Confirmed, its better playing dbd on ps4 then xb1...

My ps ^^^
My xbox^^^
I bought a ps4 mainly for predator hunting grounds, I thought why not try dbd on here as I was having a real rotten time getting face camped, tunneled off the hook & d'cing team mates on Xbox, just look how quick I got to red rank on ps4 playing solo survivor on u.k servers, sure I got same treatment on ps4 but a heck of alot less than Xbox, I highly recommend playing this game on Playstation as Xbox seems more toxic!...
This doesn't really prove anything you need to start at rank 20 on both systems and record how many matches you took to get there.
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Theres really no point in switching platforms with crossplay around the corner.
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Thats cause we dont ######### around on xbox. Sounds like youre right where you need to be, where its cushy and soft
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Your welcome to spend your own money & buy both consoles/games & do that, I'm just telling how it is from my experience, I was ready to uninstall playing on xb1 but since playing ps4 im enjoying the game again.
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Which one did you hit rank 4 on first?
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Nah I'm a lazy sloth. I'm glad you are enjoying the game again though hope to sacrifice you soon.
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The game is only toxic if you let it become toxic. Some players are just looking for attention and it's up to you to entertain it. 9/10 these players will not say the things they say if you saw them in person.
I enjoy the game for it is, here and there I'll entertain a player foolishness and then keep it moving. I enjoy my time on the Xbox, and I look forward to play with players on other systems.
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I hit red on Xbox 1st I've edited my post 👍
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It would actually be pretty interesting to see how the kill rates vary from one platform to tge next.
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there is the fact that your skills transferred over to ps4, its not like you will play much differently just by buying a new console.
as for ranking up i could do the same starting from rank 20 to rank 1 on either side as soon as i get down the difference in the controller. like unless you are literally new to the game on both consoles which is impossible then this proves nothing.
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@Dead_by_Gadfly I would guess the killrates are about the same really. Even if the killers were better on one platform than the other, that would just promote the survivors to adjust more on that platform. That's one reason I'm guessing people who've been really use to 360ing on console to be hti with a rude awakening when they have to play against PC killers.
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You had an easier time on PS4 because you knew the game much better. I bet, if I started over somewhere else, it wouldn't take me long to raise my rank to something decent either.
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From my experience
Xbox is always worse online and tbh its not even close its by far a worse community
I really dont want crossplay because of it and I'm not the only one who says that. I only do single player games on my Xbox
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@LordGlint you think so? I figured 360s with a controller is easier so pc killers may not be ready. Im ASSUMING hitting pc users is going to be a little easier as the jukes wont be as good. But i guess well see.
As for the killrates yeah im sure there isnt much difference
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@Dead_by_Gadfly PC killers are already use to playing against survivors on controllers... The reason why 360ing is so effective on console isnt because controllers 360 better or anything, its because the killers your 360ing dont have nearly as good of control over their character to be able to keep up with it. If you try 360ing a PC killer... your just gonna get smacked. Its not gonna work out for you NEARLY as often. You might be able to do it against newbies, but goodluck ever getting away with that in the later ranks. If the reason why you last so long in chases is because you were able to 360 your way out of trouble when you messed up... your not gonna last so long against a killer who can smack you down.
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@LordGlint if thats true then yeah a lot of survivors are in trounle. Half of them (in the reds mind you) dont even bother looping. Run to pallet, camp, drop, run, repeat. If killer catches up hope he cant hit the juke. Honestly its not even the 360s that are so bad. Its what I call the flick. Tgey cut left like theyre going to 360 then immediately cut right. Thanks to aim dressing (🙄) the killers camera and weapon are still going left and by tge time it catches up survivors already gone.
Itll be fun to play against pc killers. Looking forward to it
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@Dead_by_Gadfly Yeah... thats not really a thing here, lol. People might do it as a last ditch effort, but its not something to bank on. In the last month, I could probably count on 1 hand the amount of times a survivor has made me wiff an attack because of a "flick". Fortunately with the change of MMR... all these survivors wont know they arnt playing at "rank 1" anymore and will just assume they're the creme of the crop.
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So what you’re saying is the killers on PlayStation are pushovers and there for that’s your reason as for why it’s better? Lol
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I mean... You're right when it comes to toxicity. I don't even read messages anymore when playing DBD. After literally every single game at least 1 message pops up and it has never been a gg hahahaha...
I think the devs also mentioned XBOX had the highest number of mori users.
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Oh man do I have news for you!
I play on Xbox and this stuff you mentioned rarely happens. I just got tunneled last match after along while and I have been maintaining rank 1 for a little while.
Anyways doesn’t really matter when CrossPlay is about to exist so this argument is about to go away
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Go ahead, fight with your fury in the console wars.
Meanwhile, I'll be sharpening my chainsaw.