A moment to say thanks to all of our "Trusted" members
Well, thank you very much. But I was jailed before at some point :P
Also I like to discuss and am not always the nicest person, so I will most likely get myself banned at some point, haha.
Since I am already writing here - isnt @LordGlint a trusted member already? I mean, he has a red Profile Picture.
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Well there's no time limit on the removal, but coming back might be a possibility.
That's pretty much the story of how i became Trusted: Was meh, became more positive.
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No, thats for "Forum User of the Month", which is a thing I think they dropped after like 2 people after me (I was the first). To my knowledge, I'm the only one who uses the pfp.
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Fibi told me You can still get trusted even if you were jailed, howd you get the jail icon removed from your profile pic tho?
@LordGlint isnt isnt actually a trusted member, he explains where he got the red profile pic from on his wall, Basically he was fourm member of the month which is something they stopped doing
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It means that she can’t comment as much or post discussions temporarily, she was jailed.
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Yeah good riddance*spit*
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Fibijean is a girl?
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@GrootDude @toxicnancymain @Elk
Yall mind doin me a favor and finding me on Discord? Shouldnt be too hard, and yall are good people.
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Tell that red feng min person to bring back the feng min pfp or i will sue them
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I can try
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Sure, cant do it now tho since i need to sleep
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I know how you feel about the polarising thing there. I don't think that I'll ever be "Trusted" because of it, and in some ways I feel like there's less pressure because of it.
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I'll always be Trusted to the community, the tag nor profile picture isn't needed for me to define myself. 😅
Thanks for the props, you're a fantastic person! ❤
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I'm not use to seeing you without your tag Elky, I'll have to get use to it! 😅❤
The same goes for Grooty Wooty!
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Why would i talk to someone like...that. Ew.
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For a good portion of us, yes. It will be some getting used to. But eh. Nicky...ew.
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Despite the current... predicament, I feel like this still stands perfectly. These people helped shape these forums, and shape this community, and even though many of them may not have the tag anymore, you guys will always hold a special place in all our hearts. You guys are all wonderful- so thank you for helping us out.
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Hugs you 🤗
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You're too kind 💜 I really appreciate it.
You're my favorite Nancy Main ^_^
And to all the trusted members, you will always be adored & sought out irregardless of the title being there or not 😇
Just like BHVR, you are our FAVORITES.
@GrootDude @Fibijean @Boosted_Dwight @Elk @FireHazard @Boss @LordGlint @Poweas (<--- I know you last two are not a trusted members but you might as well be)
Edit: Oh my GAWD, oh my GAWD. How could I forget the amazing @NMCKE !!!!
This applies to you too darlin'! <3
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Gasp you did forget Nick....oooo Im telling! *running* *falls down* 😭
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You are also trusted in my book! 💖
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This is why we don't run in the BHVR halls guys. *helps you up & rubs some glitter in your wound*
There ^.^
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Ooooo! Pretty!
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Was never sure if it would just be there still after ya change or if youd have to ask a mod to swap it back
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I dunno... saw another profile pic earlier that looks pretty metal. Feel like I'm working towards that one now, lol.
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Yall are too much, lol
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I dunno what happened for BHVR to remove trusted statuses...
Thanks to all the "trusted" members. I have not been a member of the forums as long as i've been playing dbd.
Even though BHVR can take away your trusted status, they can't take the impact you've had on the forums.
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Thanks dude, although you should probably take my place. I'm battling alot of #########, and chances of me making through it are slim, no point in making someone a trusted who could just disappear one day without a trace.
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Additionally you are by far one if the nicest people I've met on the forums, and I think everyone would agree with me that you'd deserve to be a trusted member.
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now you have glitter blood ^_^
we're related!
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This thread is so wholesome
It's a nice change of pace
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I'm sorry, lemme fix that...er...
better? lol
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Thanks a lot, but I'm way too passive-aggressive nowadays, doubt I'd make a good trusted. But thanks for the thought!
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Thanks, but I'm not quite cut out to be trusted. Ty for the thought though! <3
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Trusted or not, you're amazing member to have in our community and we're all so happy to have you back in the forums! I hope you and many others alike will make a permanent stay here! 😊❤
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Aw ty <3
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Isn't fibijean the nice one who writes out all the dev stream info? Dunno why they'd put someone like that in the naughty cage but ok.
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You know i'm glad they cancelled that whole Forum User of the Month stuff
They really can't compare to the REAL trusted members
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They gave up on that FAST, lol. I'm pretty sure there was 3 of us total.
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And yet, there is only one King.
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Yeah...hopefully that gets sorted out quickly.
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I'm gonna say it.
@NMCKE Is the only Trusted that I trust.
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Here is an explanation of the Trusted program: https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/89809/pilot-the-trusted-members
It does not, paradoxically for the term "Trusted," extend anymore benefit of the doubt to someone than any other forum member would have.