Last 30 games against Legion have been 3k or 4ks. What's up?


Rank 1 Survivor and red-rank killer here with about 200 hours in the game since starting a few months ago.

Started recording my game results awhile back for a personal record as I started getting into purple and red ranks, and I noticed something odd.

By FAR the best-performing killer in my last few hundred games has been Legion. In fact, I've ONLY recorded 4ks or 3ks/hatch escapes against Legion, 33 of them so far. It's not even a contest, Legions have out-performed every other killer I've gone up against. If I average it, Legions get 3.5ish sacrifices per match and the next highest is Freddy at 2.8ish. Doesn't matter if I'm in a SWF or playing with randoms, against a red-rank Legion w/ crazy add-ons or a green-rank with just one perk trying to do archives, they win games every single time against me and my teams.

Everyone says Legion is low-to-mid tier, but neither myself, my other rank-one friends, nor any of the hundreds of randoms I've lobbied with have ever won against a Legion with me in the lobby. I wish I was exaggerating...

So what's up? It's obvious that I don't know how to play against Legion I guess, but I do pretty well against literally every other killer, at least well-enough to maintain Rank 1/2 for a bit now. Is this random chance? Is it possible that I'm bad enough against ONE PARTICULAR killer that my presence just immediately throws the game? IDK what's up.

tl;dr I'm a rank one surv who has literally never won a game against a legion, are they secretly god-tier? (Unlikely) How do I play against Legion?


  • ohheyitsbobcat
    ohheyitsbobcat Member Posts: 1,661

    Legion has the opposite effect as the Nurse IMO. Nurse is top tier but when you see one they are often really bad because you need to be super good to do anything. With Legion they are super basic so you don't have to worry about mastering anything to do well with them and as such they do pretty well since they can multi-injure and use Frenzy to get around for some minor map pressure and awareness that other low tiers don't really have. Not only that but Legion brings out the stupid in people; I see people make more mistakes when I play Legion than any other killer and I'm certainly not great. I'm not bad but not great.

    Against high tier teams Legion is pretty bad and fairly low tier but against your normal Joe's he does quite well.

  • alaenyia
    alaenyia Member Posts: 650

    I generally suicide out of Legion matches because I can not stand this killer. So me or people like me may be throwing off your chart because we chose to leave, but it counts as a kill for the Legion.

  • Saitamfed
    Saitamfed Member Posts: 1,620
    edited June 2020

    Legion might not have the "strongest" power, but most of the people don't know how to play Legion properly. Most of them stab you in Frenzy and choose to finish Frenzy, but that's not optimal since Legion has a 4 second stun.

    Legion is my main and it's such an amazing killer in good hands, and terrific in great hands.

    Post edited by Saitamfed on
  • MadArtillery
    MadArtillery Member Posts: 826

    Honestly he's no where near as bad as people say. Atleast vs the average survivors who heal too much. Also a heck of a lot of fun running and vaulting.

  • csandman1977
    csandman1977 Member Posts: 2,358

    Ive always thought that legion was the perfect training killer. All his power does is make you run faster and learn to deal with 360s better. You must rely on map knowledge and tile knowledge. His power is so bad it actually increases your basic game skills.

  • Warcrafter4
    Warcrafter4 Member Posts: 2,917

    Most people just give up vs legion or do not know how to play against them.

    How to play against legion:

    1. If you see someone go into deep wounds RUN unless you know your are far enough away from legion to not be revealed.
    2. If legion is chasing you run to a side of the map you think your team won't be on (Like running legion to a completed generator in a corner).
    3. You just rendered most of legion's power worthless and now he is stunned so you can make even more distance or if he's not chasing you can return to work on a gen.
  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    Quite simple actually, when people make tierlist they assume everyone at the best of their game. But that just doesn't happen in a real match

    Most survivors can't deal with being injured all the time against a good killer who mindgames. But you see everywhere how if you don't heal against legion it's an easy win

    So all these survivors that can't deal with being injured stay injured and Legions just snowball with one down after another

    That's why tierlist, or how i like to call them theorylist, shouldnt be taken seriously. They only matter for the 1% that plays at peak performance

    Another example is how everybody puts nurse on s+ but can you remember last time you died to a nurse. Stats wise she's probably the least powerfull killer

  • DwightOP
    DwightOP Member Posts: 2,328

    Legion is pretty solid most of the time.

    If lucky you can injure the entire squad in under 20 seconds of the beginning of the match.

    If survivors choose to stay injured it's good for you, noed for the entire match. If they heal you can repeat frenzy and keep them busy healing

  • Mat_Sella
    Mat_Sella Member Posts: 3,545

    because Legions challenges require him to do well, Survivor challenges usually result in you doing things in a suboptimal manner so that you can finish things in one go.

    So when legions and survivors both have challenges to do, chaos ensues and legion just thrives in the disaster.

    also Discordance is Legions perk and there are numerous co-op challenges for survivors to complete, further making survivors suffer.

  • Theetis
    Theetis Member Posts: 153

    Two words.



  • Ghoste
    Ghoste Member Posts: 2,135

    Like many have said, it's because of healing. As soon as I see my teammates healing vs. Legion, I know the game is pretty much lost.

  • Todgeweiht
    Todgeweiht Member Posts: 3,666

    People just go full potato mode when playing against legion for whatever reasons, I have had red ranks hide IN ######### LOCKERS when my frenzy is active

  • PrincessPoop
    PrincessPoop Member Posts: 919

    I main legion and I can confirm they are not as weak as everyone makes them out to be. The only time I struggle with legion is on maps like Ormond and haddonfield, or against super optimal swf who know how to split up.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    It's because Legion is not a bad killer. They are solid mid tier, especially with the right build. I consistently 4k 3/4 gen as Legion. Really the only maps I struggle are the really big ones like Ward.

  • OhMyWords
    OhMyWords Member Posts: 230

    you can do fine against nurse but not legion?

    spirit? hillbilly? freddy? Survivor players in higher ranks tend to complain about these killers because "too easy for high reward" or "busted" or "overtuned". Not false. Anyways how the hell did you get to rank 1 with only 200 hours? about 600 hrs in and the highest ive got is with spirit before the nerf. PC

    It might be random chance. Solos generally lost to legion from my experience. You didn't give an example match or the strategy you (including your teammates) play against legions so it's really hard to tell.

    Would also want to know your platform. I don't know how ps4 or xbox or switch community functions with those fps

  • BubbaMain64
    BubbaMain64 Member Posts: 546

    Because Legions power has potential to be opressive. Many people say Legion is weak because they go against rank 20s who play him because they think he looks cool. Forcing survivors to either heal or be 1 shot while also having a bleed out is nasty mixed with Hex: Ruin. By no means the best killer but I play him frequently and can say that he can hold his own. I think another thing is that many pepega survivors will try to pallet stun them out of frenzy or dead hard hits to avoid frenzy for some reason. If you're the first person he hits he's probably going to chain hits so keep the pallet for later. The only time I see it as beneficial is during the early game to rob them of pressure with frenzy stabs.

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