Once and for all, survs hiding and not repairing are doing game hostage?

Hi guys! I had a very intense discussion with people telling me that if the last surv hide himself, for example, for 20-30++ mins (until u don’t achieve to find him), that’s not considerable as “game hostage”. I found a screen where a dbd’s community moderator wrote that IT IS game hostage, if you have a video that can proves they’re not bugged and the surv hides for a long time.

But they gave me this screen

where someone asked if it is “game hostage” if the KILLER slugs survs and a dev told ”no it isn’t, you can die after 4 minutes of slugging”. So I think they can’t understand well the point of the discussion 😂 SO, anyone have a screen (or live or whathever) of the devs that, for once and all, tell us what is true or false? We need to know!😂


  • emptyCups
    emptyCups Member Posts: 1,262

    Yeah killers cannot take the game hostage though gameplay as survivors always can do gens if he does nothing or die if he's slugging.

    Surviors at any time can do gens to escape or if they feel helpless run into the killer

    However the killer cannot progress the game without Survior interaction

    So if they sit in a bush on the other side of the map... let's be honest they won't be found without the doctor mike or gf and they can intentionally prolong the match by refusing gameplay.

    Tl dr. Killer role cant take hostages, survivors role can.

    any player might be able to bodyblock someone in corner but.. thats really difficult and reportable

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669
    edited June 2020

    hiding and not doing gens for long periodes of time = a bannable offense, as you are not allowing the killer to progress their objective to end the game, while not progressing your own objective at all.

    EDIT: uppon rereading this, i found it to be a little misleading, so i'd like to add something to this point: the above mentioned scenario is only considered "taking a game hostage", when all remaining survivors in the trial are doing it. as long as there is at least one guy working on gens, the survivor objective would still progress - even if only very slowly. if that person dies however and the other 3 remain hidden without working on gens, these 3 people will be punishable for taking the game hostage.

    slugging = not a bannable offense, as the action is limited to 4 minutes for each survivor. the game gets slowed down, but not completely stopped, it will forcefully progress after the bleed out timer has expired.

    so to sum it up:

    there are two ways to finish the game: eigther the killer completes their objective or the survivors complete theirs.

    however if one side denies the other side the ability to progress their objective, while refusing to progress their own, that is considered "taking the game hotage", as the trial wont be able to progress anymore.

    Post edited by Mister_xD on
  • Crewszpoo
    Crewszpoo Member Posts: 28

    Holding the game hostage means u cant win 2 survs not doin gens is not hostage because a player can still win by finding and killing them in order to not have a way to win for example would be two survs in glitch places that cant be hit by the killer and not leaving those places then there would be no way to win

  • Dolls
    Dolls Member Posts: 395

    Yeah...I've watched matches where survivors stop gens and the killer has always been able to find one and cause the collapse. If doing gens was all that mattered completing one should be fortuitous of points...

  • UnPersonaggioaCaso
    UnPersonaggioaCaso Member Posts: 2

    Sorry, I was very tired and I wrote that the last surv can take the game hostage... Obviously I meant that the last TWO survs can take the game hostage!

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @Crewszpoo It is holding the game hostage if the last two survivors refuse to repair generators and just hide the entire time. Don't spread false information.

  • bingbongboi90
    bingbongboi90 Member Posts: 576

    If survivors wont do gens they get crows right?

    The game eventually end but still takes a long time

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @bingbongboi90 Wrong. That's only if they stand in the same general area for too long.

  • w_sohl
    w_sohl Member Posts: 124

    Wrong, killer can take the game hostage. Blocks last survivor in a corner and doesn't hit them. No way for game to end.

  • Wubsyy__
    Wubsyy__ Member Posts: 116

    Bruh moment

  • w_sohl
    w_sohl Member Posts: 124

    So, two solo queue survivors are hiding hoping the other is doing the gen. The killer is so bad he can't find at least one of them. Survivors fault. Got it. 🤦🏼‍♂️🤷🏼‍♂️

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871
    edited June 2020


    Yes, it is the Survivors' fault because neither Survivor is trying to end the game, and both are actively contributing toward extending the game indefinitely. The Killer being bad doesn't actually negate that. If anything, it only supports that because it means the Killer is actively trying to bring the game to a close but the Survivors are preventing the Killer from doing so (through not allowing the Killer to progress their objective and ALSO deliberately not progressing the Survivors' objective themselves).

    If the Killer can't catch a Survivor while the other(s) is finishing gens, it's no problem. If the Killer can't find anyone while everyone is intentionally not doing Gens, Survivors are holding the game hostage because the Killer is trying to finish the game while the Survivors are not. If the Killer is standing in the middle of a 3-gen and is just pushing approaching Survivors away from the gens while also making no effort to chase/down them, then the Killer is holding the game hostage because Survivors are trying to finish the game while the Killer is not.

  • PalletsAndHooks
    PalletsAndHooks Member Posts: 989

    The whole "hostage" concept is preposterous. And it's the devs that are usually responsible for holding anyone hostage. With all the contingencies in place, survivors won't usually be responsible for hostage situations, even the one described above, because the Killer's skill be taken into account every time. I dont think killers can hold hostage anymore, as EGC is a thing

    Survivors will go back to tapping gens, like in yesteryears passed, to avoid the technical standstill. Killer will still be obligated to find the survivor, and whiny players on both sides will keep crying to devs/mods whoever they can. Indefinite games last only as long as anyone doesn't make a mistake. What I mean is, any trial that takes more than 20 minutes to complete is a result of accumulating situational elements manufactured by both sides. Examples include:

    Could've downed the hook rescuer too, but simply didn't

    The survivor blew too many skill checks

    Chase, but no patrol

    "Haha killer used Noed" and other totem removal failures

    Standing by the pallet

    Not looping the pallet

    Not dropping the pallet

    Not breaking the pallet

    Not picking up the pallet

    Healing before gens

    Cleansing immediately

    Corruption pool immediately

    Dropping a survivor to chase another survivor

    These things all stack up into 2v1 twenty plus minute games, and all you have to do is admit you didn't plan ahead. As stupid of a perk as it could be, Deja Vu tells you exactly which 3 generators you're supposed to work on first.

    I don't consider 3v1 or 4v1 to be hostage worthy in any sense of discussion, because if the killer can't one of four other players during a 3-gen, there's clearly other issues present.

    To suggest that survivors can hold the game hostage is to assume the survivors can control the killer to the point of rendering the Killer's ability completely useless, irrespective of the killer players skill. You gotta be hacking, glitching, or something that isn't normally and consistently found in the game to be able to set up the conditions to make the trial's closure impossible.

    What if a generator spawns in an impossible location? That's the devs holding the survivors hostage, also there's other generators

    What if a survivor falls through the floor? That's incidental hostage negotiations at best, but it's not like anyone knows a consistent location this happens, and there's a chance the survivor gets stuck. Maybe the survivor didn't intend to fall thru and get stuck. EGC responds if it's just one survivor otherwise the devs have taken multiple hostages inside the hill

    What if the killer is stuck inside a pallet? Devs holding killer hostage, unless a survivor has Any Means Necessary, in which case it is specifically that singular survivor holding the killer hostage.

    How about locker glitches? Still the devs.

    Okay, but what happens when the killer/survivors intentionally do any of these things? The devs will probably add a special Key/Mori for these situations, because.

    Totally preposterous.

  • perezkarlo37
    perezkarlo37 Member Posts: 55

    I also have something similar. If a killer 3 gened the last two survivors and instead of chasing them down he just injures them and go back to patrolling, is the game being taken hostage? And if it is, who is taking the game hostage?

    Just a question.

  • emptyCups
    emptyCups Member Posts: 1,262

    they would just do gens if he only injured them ?

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    Has happend to me a couple of times that the last two survivors simply just hid themselves. Took me 15 minutes one time to find them and second time I just DC after 10-15 minutes. Should be bannable and regret that I did not report them.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976


    technically not as the survivors can just do the generators in the killers face.

    Either the killer downs them and they bleed out in 4 minutes or they are able to finish the generators

  • w_sohl
    w_sohl Member Posts: 124

    Nope. Killer can search for them and find them. How do you know they aren't trying to do gens. Maybe they are too scared.

    They are trying to end the game, as soon as the hatch opens. They're looking to escape. That's what both are trying to do. If anything, the killer is holding the game hostage because he isn't looking hard enough.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871
    edited June 2020

    You just said that both Survivors were hiding because they were banking on the other Survivor doing the gens instead. That's how I know neither one are trying to do gens. You can't hold the Killer accountable for not being good enough.

    Anyways, devs/mods have already ruled that the Survivors would be considered holding the game hostage in the scenario you described if it lasts for a long time.