills is by tunnelling and lingering infront of a hook, which equals a bad player.

    People should just strive to learn how to play the game in the best way they can instead of settling for some cheap tactics and literally ruining everyone’s experience. As far as handling the loop of the game goes, there is literally NOTHING you can do if someone decides to tunnel you. There’s only a select amount of pallets and windows that can be wasted before the killer eventually catches up with you. In this time you can’t do gens, you can’t help other team mates, you can’t get heals, you can’t do totems and the list goes on.

    That is literally just going out of your way to ruin someone’s game because you’re not capable of playing the game the way it was intended to be played.

    I always hear people crying about toxic survivors this and that but the killer is always faster than the survivor and the survivor can’t literally stand in front of a killer and make them unable to do anything that they should be doing in the game.

    Killers cry about tiny little perks that come out for survivors, how they’re too strong etc. Just imagine an unlimited insta-heal coming out that everyone had for every single game guaranteed and a survivor could bodyblock a killer in a corner and take unlimited hits to prevent the killer from being able to do anything for the whole match. There would be absolute uproar about it. This in theory though, is facecamping...

  • Cheers
    Cheers Member Posts: 3,426

    And in every game there is a winner. And if you want to win, are you going to care about your opponents? Of course not. You're going to care about yourself. You're meant to kill, you're not meant to let survivors have fun at the expense of your own.

    People are going to want to win because it releases ecstasy in the brain, it makes them feel better.

    And the aim of the game differs per person. I've got every perk I need in the game, and I'm rank 1, so for me it would simply be to get kills.

  • uBoluCha
    uBoluCha Member Posts: 121

    but that's how this game pipping is, killer being bad (never hook or just chase 1 survivor until the game done) survivor depip

    killer facecamp and the other ignore you all survivor depip

    the killer too go(o)d all of you dead with 0-3 gen survivor depip

    so lets just say earning pip is not only about how good you're but how good killer and you're is

    and i can say tunneling is not unfair its just efficient way to kill survivor faster and make gen progress slower after 1 die

  • Mookywolf
    Mookywolf Member Posts: 907

    if you want a multiplayer game where everyone's goal is to make sure everyone else has fun, unfortunately DBD is a pretty bad option. i get it, games are meant to be fun, but sometimes a portion of the player base doesn't see it that way.

    also survivors dont NEED to save anyone. they can just as easily ignore you and do gens to get out of there. they may not pip but then they can move on to the next game and maybe get a better more fun game then. and same with the person who got camped and tunneled.

    and you're right, anyone can camp or tunnel, its quite easy. thats why survivors, especially at lower ranks, need to just work on those gens as quickly as they can, and hopefully the killer will learn that maybe camping isnt such an effective strategy. but when survivors go in to save each other despite the killer being just meters away, the killer instead learns camping is effective.

    and lastly, yes pips and bloodpoints are goals of the game, but one thing i've learned on these forums is no one can agree what a "win" is. pipping, double pipping, high blood points, 2 kills, 3 kills, 4 kills, they escape, two people escape, the whole team escapes. people have tons of different ways they interpret a win in this game. and maybe for some of those campers and tunnelers, getting that one kill is all they feel they need.

  • Dr_doom_j2
    Dr_doom_j2 Member Posts: 869

    I hear what you're saying, and I don't intend to defend bad intentions of others, but the way the game is designed, you either terminate someone early as possible as killer, with any given chance you get, or you lose. And it's really as simple as someone on the other side doesn't want to lose. In keeping that in mind, you also must realize that there is no clear cut way to determine whether a player is actively trying to troll or if they simply see the best opportunity to win.

    And it's like you said about perks, which many killers, but ALSO many survivors complain about. If you've never been DS'd out the door, body blocked and teabagged at the exit gate, you'll never understand camping, and honestly there are more scenarios like that that feel wholly "unfair" when you play "fair" and don't tunnel all game but don't get a kill either because the team is super coordinated.

    But I will say this for camping and tunneling, because this is very true, I've experienced and been a part of it myself, as long as 3-4 survivors are alive, there is ALWAYS something survivors can do about both situations if they are coordinated and aware enough. Face camping means the killer isn't watching his sides, if he gives any amount of distance and two go for unhook, everyone can potentially escape in that scenario (barring NoeD, but honestly saving in endgame should be a heavy risk and still can be countered) and as for tunneling, even without the use of DS and BT, which will make you such an unattractive target most times alone the killer will lose the game if he chased you and you are capable in chase.

    Again, that's not to say you're meant to win out in those scenarios 100 percent of the time, and those moments are built off the frustration of killers who've probably had a game where they felt helpless last game. It happens, perspective is a hard fought journey. But in the end, one realises this game isn't that off balance, there are just frustrations on either end, and you spend enough times on both sides, you'll realize their equitable, if not exactly equal.

  • bingbongboi90
    bingbongboi90 Member Posts: 576

    The thing is you cant ever punish tunneling or camping in other way then reducing bloodpoint gains.

    Like the devs already stated that they tried to bring a mechanic that counters tunneling or camping but survivors could easily abuse it.

    You just have to accept that tunneling and camping will stay in the game and that you have to play around it.

    And giving for example a borrowed time effect passive for every survivor is just giving survivors another mechanic that also rewards for their mistakes. Like you cant punish the killer for the mistake of the survivors doing an unsafe unhook.

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,425

    With the way the game is designed, killers are encouraged to go after survivors that have been hooked already. That's just the game. Just because they played in a way you don't like (tunneling, camping) doesn't mean they should be punished. Unless they are doing something clearly to spite you or something (like, staying over your body and nodding or something), although that's usually the survivors side being toxic because they have the time and luxury to.

    Unless we're going to punish survivors for tunneling gens, I don't think we should consider punishing killers for tunneling their objective. Survivors use DS, BT, Unbreakable, tunnel gens, ect. and killers do their equivalent.

    Without adding a "for fun" mode or something, there's not much to be done.

  • Erk
    Erk Member Posts: 230

    Well, I can see why you are frustrated. It happens to me too. I loop the killer until all gens pop but still die. This happened to me this day, too but you can't do anything about it. The developers told us that camping and tunneling are not bannable (so they are OK to do) but it is morally wrong. The only thing you can do about getting tunneled or camped is just not getting downed in the first place. You have to loop them perfectly and not make a single mistake. You can use Iron Will, it really helps in this strategy.

  • Steel_Eyed
    Steel_Eyed Member Posts: 4,032

    At some point it’s not even remotely morally wrong to employ these strategies. At five gens, sure calm down the tunnels/camp. Don’t complain at DS at five gens you goof.

    With exit gates open? The killer should secure a kill or look for hook trades. These two concepts are inarguable to me. Inarguable.

    The question is when (between five gens and EGC) should the killer commit to a kill, to the detriment of other’s fun? I think after two or three gens are completed. I’ll be the bro killer and follow the rulebook til then. I’ll literally look the other way. And I’ll expect the worse killer when surviving with one gen remaining.

  • OutcastEric
    OutcastEric Member Posts: 495

    i like how bad survivors will often blame the killer instead of their teammate for making safe unhooks lol especially when they dont run borrowed time or ds. Like do you honestly expect the killer to just ignore injured players and go for fully healed ones that will sprint burst away after getting hit?

  • matchmakingworksfine
    matchmakingworksfine Member Posts: 240

    I'm confused to all hell at where survivors got the idea of tunneling being some unfair tactic and unfair way to play the game. The devs have said many times its allowed and many times have they said its unbannable. If you have such trouble getting tunneled run anti tunnel perks or decisive. That's itn

  • matchmakingworksfine
    matchmakingworksfine Member Posts: 240

    I've mentioned this many times to entitled survivors. If gens are popping off to fast and I need some more pressure whether it's a nice thing to do or not it's the smartest and most efficient way to kill a survivor.

  • NinjaDette1
    NinjaDette1 Member Posts: 1,289
    edited June 2020

    As a survivor main I am fine with whatever the killer chooses to do to me.Sure being tunneled isn’t exactly fun for anyone.But as a killer main myself irrelevant survivors need to understand and realize It’s not about them.You are not entitled to escape all the time and therefore should refrain from complaining.You are a disgrace and need to...

  • OldWiseOne
    OldWiseOne Member Posts: 159

    i mean its kinda on the survivors how the game goes, if they cant lead chases, do gens or get safe unhooks thats on you and your team. survivor is easy and honestly broken easy, all you need is a team that do gens and 2 of you will easily escape. add in good loopers and meta perks probably all 4 escape... Like i mean there are rank 2`s that dont look behind them, have no idea what loops are and get scared of a terror radius and will fail skillchecks...

  • kurtisohhbee
    kurtisohhbee Member Posts: 26

    I wasn't even going to respond to any comments on this thread, but your one needed a response.

    You have literally just posted the most pathetic comment I have probably ever seen on my life. A sad lowlife who's trying to justify tunnelling and getting mouthy on a forum because you're too incompetent to play killer properly.

    I will go out of my as killer to not tunnel, I won't even slug someone who's just come off of the hook and I still 4k fairly frequently. That's because I'm actually good at the game.

    You made it clear why you feel this way by stating you're a killer main. I play both, and killer is a hell of a lot easier than survivor is. I've just moved to pc and I can almost guarantee it's even easier on here.

    You talk to me and say 'you are not entitled to escape all the time and therefore should refrain from complaining'. I think the issue here is YOU thinking that killers are entitled to 4k every game however they want to.

    ruin, undying, insta downs, aura reading perks, taking away use of pallets and windows, taking away use of items, trapping gates, not even needing to put in work to kick a generator, passive captures/downs on survivors when you're across the map, body blocking, stealth, stalking, teleporting, increased movement speed, head traps, gen reading auras, moris (even without hooking a survivor), easy pips (or not losing one at least) and so on... YET you still feel the need to tunnel/camp because you're clearly bad at the game. STFU you little b*tch lol.

    I never said survivors were entitled to escape every game, but what I do think is that everyone should have the opportunity to ENJOY the game and not waste their time because they're facing a BAD AND LAZY KILLER. I don't care if I die, sometimes I even let a killer kill me at the end if they've had a bad game and haven't resorted to tunnelling or camping. At least I've had a chance to get some bp or at least not lose progress.

    Tunnelling for a 4k doesn't make you good, neither does camping. In fact, it makes you the opposite because you're pretty much admitting the survivors will wipe the floor with you if you play the game fairly.

    There is absolutely nothing fun with queueing for a game for 10 mins, getting stalked and insta downed because you can't make it anywhere, then not even being able to move after being unhooked before you get downed and put back on the hook. Then for this to happen repeatedly because there's so many tunnellers in this game. That's a waste of a few hours or however long you play for.

    You clearly don't play enough survivor to know that you could be tunnelled for a whole game, run the killer extremely well, still escape and yet still lose a pip if not barely safety pip. I'm not choosing to be tunnelled, therefore the killer is forcing me in to wasting my time and not allowing me to get decent points or a pip. You also probably don't understand that you don't need to escape to pip. But I wouldn't expect you to with the lack of intelligence you've displayed. This in turn means if I choose to dc instead of losing a pip anyway and wasting my time with it, more so allowing a scumbag that resorts to this to benefit from it, then I receive a ban. So this game is literally COMPLETELY killer sided with everything, be it hit detection, connections, dc's and so on. Killer is free to get away with playing however they like and a survivor just has to deal with it and take the brunt no matter what happens.

    I'm gonna say it straight, bear in mind I play both survivor and killer (because you've probably forgotten already with your low IQ), killer is simple if you play correctly, without tunnelling or camping. You also don't have to 4k every match to consider a win. If you feel the need to resort to tunnelling and completely waste another human being's time, this is just complete and utter proof that you suck at the game. So don't tell others to get good when it's completely out of their control. Being good or bad won't affect the situation, it's whether the entitled killer is good or bad that does.

    Next time you choose to pipe up with a cringy comment that's not even funny, please do take the time to read the post properly. There's 3 hook stages for a reason, this is not for killers to abuse for more points, this is to make the game fair. I do not care about escaping in a match, at all. I care about getting a decent amount of bloodpoints and having fun, also preferable to get a pip or two. As a split player I literally wouldn't care if ds was made a passive perk that every survivor had automatically (like bloodlust) but again this would be unfair to people like you. I also wouldn't care if ds was buffed to be a 45 second stun instead of the pathetic 5 seconds that it is. This is because I'm actually good at the game though and I've probably literally been ds'ed twice in my whole time playing dbd.

    I understand endgame tunnelling and camping, this is not the issue at all. But for the killers who do cry about someone having ds up during endgame, if you hadn't have tunnelled throughout the gamer and actually downed different people, you wouldn't have to worry about ds would you? (This is not ALWAYS the case of course, but most likely is).

    It's like killer mains literally think everything should revolve around them. Be able to take absolutely everything away from a survivor so that as soon as a survivor is spotted, they have absolutely no chance of escaping or being able to loop (eg doctor spamming shock therapy with practically no cooldown). On top of this they then think they should have ruin passively regress a gen at twice the speed without needing to go and kick it, undying to protect their ruin so it's extremely hard to be cleansed, not even chase a survivor to down them, (instead use huntress, slinger, trapper, hag etc) and with executioner, not even need to go and physically hook someone OR worry about anti-tunnel perks. After all of this, CERTAIN PEOPLE *cough cough*, still need to tunnel and camp because they're THAT bad at the game.

    Imagine the uproar if survivors got a perk that passively repaired generators without them needing to even touch it... and a perk that practically eliminated any possibility of the other perk getting removed... Imagine also how frustrating it would be if a survivor decided to be toxic enough to find a way to just do one gen instead of 5 and then escape regardless, (same way a toxic killer would deem it acceptable to camp or tunnel? There would be real tears from people like you.

    On that note, I don't think it's people like me that are the problem or need to get good, because I'm pretty damn good at the game, it's people like YOU who clearly aren't.

  • MrPeanutbutter
    MrPeanutbutter Member Posts: 1,586
    edited February 2021

    ”it’s really unfair how survivors take the backlash of a killers inability to play the game properly or fairly.”

    SWF with comms is the survivors’ inability to play the game properly or fairly, and it’s the reason a lot of killers have to camp and tunnel to get even a single kill

    Unless BHVR does something about the huge balance issues created by SWF with comms, survivors have no right to complain about camping or tunneling

  • Sandwich_Jesus
    Sandwich_Jesus Member Posts: 266
    edited February 2021

    There are perks for that , such as ds and borrowed time, and they are playing the game properly and since when does the killer need to be fair they are attempting to kill you. Tunneling and camping in endgame is okay by my standards and even if they aren't in endgame camping only really works if one people hook bomb and thats them rewarding the killer second Tunneling might to unfun to those its happening to its optimal to get a single person out the game as it permanently creates pressure for the killer.

    They are playing the properly even if its not a way you would play or want to play.

    For ruin and undying it was okay for less mobile killers and excelled with high mobility and even then you had to pressure gens for it to take affect. So it wasn't them just passively getting gen pressure ,they still had to pressure the gens.

    Note I play survivor and killer now mainly survivor and even then I use devour rather than ruin.

  • OBX
    OBX Member Posts: 854

    It’s a pvp game bro. What other pvp game do you play where your opponents are supposed to worry about your fun? Please for the love of god tell us. This line of thinking baffles me.

  • kurtisohhbee
    kurtisohhbee Member Posts: 26

    I don't play swf with comms, at most I play with one friend. A full swf team is unbalanced IF the team is full of experienced players.

    The reason there are 4 survivors and 1 killer for the people that don't understand, is that a killer is naturally far more powerful in every way.

    You're categorising and assuming everyone plays swf with comms, which is a huge mistake on your behalf. This is what I mean about entitled killer mains.

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    people that think that just because you paid for the game means that you won't run into people better than you, or does things you don't like on either side need to take a reality check and play a single player game!!!!!!!!!

    1) survivors are not entitled to escaping, killers are not entitled to a 4k EVERY GAME or even any game. you have to work for it around the features of the game.

    2) tunneling and camping are part of the game and not directly against the game rules (like disconnecting for either side)

    3) killers get perks that give them a better chance of killing, survivors get perks that give them a better chance of surviving.

    4) thinking you are entitled to even"FUN" in a game speaks to the character of those saying it, and you are not ENTITLED to anything, make the game fun and if you have a bad match or multiple bad matches so be it.

    if you are tunneled, perhaps you are doing something that is causing the killer to want to do this (bring a key in? switch last minute?) perhaps you did nothing and the killer player just plays that way. it is a multiplayer game and you get all kinds of people. if you think there should be an innate running perk (survivor base kit) well killers should have an innate gen regression that stacks just like survivors have. every time someone comes up with something a survivor has someone else can come up with something a killer should have. eventually you get every perk available without using blood points and there is not much point to the game then.

  • kurtisohhbee
    kurtisohhbee Member Posts: 26

    I've mentioned ds and borrowed. In reality, these do absolutely nothing.

    Again, survivors are being blamed for hook bombing against a camping killer.

    So if first survivor downed is getting camped, should a team that relies on performing saves and general altruism to progress or earn points just leave said survivor to die on first hook and lose progress with minimal bloodpoints?

    If a killer is camping, it HAS to be a hook bomb. That's because the killer is choosing to stand in front of the hook, the survivor hasn't chosen to be camped and tunnelled.

    As I said, I understand endgame camping/tunnelling. There is absolutely no need for it when there are 4-5 gens to be done.

  • kurtisohhbee
    kurtisohhbee Member Posts: 26
    edited February 2021

    I never said killer HAS to worry about survivors fun, but the game should be balanced enough for everyone to enjoy it. If you don't see the issue here then you clearly haven't played enough survivor.

    More to the point, if a survivor de-pips due to a GOOD killer, then it's fair enough. If a killer is out there slapping the hell out of every survivor which crazy pressure then they're clearly a dbd god. Survivors only have themselves to blame. I'm talking about having absolutely no choice in the matter because of someone else's choice to tunnel right from the start of the game.

    Post edited by kurtisohhbee on
  • Sandwich_Jesus
    Sandwich_Jesus Member Posts: 266

    If you hook bomb a camping killer YOU are rewarding them , why would they do another strategy if you just reward them by feeding them kills,hooks and hits?.

    if you leave them they lose points ,yes the survivor might not escape and get many points but rewarding a playstyle because of altruism makes them more likely to Continue.

  • EvanSnowWolf
    EvanSnowWolf Member Posts: 1,583

    I've always wanted to meet the actual author of the Survivor's Rulebook for Killers.

    When you wrote it did you use Comic Sans for the font, or stick to Times New Roman?

  • kurtisohhbee
    kurtisohhbee Member Posts: 26

    Do you guys actually read posts?

    I've mentioned anti-tunnel perks. If tunnelling wasn't an issue then they wouldn't exist.

    The problem is, a 5 second stun is not enough to stop you getting chased down again instantly.

    Also, I never said anything about gen rushing. Gen rushing isn't fair on killers. If a 4 man swf are all running prove thyself for example and barrelling out gens before you can even down the first survivor, this is extremely unfair.

    I hear people complaining about competent swf teams on comms such as this moron mrpeanutbutter, because somehow co-ordinating on a game about co-ordination and teamwork means you're unable to play the game properly, (entitled killer view). The issue here though is people are more inclined to form an efficient swf with comms in the event of being tunnelled and needing protection hits or distractions, it's just idiots like peanutbutter that assume everything is always the survivors fault.

    Tunnelling wasn't intended, and the game was not intended to be played like that. It's been said before by devs various times. It's a blatant lack of skill and taking the easy way out of an already easy game. The issue I have is that survivors subjected to this sort of play style have little to no options on countering it, unless they have an extremely powerful team who are all very good at the game. Just because tunnelling isn't bannable, it doesn't mean it was an intended playstyle, it just means there's no way around blocking it out in the game without people crying about it, so they introduce anti-tunnel perks which basically do nothing. Jesus, even borrowed time becomes an affliction to a survivor by putting them in to deep wounds, they then have to stop somewhere fairly close to the killer and mend before being able to heal with a highly annoying dimming screen that gets about half way and you can't see a thing. What does killer lose out on? 1 hit. Big whoop. They'll just wait the 2 second recovery time and tunnel the person anyway.

    The only answers or responses people are giving is 'killer can play how they want' and 'survivors can't dictate rules' and other nonsense, which in theory is saying 'the only person that gets to choose how they play is killer and survivors have to adhere to these rules and get on with it'.

    Tunnelling and facecamping is toxic as hell but that's ok, but when a survivor teabags or uses flashlights and ds, it's unacceptable! Oh no this is highly toxic and it shouldn't be allowed! Absolutely pathetic. Matchmakingworksfine literally just summarised general killer main thinking, because tunnelling and camping isn't bannable and is allowed it's ok, but for survivors to use things that are clearly incorporated in the game is unfair, flashlights are toxic, swf is toxic, perks included to try and balance things and give people a chance at surviving are toxic, keys are toxic as hell and killers absolutely hate these even though there's tough requirements to use it (all gens for 4 survivors, you're gonna lose anyway) and so on... but apparently nothing a killer does can be unfair or toxic because these shallow minded people just can't realise it.

    Maybe it's just me then, I can play perfectly fine as killer without tunnelling. I'm not even amazing at killer but I do just fine. This to me just proves that people that tunnel throughout games are bad.

  • NoxVeno
    NoxVeno Member Posts: 177

    hahahahah half this thread are your responses. want some cheese for your wine?

  • kurtisohhbee
    kurtisohhbee Member Posts: 26

    The game would be a lot better if everyone had this mindset. As mentioned multiple times previously, tunnelling towards endgame (especially at endgame) is understand, so is camping. Killer wants to confirm a kill so THEY don't lose a pip and can secure some bloodpoints. At this point, whichever survivor is on the receiving end of that will still have done enough to be able to safety pip at least or earn some bloodpoints.

    I have an issue with people that tunnel from the start of the match. That will wait for someone to be unhooked then literally ignore the person that unhooked them just to get the easy down again until the first survivor is dead. They then move on to the next victim. This is where the issue lies.

    Progress should be based on skill and what you accomplish during a trial, not based on which killer you get matched with. It's down to killer whether they pip or not, but it's also down to killer whether a survivor pips or not, which is pretty unbalanced in my eyes. Even just to award more points for running and distracting the killer (which can be HIGHLY valuable to the team) and more progression towards a pip would fix the issue. The issue lies in the fact that how the killer chooses to play determines whether you're going to waste your time or not.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    It sounds like GOOD Killers punished you for bad play. I'm not trying to be mean. I spot people all the time without auras. You could have disturbed a crow. The Killer spotted you far sooner than you think and just knew where you were headed.

  • kurtisohhbee
    kurtisohhbee Member Posts: 26

    Yeah, but in turn the survivor is losing a lot of points also because 1/4 of being survivor is altruism. You can't pip by completing 5 gens.

    Everyone plays to progress and for points, why should survivors be forced in to not being able to do this based on a killers playstyle? The killer is free to choose how they play, the survivor isn't. This is EXACTLY the issue.

  • HeckaYeah
    HeckaYeah Member Posts: 187

    Even in games when I get decent runs as a survivor, it doesn't guarantee a pip. In face, I've have games where I get bronze/ silver and get depiped because someone was tunneled or camped and there was no oppertunity for altruism. Everything has its place but 24/7 gets tiring ...

  • kurtisohhbee
    kurtisohhbee Member Posts: 26

    Yeah, they are now I've gotten in to it.

    If you want to be smart and play on words, make sure the word is spelled the same otherwise it's just nonsense instead of a smart statement.

  • kurtisohhbee
    kurtisohhbee Member Posts: 26

    No, I'm talking about whichever survivor is caught first to be repeatedly downed straight off of hook and camped, not whichever survivor is making mistakes being downed. I mean like 1st hook, saved, hit straight back down without even being out of unhook animation for half a second, using ds, getting 10 steps away before killer can move, being chased again for another 2 minutes or so, downed and hooked again and then insta downed the minute I get unhooked and thrown straight back on because they know I have no ds now. That sort of tunnelling scumbag all before the second gen gets popped lol

  • NoxVeno
    NoxVeno Member Posts: 177

    just typing on the go. your so over the top mad its funny

  • kurtisohhbee
    kurtisohhbee Member Posts: 26

    I'm literally not mad at all, just stating facts that fragile people can't handle.

    I posted this over half a year ago, the fact that it's still going is just comical. It just goes to show the amount of entitled killers active on these forums. I knew it would stir the pot, I even put it in original post.

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    first of all you are a team. don't give me the crap about i'm solo surv i can't count on the others. that's because people made you feel that way. the game is supposed to have the killer work against 4 disparate survivors that team up to get away. if someone is on the shoulder of the killer the others should be working to help that survivor get away in some way shape or manner. instead of sticking around the hook run away or walk away and hide, heal up. the other survivor should be distracting the killer . does it always work? no but it's always I have to do 5 totems, it's not worth it, I can't count on the other survivors, I can't this or can't that.

    want to know what else is not intended? having a killer get DS'd, the survivor stick around, pallet stun them and then stick around and locker stun the killer ALL in a row. It happens.... people think the only way to get away from the killer is to run in a straight line. honestly. while the killer is stunned, if you walk around a corner and someone else comes in and uses scratch marks to lead the killer away then well you escape! funny how that works. also the disconnect to "punish" a killer for picking something to play as, or map to play on. in final fantasy 14 an mmo, want to know what happens to someone that abandons a "duty" which in essence is a trial/raid/dungeon? they get a 30 minute penalty before they can even queue up again. sure they can do other things, but most likely they were doing dailies but they left, they get to wait 30 minutes before doing much more than single player content. hmmm dbd you disconnect from a match and you get a 5 minute penalty where you can only do single player content..... very generous. (disconnecting during party making is not penalized unless it is done many times in a short period yet here you can leave the lobby before it goes into the match without an issue no penalty). so yea.... lots of things weren't designed but disconnections were THOUGHT of originally and it was stated that disconnecting was a sportsmanlike penalty but there was no penalty assigned. so yea lots of things were unintended... like the original, you disconnect you get -4 pips! oh woe is me, i go away from where I don't want to be. people used it then it became -2 then it became -1 the same as loosing the match.... you keep trying to say everyone should have fun, well everyone can if they treated the game differently!

  • Sandwich_Jesus
    Sandwich_Jesus Member Posts: 266

    Anyway its the reason why the rank system is #########, if the killer plays to well they might depip along with the others , if the killer plays bad along with the others they might depip.

    I think they just need to overall their rank system let alone how worthless ranks are anyway.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    Again, while this is going to sound harsh... that doesn't define "bad" Killer. That defines bad Survivors. It means the Survivor can't loop, nobody is taking protection hits, and nobody is doing safe rescues. Stop blaming OTHER people for personal failures.