i can't wait for crossplay

OhMyWords Member Posts: 230

It will be the best update. Windows store is xbox store so there is no reason to not add xbox with PC. The elephant in the room, Sony, has allowed crossplays with xbox, allowing us to enjoy some games with them. Now, sony will remain god tier in console because of it's AAA exclusive titles. However, it's also necessary to note nintendo being a solid contender with it's share of exclusives and portability. The xbox has yet to prove it's value being a cheaper and less efficient PC. Still, all of these consoles require a subscription for online gameplay.

This is all poppycock. PC is the true and only gaming platform that is capable of 144 hz better yet 240 hz, modding, mouse and keyboard, superior graphics.

It's no surprise that PC will have an easier time compared to console gamers!