Let's argue: Worst perks.

Welcoming all hot takes, unpopular opinions and tough questions. What perk do you think is the worst or just absolutely useless? For survivor I have to say repressed alliance. While it can be used somewhat effectively, most of the time it just helps the killer. Sure, you can prevent pop, but while activating repressed alliance, you are preventing the generator from being worked on, helping the killer. Killer: Monstrous shrine. I like basement perks, but this one just sucks, the effects are pretty much unnoticable.
Predator, Distressing, Beast of Prey.
Sole Survivor, Open-Handed, We're Gonna Live Forever.
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I'm fine with we're gonna live forever, since it gives bp, but otherwise it's useless.
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Shadowborn. Just...why?
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Yea, I guess it works for BPs, I was thinking of usefullness
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no argue
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I agree, it is pretty useless on every killer, besides ghostface.
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up the ante, abysmal bonus for a useless mechanic.
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Survivor: No Mither
Killer: Monstrous Shrine
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By far, Monstrous Shrine. Every other situational perk in the game does have a very, very rare scenario where it is extremely powerful, or at least useful. Monstrous Shrine doesn't even do its 1 job well. It's a joke of a perk.
The argument could also be made for WGLF, since that has even less (absolutely zero) effect on anything in the trial at all, but it gives bonus BP post-trial so I don't think it counts.
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I've never seen anyone try to legitimately speak to the merits of Monstrous Shrine. But have to point to the fact you literally contradict yourself by saying it does it's job well, then proceed to explain why it does it's job poorly.
Honestly no need for the mental gymnastics, it's a trash perk that has almost no effect, especially because the survivors can easily go the game without any knowledge of that perks existence or effect on them, and it would make almost no difference if they aren't aware. It's like am infohazard perk, which is a LOT cooler than it sounds. But it's "useless" in pretty much any case, and also compels the killer to go out of their way to make a scenario that may not even be available to them most matches.
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It's not even useful on bubba's basement.
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Self Care
its the only one that truly actively hurts the entire team
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Agree it horrible but if you have a SWF using the luck offerings you can get 100% unhook chance.
I'm assuming this is still in the game as last time I did this was 1 1/2 years ago.
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Most F tier perks do something somewhat useful, monstrous shrine could be helpful in an extremely niche scenario. However, there is no situation where Furtive Chase would be useful. I tried using it for the hooking your obsession challenge since I didn't have nemesis. Furtive chase is a useless waste of time and I have no idea why it was even a perk to begin with. If you want to change your obsession just run Nemesis.
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killer monsorous shrine
survivor no one left behind
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Currently monstrous shrine is supposed to make the basement/basement hook more dangerous for the survivors.
But in reality the only thing that monstrous shrine does is speeding up the sacrifice progress by a tiny bit and make it harder to escape the basement hook by yourself so.
It really doesn't do it job well
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This is not happening, totally rng dependant, trash perk
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If you manage to get your obsession hooked, Furtive Chase is actually more reliable in obsession switching. I was doing the challenge with Nemesis and Furtive, and I only needed Nemesis for the first switch. After that, I always came back to the hook and chased the unhooker, since he became the obsession due to Furtive. Granted, Nemesis still showed me the aura of the unhooker, that helped quite a bit.
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As a standalone, Dead Man's Switch. Not because it is a bad perk, but because it promotes tunneling the obsession so much. Then, you are scrambling to actually make use of it during 45 seconds. And even then, it hardly has an effect.
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Babysitter. Borrowed Time's less loved brother
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Monstrous Shrine. There is no worse perk.
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We're Gonna Live Forever: I mean, it quite literally does nothing
Boil Over: I have never escaped solely due to this perk, nor has it deterred me when I'm killer.
Up the Ante: honestly,i forgot this existed and had to look it up. Luck does practically nothing for a team.
Sole Survivor: Ew. Waiting for others to die is guh-ross.
No Mither: I'm sure Spirit and Oni appreciate these players...really all killers.
Deja Vu: If you need to perk to tell you not to 3-gen strat yourself, there is an issue.
Slippery Meat: Lewd, but its definitely better to let someone else get you off. or just use deliverence.
I could go on, but thats too much text for one post
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With Nurse, a higher FOV is pretty important for keeping track of survivors while you're mid-blink. It helps a lot and once you get used to it and see how much it can help you, you can't really go back.
So that's why. The fact that if I want to play this game for longer than an hour without getting a serious headache I have to sacrifice a further perk slot (the other being BBQ, so I'm essentially left with 2 perks) is dumb as hell, and an FOV slider is long overdue. But oh well.
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Good on Nurse, to see where survivors are running during your fatigue. Though Bloodhound or Stridor are probably better if you are running Shadowborn for that reason.
Yes that perk is just bad. There is no way to fix it outside of a complete rework. If you just increase the numbers to the point where survivors want to actually play around it they can just stay away from wherever the basement is. With the current values it doesn't really matter or accomplish anything relevant.
Boil Over: I have never escaped solely due to this perk, nor has it deterred me when I'm killer.
Boil Over is easy to fix though, make it create scratchmarks while you are being carried. Now the killer doesn't know if someone is near the hook waiting for them to leave to unhook or if it's just the scratchmarks created by Boil Over. It still wouldn't be amazing but at least it would be slightly more interesting as a perk.
Deja Vu: If you need to perk to tell you not to 3-gen strat yourself, there is an issue.
While not a great perk it has its uses. You can use it to try and create a situation where the last three generators are spread far apart, for example on Azarov's Resting Place, one generator on one side of the map and two on the other side. Makes it basically impossible for the killer to patrol all generators.
Slippery Meat: Lewd, but its definitely better to let someone else get you off. or just use deliverence.
The sad thing is that the current version is already a lot stronger than the pre-buff version but it's still so worthless. And it's not even a teachable, so this is one of the first perks that new players have access to. It is in desperate need of a complete rework.
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It actually doesn't. It shaves off about 6 seconds of time from each hook state, and the other two are borderline non-factors since it's 15% of 4% which is a negative of 0.6%, and the struggle negative only shaves off.... Well, how grand, about 6 seconds.
It's so, so bad. It does not makes saves more urgent. If someone dies because the killer had Monstrous Shrine, they were going to die regardless. It's one job it does not even fulfill.
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Open handed. This perk do absolutely nothing itself.
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Gonna see which perks everyone is talking about and give my thoughts, as well as add a couple perks to the list.
Predator: Essentially just Spirit training wheels. I understand the purpose of the perk, but it doesn't do it for me.
Distressing: This is actually somewhat useful in niche builds, most notably for Doctor to increase his Static Blast AOE. It also works well in slugging and anti-healing builds, but for the most part, it's a handicap.
Beast of Prey: I equipped this perk one time to do an Archive Challenge and never looked back. Any other perk would have benefited me more.
Sole Survivor: I really, really hate this perk from a design standpoint. A perk that only works if you let your teammates die? Also blocking aura reading for the Killer only matters if the Killer is using aura reading perks to begin with. So not only is the perk bad, it's also selfish, which is just infuriating to me.
Open Handed: Not a terrible perk when paired with other perks, but does almost nothing by itself.
We're Gonna Live Forever: Does literally nothing to help you win the game, but it's great for Bloodpoints. Thankfully the devs are going to change it soon.
Shadowborn: Some people can't physically play the game without this perk because of motion-sickness, and I feel for you. The devs should really just put an FOV slider in the game and rework this perk into something different.
Up the Ante: This is almost the worst survivor perk in the game, but it at least does something(?), and isn't a selfish perk like Sole Survivor.
Monstrous Shrine: This perk just needs a complete rework. Even if the numbers were stronger, survivors can easily avoid getting basement hooked.
Boil Over: This perk has saved my life as a survivor only once out of all the times I used it (which isn't very many). I am not kidding.
Slippery Meat: Survivors who voluntarily use this just hate Trapper and will do anything to counter him. Otherwise, why would you even consider using it.
No Mither: Like Distressing, it has uses in niche builds when paired with Dead Hard and Resilience, but again, mostly a handicap.
This is Not Happening: You would only use it if you're bad at the game, and since you have to be injured for the perk to work, it'll only make things worse for you.
Furtive Chase: Changing obsessions is not worth all the baggage the perk comes with. The perk would be so close to being good, but fails miserably.
Deja Vu: Useful for avoiding a 3 gen, but eventually that mindset will become second nature to you, and you won't need this perk.
Cruel Limits: Blocks off vaults when it doesn't matter and doesn't last nearly long enough to capitalize on.
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Calm Spirit. I can understand it's limited uses but I'm not talking about how effective it is in the meta. There is something wrong when you hit/hook a survivor and then don't scream.