We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

Fan Killer -The Cyclops (Open to name suggestions)

macFuz Member Posts: 1

I'm going to be working on Digital Artwork for this Killer to neaten it up and add colour.

Power: Essence Collector - While injured, a survivor leaves behind Prey Essence which empowers the Killer. When it is full, the Killer can either activate Hunter or Tracker Mode.

Tracker Mode: All scratch marks and blood splats appear more vividly and injured survivors auras are revealed to you within your Terror Radius.

Hunter Mode:

Passively in both Modes, Survivors make more noise such as breathing.


Side Effects - When a Survivor has fully healed to the Healthy State within 10/15/20 meters of you, they suffer the Exposed status effect for 30 seconds.

Preying on the Weak - You become Obsessed with one survivor. If your Obsession is injured, you can see their aura within a 15/20/25 meter cone.

Hooked on a Feeling - The more you hook survivors before the Final Stage, you gain a token, stackable to 4 which are immediately spent during a lunge attack to increase the distance or during a pallet stun to bypass it


Pig's Snout (Common)/Dog's Snout (Uncommon)/Bear's Snout(Rare) - Slightly/Moderately/Considerably increases how frequent and vivid blood trails appear.

Human's Ear(Common)/ Dog's Ear(Uncommon)/Bat's Ear(Rare) - Slightly/Moderately/Considerably increases how well you can hear survivors

Scrap of Clothing(Common)/Human Hand(Uncommon)/Survivor's Eye(Rare) - Slightly/Moderately/Considerably increases the duration of Tracker Mode

Femur Bone(Common) - Considerably Increases your lunge during Hunter Mode

Broken Ribcage(Uncommon) - Considerably Increases your speed during Tracker Mode

Human Skull(Rare) - Considerably Increases the range at which you read Injured Survivor's auras

Fingernail(Common)/Human Arm(uncommon) Slightly/Moderately increases the rate at which you gain Prey Essence

Entity Appendage(Rare) - You're Obsessed with one Survivor. Considerably increases the rate at which you gain Prey Essence from your Obsession

Barbed Claws (Very Rare) - Causes the Mangled status effect for 60 seconds, until fully healed, when a survivor is injured during Tracker Mode

Razor Claws (Very Rare) - Causes the Hindered status effect for 60 seconds, until fully healed, when a survivor is injured during Tracker Mode

Acidic Claws (Very Rare) - Causes the Broken status effect for 60 seconds when a survivor is injured during Tracker Mode.

Scratched Eye (Very Rare) - Considerably increases how vivid and frequent scratch marks appear in Hunter and Tracker Mode

Bloodied Eye (Ultra Rare) - Tremendously increases the length of Hunter Mode. Apply the Exposed Status to any healthy survivor during Hunter Mode. Tremendously increases Prey Essence required to activate Hunter Mode

Seeker's Eye (Ultra Rare) - Tremendously increases the range of aura reading and able to read the auras of Healthy Survivors during Tracker Mode. Tremendously increases Prey Essence required to activate Tracker Mode


  • SenhorR
    SenhorR Member Posts: 4

    So, interesting idea, but this power could be much better, you know, these effects would come in much better as perks and do not add much as power in fact.