Whats your favorite cosmetics sets (killer)

After a rough day yesturday I decided to do something positive today, so I ask what is your favorite cosmetic set for each killer. Now you don't have list all of them but you can if you want. One of my favorite cosmetics is some of the newer ones is docs newest set test subject 1, it looks very cool and is a fan favorite of mine. for clown I like the Mr puddles but I love his original look it is unique plus I love how the tail coat flops around, I wish they did more of that. I love the new spirit cosmetic so much because she looks so damn cool with it. Those are some of my favorite what are yours?
Slash Enthusist for Ghostface, I love the trench coat with the silver trim and the silver gauntlets, with the prestige 3 mask and prestige knife it looks so nice. Legion with the The Rat hoodie, the rusted smile mask and the prestige knife. I honestly love both these looks so much and feel like I play better with them on.